2019/2020 Winter Heating Oil Prices

Hackettstown Oil - $2.56 online, $2.66 phone

Liberty Discount Fuel - $2.399 online

Greenworks - $2.449 online

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '19

Thanks for this, Calico....We filled up a few weeks ago but with this cold weather...know we will be doing this again soon..

joyful joyful
Nov '19

Why is Liberty .17 less than Htown oil? Anybody know? Can we hear from the folks at HTown oil?

Jim King
Nov '19

Just call them and ask them to match the price.

Walleyed Walleyed
Nov '19

So thankful I have natural gas. Budget plan costs me $68 a month to heat a 3,000 sq. foot home with all gas appliances.

Steve Steve
Nov '19

"Why is Liberty .17 less than Htown oil? Anybody know? Can we hear from the folks at HTown oil?"

Ummm....what? How is this even a serious question?

Enlighten me please, Josh.

Jim King
Nov '19

I believe it's called competition. Same reason gas prices differ, groceries differ, and almost anything else where there is more than one supplier or outlet.

Really? Never heard of that MK. Thanks. So the info.in this thread might reduce the quantity demanded from Htown oil while increasing QD from Liberty? Does competition then encourage H.O. to lower its price? If not why not? Which brings us back to my first post.

Jim King
Nov '19

I don't think that H Oil will match the Liberty price.
I would be interested though and will call them tm to ask if they would.

This is amusing....

Why would expect different companies to have the same expenses to operate their business ????

steven steven
Nov '19

I have always used Liberty, they are fair!

Instead of asking the company to price match why not just use the cheaper company?

Summer Summer
Nov '19

Hackettstown Oil promo code is FALL19 for $19 off your order. 201 gallon delivery came quickly for just under $2.45/gal.

I called Hackettstown oil to see if they would match the price from liberty,they said no

"Why would expect different companies to have the same expenses to operate their business ????"

Exactly- maybe they have newer or better maintained trucks, safer tires or brakes as an example.

Maybe they pay their guys a little better, or offer a better benefit package. More office staff, better office software and equipment.

Maybe they have a company Christmas party.

Or maybe they just want a more profitable business.

Back to competition. Hackettstown Oil is making money and has been for many years. They match some prices and offer deals at various times. That is their business model. It works for them. They know their bottom line better than anyone outside making comments. Since no one is going out of business and you get choices on suppliers/prices it seems like a good deal for all concerned.

By the way , you can usually get oil even cheaper if you do a "pre-buy" in the summer months !

steven steven
Nov '19

hi, I called Hack Oil today and they said that the reason they do not price-match Liberty Oil is because last year with the polar freeze Liberty let many customers down and many of them moved over to H Oil... but H Oil was not approving of the treatment of Liberty's former customers as Liberty was said to lie about the delivery dates and times more often than not...
please let me know

I have used Liberty many times and never had an issue. I also like the fact that Liberty doesn't charge my card until after delivery and then charges for what was delivered. H Oil charges your card for the full capacity of your tank and then issues a credit after delivery. Which is kooky because tanks cannot be filled to capacity anyway.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '19

"Just call them and ask them to match the price."

Nope, Hackettstown oil will not match liberty's price, I called and asked a few months ago. I too got a load of b.s. from H-oil as to why they don't price match.

In my experience, Liberty is fine as long as you are not on a time crunch. They are not very reliable as to when they say they will come....which is not a big deal as long as you don't run your tank almost empty before ordering. When I ordered they said they would "try" to make it Tuesday, they ended up coming on a Thursday...big whoop....but apparently it is enough for Hackettstown oil to forego the "we will match any price" slogan......mmmmmmhmmmm.......I now use liberty....especially after H-oil's apparent price gouging last year.

After I had to listen to the "excuses" as to why H-oil doesn't price match to Liberty, they lost a customer...I will not use h-oil again unless I absolutely have to.

Darrin Darrin
Nov '19

hey Josh and mk, , it's competition... ok.. who wins??

Jim King
Nov '19

I never said competition- re-read what I wrote and stop being obtuse.

Cheapest price (on anything, anywhere) does not mean win.

We just moved into Port Murray a year and a half ago.

