Hackettstown Guns & Ammo - Indoor range

I've been hearing a rumor that Hackettstown Guns & Ammo recently moved across the street after the fire and is looking to open a range in the basement. Any truth or additional info available on this?

JB400 JB400
Jul '18

According to their Facebook page it is planned but I am not sure where I the process they are. If you stop in and ask for Walt he could give you the latest.

Wow that seems safe.

Htown Htown
Jul '18

"Wow that seems safe."

Wow, that seems like a really uneducated comment. This certainly wouldn't be the world's first indoor range.

Calico696 Calico696
Jul '18

"Wow that seems safe."

Care to clarify or is all things gun related scary and unsafe?

There is a lot we need in Hackettstown and a gun range on main street isn't one of them. Go to an outdoor range or the large indoor range in ledgewood!

Htown Htown
Jul '18

"There is a lot we need in Hackettstown and a gun range on main street isn't one of them."

Ok, didn't know it was solely up to you. Sheesh!

Calico696 Calico696
Jul '18

It's not up to me just stating opinion. Can't see how this would be a good idea. Old building, no parking or ventalation. Oh well! I doubt it will even happen. Have a good night.

Htown Htown
Jul '18

To show how safe it is, they should put a daycare right upstairs.

EuphoriaMourning EuphoriaMourning
Jul '18

There is plenty of meter parking on and right off main street so nice try or your argument is valid to oppose any business on main Street.

Ventilation? You know the building specs or any upgrades going into it?

I see this one escalating very very quickly

Do what? Do what?
Jul '18

Everyone is an expert.

Music gal Music gal
Jul '18

Can you guys honestly say there isn't a better place then a main street. Come On! Is it sound proof? What about all the apartments?

Htown Htown
Jul '18

Ranges are designed to hold the ammo in. That being said they have a limit on the firepower they can handle. Back in my ROTC days we used a range on the top floor of an academic building in Philly. It was rate for .22 so that is all we could shoot. It is soundproofed too, so nobody could hear outside, but of course you need ear protection inside.

"Wow that seems safe." - - - ok I'm gonna vote this with a big -1, (Can I get a -2 and a -3 ?)

Please explain how this is unsafe

Have you ever shot a gun? Have you ever owned your own firearm? What's wrong with free American citizens exercising their fundamental, enumerated individual right to 'Keep and Bear Arms' ? Don't you want those who choose to freely exercise their individual rights to be well practiced with their own firearms?

This is a good idea. Personally, I cant wait till this range is open to the public. It will be a real asset to the town.

If you are truly concerned about noise levels you should be onboard with allowing noise suppressors to be legally owned and used.

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Jul '18

At Picatinny, we built the indoor range (up to 25mm rounds) right next to the Legal office. Even if something went wrong, there was no real downside!

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Jul '18


Indoor ranges are safe and are frequently built in cities

Skippy Skippy
Jul '18

They are exploring their options. as far as I know nothing has been decided and obviously if they move forward with the idea all safety precautions including sound proofing would have to be made

Jim L Jim L
Jul '18

I had a feeling once I asked the question it would go here (unfortunately). I think these are legitimate concerns by the uneducated in this area. People think guns and panic. I have been to many ranges and they are perfectly safe. In fact, they make the community more safe IMHO. This is where