The owner of our house was invaluable with regard to the best prices or best places for various products and services. We figured they'd know since they built their house back in 1974 and had been here ever since.

They told us Liberty Oil in PA was the least expensive oil company and they'd used them for years. Of course, we looked at their prices first and then being good consumers, shopped around at other oil companies as well.

Each and every time, Liberty was the lowest priced oil. That's the only company we've gotten our oil from since the day we moved in. And if I'm being honest, we haven't run into the scheduling problem that some folks have experienced with them. They've always come when they said they were coming.

Cathy R Cathy R
Nov '19

"I called Hack Oil today and they said that the reason they do not price-match Liberty Oil is because last year with the polar freeze Liberty let many customers down and many of them moved over to H Oil... but H Oil was not approving of the treatment of Liberty's former customers as Liberty was said to lie about the delivery dates and times more often than not..."

Who knows whether Hackettstown Oil's claim is factually true or not.

Liberty didn't let us down during any polar freeze. Methinks Hackettstown Oil may have gotten a FEW Liberty customers and they're exaggerating a bit with the word "many" customers.

In either event, I have no desire to pay Hackettstown Oil's higher prices because they might pay their workers better or have higher overhead costs. That's the beauty of free enterprise - we can purchase from whatever company we desire - and we desire to pay less for the same exact thing.

Cathy R Cathy R
Nov '19

No worry about a match now, Liberty is up to $2.45 this AM. Maybe all the chatter here helped them decide to raise the price a bit and still be lower than Hackettstown Oil current price.

The price of WTI crude has not gone up, so something caused them to raise their price.

Maybe they want a nicer Christmas party than Hackettstown Oil.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Nov '19

cash heating oil newton nj 2.37 gal.

farm boy farm boy
Nov '19


Farms order to local companies. Just give yourself enough time. Seems cheapest option that I have found.

farm boy, have you ever ordered from this company in Newton? Were you happy (or not) with the service as well

I ordered from Liberty on Tuesday and they gave me a Friday delivery date. They came Wednesday. Obviously, no delivery problem.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '19

Anyone know of a recent promo code for Hackettstown Oil?

Jan '20

I am sticking with Hackettstown Oil because of their internet ordering service and very quick deliveries.Why quibble over a few cents in price.

Jan '20

Rt206 $15 off

Philliesman Philliesman
Jan '20

So appreciative I have gaseous petrol. The spending plan costs me $35 per month to warm a 1700 sq. foot home with all gas machines.

If you call Hackettstown Oil, they will match prices.

Walleyed Walleyed
Jan '20

I just ordered from Liberty at $2.399/gallon online price. Hackettstown Oil's online price is $2.50/gallon.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '20

You need the coupon with hackettstown oil

Feb '20

WTI prices for barrel of crude on the NY Mercantile Exchange is down close to $50 per barrel now, even slipped below $50 per barrel for a time yesterday.

It has been sliding downward mainly due to the scare of the corona virus on the China and world economy. Once this threat clears, it will give rise to prices, but enjoy the lower prices at the gas pumps for now, and for your home heating oil.

I predict it will sit at around $50 per barrel for at least a few more weeks, so if you can't take minimum delivery of oil to place an order right now, you have some time before the price spikes back up.

What does the WTI price mean to us, the normal everyday people that have to worry about the price of gas and oil? Everything. The price of a barrel of oil is directly proportional to how much gas and heating oil cost. (and, in the long run, high barrel of oil prices will affect production and shipping costs of goods)

My general rule of thumb on prices used to be that right around $50 per barrel of oil is where the price of gas and heating oil should be right around $2.50 per gallon.

Due to where the prices are when WTI started to come down, we are a bit below that, thankfully.

We all know it takes one world event or disaster at a refinery to make that happen. Enjoy the low- and possibly lower prices..... for now.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Feb '20

Liberty down to $2.379 as of Feb 11.

Lamppost Lamppost
Feb '20

Anybody see the hackettstown oil truck advertising $20 coupon

Feb '20

Bug3 - I'm seeing $10 off on Valpak.


Calico696 Calico696
Feb '20

Hackettstiwn oil is $20 off with mobile truck code "SWANTRUCK"...ad on side of truck driving around Hackettstown

Feb '20

Try codoil.com. says it's 2.09 if you need over 150 gallons.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Feb '20

Re: 2019/2020 Winter Heating Oil Prices

Just got an email from Liberty with a $25 off code for 150 gallons or more. Figures that I just filled up.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '20

Did NOT see any coupon in the VALUEPAK for Hackettstown Oil. Called them today and the ONLY discount with them is "LOYAL 10" at the moment. Is at $2.45 a gallon right now.

The Value Pak had coupons for:

Ariba Oil
J&M Fuel
AJ's Fuel

Read their coupons well. Different promotions !!!

Bernie Bernie
Feb '20

Bernie - I posted the link to the Valpak coupon a few posts up.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '20

Liberty @ 2.379

Use code PRESIDENTS2020 to receive $25.00 off your order of 150 gallons or more! Online orders only. Expires 11:59PM February 17, 2020.

djdowd djdowd
Feb '20


SWANTRUCK works fine. .it was advertised on their trucks...$20 off

Feb '20

Liberty now down to $2.349 as of Feb 26

Lamppost Lamppost
Feb '20

If you can hold off for a couple more days, you probably will see Liberty down to $2.29 per gallon in the next week, based on the dropping oil market.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Feb '20

Liberty now down to $2.329 as of Feb 27.

Lamppost Lamppost
Feb '20

Will it drop propane prices as well?

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Feb '20

Yes! ALL ENERGY PRICES are at BASEMENT PRICES ...as long as the COVirus-19 continues to spread throughout the world. [adding Propane is part Oil (and Natural Gas)]

Also, it's very likely the Fed will cut the rates on its March17-18 meeting (if not, on its next Apr 28-29 one), again ...as long as the virus effects the world

ftcfda@aol.com ftcfda@aol.com
Feb '20

Here is something off the web that will explain how propane pricing is reflected in the price of crude oil:

"LP(Liquefied Petroleum) gas is a byproduct of both crude oil refining and natural gas processing. Approximately 70 percent of the U.S.’s propane comes from natural gas processors, but LP gas competes more closely with the other byproducts of crude oil. Therefore fluctuations in the price of crude oil are reflected in the wholesale propane price."

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Feb '20

Liberty now down to $2.299 as of Mar 1

Lamppost Lamppost
Mar '20

is there a promo code for liberty oil


Dawn Scupoline Dawn Scupoline
Mar '20

Liberty now down to $2.149 as of Mar 9


Lamppost Lamppost
Mar '20

Liberty now $2.119 as of Mar 10


Lamppost Lamppost
Mar '20


Calico696 Calico696
Mar '20

Liberty online price is 1.99

Firefly Firefly
Mar '20

Codoil.com is 1.949 plus they have a code for
10cents off per gallon right now.

@huh? Where do you see the coupon??

HurricaneF HurricaneF
Mar '20

Use code EMEOS at checkout. Use by 3/31. Prices dropped another dime. If you can wait probably not at bottom yet too

Liberty Oil is at $1.95 per gallon. They have lowered their min delivery down to 100 gallons.

With the oil market plunge end no where in sight - I expect WTI crude to go to $25 per barrel by weeks end.

Why gas prices are still up is unclear- with this price they should be around $2 per gallon - even with our crappy gas tax.

I personally am holding off filling my oil tank until I see evidence of this turning around.

The longer you wait- the more you will save. (The ONLY good news about all this- cheaper fuel costs)

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Mar '20

Oil futures have lost 15% of their value today, currently at $22.81.

Never thought I would see oil below $20 per barrel again in my lifetime, we may see that by tomorrow.

Gas prices are way too high considering what is going on, that should correct very soon.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Mar '20

Liberty Oil down to $1.87. Same advice, wait it out if you don't need oil, prices should go lower.

Gas prices finally have started the downward trend, I saw 2 stations in Great Meadows yesterday at $1.89 and $1.87.

At least we are coming out of the cold winter months, so try to hold off filling that oil tank right now, you will get more money back in your pocket by doing so, and we all can use that.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Mar '20

Enjoy these prices while they last.
My guess is that the shale producers will be shut down because it is not viable for them to produce and our dependency will rise from outside the US. We will see then oil prices rise back up to the $100 a barrel mark or higher. I hope I am wrong but according to a friend of mine that used to work in the Oil Industry, we will pay the price of this cheap oil.

Mr 4paws Mr 4paws
Mar '20

Wow, hard to believe that gas prices somewhere as remote as Great Meadows are that low. The lowest price in the Flemington area is 2.19 at Costco... everywhere else is still around $2.25-2.35.

ianimal ianimal
Mar '20

Re: 2019/2020 Winter Heating Oil Prices

Costco down under $2.00. Places in Pburg-area still at the 2.20-2.25 range...

ianimal ianimal
Mar '20

Liberty Oil is down to $1.79 per gallon on heating oil.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Mar '20

Liberty Oil $1.75 per gallon heating oil

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Apr '20

why is Hackettstown oil always so much higher then liberty oil.

I put in hackettstown’s zip code, where I am, $1.64

Apr '20


Water now costs more than Oil --- which will slash Propane & Gas as well !!!


Hummers getting 8 miles per gallon are back in favor? - Krazy Werld out Dair {0v0}

aol123@aol.com aol123@aol.com
Apr '20

Time to go back to the gold standard.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '20

Pretty much means the oil market for May 2020 contract sales has no place to put it or sell it to - due to lack of storage or use.

Once they switch over to selling for June 2020 contact sales in another week, the price should go positive again.

How much more into the positive over $10 will be a question.

At this point- the low prices aren't even reaching the consumers to the levels they should be- as gas stations and home heating oil suppliers know we can't buy crude oil and make gas and heating oil on our own at home.

But- NJ is charging more than it should for gas- just go over to PA and even with their higher fuel taxes- they are paying less than we are in NJ for fuel.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Apr '20

It is amazing how oil can be a negative $40 a barrel yet we still pay over $2 at the pump. I have no problem letting them choke on it. They've taken advantage of consumers for too long. Go ahead and try and drink it.

Steve Steve
Apr '20

Hackettstown Oil is still showing $1.95/gal how is this possible? If there was a crisis and oil was at $150/barrel vs the $20 it is now we would see the price rise instantly.

Gas in NY State is at a low of .89 cents while the NJ low is about $1.55.

No demand right now, Steve. Most people are not driving much. I've been working at the same place in Morris County for 24 years and for the first time ever gas is cheaper there than out here. Usually, it's about twenty cents more per gallon on average. My regular gas station is still at $2.15 but I paid $1.87 last week near work. Nuts!

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '20

liberty oil now at 1.65 a gallon.why is Hackettstown oil at 1.95.is it the same oil.

Hackettstown oil uses moneymailer coupons

Apr '20

I bought 300 gallons of heating oil today @$1.49 from codoil.com.

Weedwacker Weedwacker
Apr '20


You’re fortunate to have the capacity to take 300 gallons.

Lamppost Lamppost
Apr '20

I have tank space capacity to take 2,500 gallons.

Weedwacker Weedwacker
Apr '20

Calling Eastern about a propane fill today. Has anyone just filled so I have a comparison. Thanks in advance.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '20

CraftBob - I also have Eastern Propane. Last week they told me their price was 2.09/gal. I decided to wait, because I think prices will continue to drop (I have enough to last until the summer).

FYI, I always check the price at Advantage Propane before doing anything. Their prices are usually quite low and they give me some leverage when dealing with Eastern. Last week their prices varied from 1.75 to 1.99, depending on quantity. Go to the following website and get a price quote (you have to enter your email address).


FarmerJake FarmerJake
Apr '20

Liberty is down to $1.62. Best advice, wait as long as you can before making a purchase, the low prices should be around another month at least at this point.

Until we get some better news, even though the oil market has recovered somewhat price wise, the glut is not going away anytime soon, and coming into spring and summer, prices should do what they used to do in spring and summer, keep going down.

Less demand, less need to heat the house=lower prices- usually

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Apr '20

I'm waiting for it to get to $1.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '20

just ordered

djdowd djdowd
Apr '20

todays prices,liberty oil 1.62 Hackettstown oil 1.85. how low can you go

Cod oil 1.39 a gallon.

Tshell72 Tshell72
Apr '20

Had to read that twice. I was wondering what the hell cod oil was. I take an Omega 3 and its only $12 a bottle LOL.

I gather it's C.O.D. pricing. Can't fool me. LOL

cash heating oil newton nj $1.25 gallon, cashheatingoil.com

farm boy farm boy
Apr '20

liberty oil now 1.49 Hackettstown oil now 1.75

Received oil from Hackettstown Oil today at $1.73. I feel these people are dependable and it is a high grade of oil. Some of these other places have had issues in the past.

Be careful when you buy house fuel and when you purchase gas for your autos.

You do know that there are "tears" of gas ????

Bernie Bernie
Apr '20

Sorry Bernie but you way over paid. Codoil.com was 1.29 per gallon yesterday
At 275 gallons you would have saved $130+

Cod oil has always come from Region energy when I order from them so not a fly by night company

Codoil.com seems to require you to request a specific number of gallons and doesn't offer a "fill my tank" option that Liberty Oil does.

Calico696 Calico696
May '20

Not filling the tank gives the option of buying cheaper when prices fall . There is also the option of locking in an early price which I've never done since it could bite you if prices fall steeply . I don't know about different grades of fuel oil or if it is just an urban myth - I just turn the burner off for at least an hour after filling (since bottom of the tank sludge can get stirred up clogging the filter) and get it cleaned each year . But I do buy "TOP TIER" regular gas because my truck seems to run better on it as it keeps the fuel injectors clean .


May '20

Calico--codoil tells u at the bottom of the order page how to request a fill


May '20

Cash heating oil 1.18 today

Darrin Darrin
May '20

Thanks, Abc123. I missed that.

Calico696 Calico696
May '20

Liberty Oil is at $1.45 per gallon now. "Luckily" I am pretty low on oil, but not low enough that I need to get some right away. I will keep on waiting, and hope it goes lower. Wish I had a bigger than 275 gal tank to store it, by next winter I expect we will see the prices higher than they are right now.

And, crazy to think, it still is the heating season, even now as we are in May. by Friday and Saturday, low night temps are predicted to be in the low 30's, hard to believe.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
May '20

liberty oil today at 1.45 Hackettstown oil at 1.75

Cash oil out of Netcong 1.17 online!

I looked up cash oil, could only find it out of Newton?
They were $1.67

Independent observer Independent observer
May '20

Cash Oil is out of Newton, 973- 383-4671, received oil delivery just on May 6th, 1.17 per gallon.

Re: 2019/2020 Winter Heating Oil Prices

I’m going to call this morning but was just on their website.

Independent observer Independent observer
May '20

The trend the past week has been WTI crude going UP, not down. Hack Oil has already raised their price 4 cents the past few days.

I believe we have reached the bottom of the oil market, with a big caveat, for now. A reopening on a national scale and any roll back to the conditions we have now will crater the market again, but for what we have in front of us the next couple of months, I am predicting the oil market hit the bottom, probably 2 weeks ago.

Have you noticed, gas prices have creeped upward again. Heating oil will not be far behind, but will lag behind, as we are leaving the heating season and they still have a glut of oil to try to sell.

But, the price will go up, and as I already pointed out, it already has for home heating oil.

I pulled the trigger on my purchase of heating oil 2 days ago.

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
May '20

I was going to wait until it got to $1, but figured I might as well not be greedy and order now. I just ordered from codoil.com. It was $1.249/gallon. By far the lowest price I've paid since I've been buying oil for the last 13 years.

Calico696 Calico696
May '20

I just ordered cash heating oil.com $1.16 gallon for Monday delivery ...sounds like a deal to me !

Cash Oil gave me a price of $1.249 for Oxford delivery. So the same as codoil.com for me.

Calico696 Calico696
May '20

liberty oil price is going down now at 1.41 Hackettstown oil prices going up now at 1.69 whats with Hackettstown oil.

KWD......thank you! Called cash oil to day and paid 1.17!

Independent observer Independent observer
May '20

I know this is for heating oil, but can anyone answer why Gas is still high? Heck in Ohio it's under a buck for gas! Is it the state road tax, did they increase it again since driving is way down?

Mr 4paws Mr 4paws
May '20

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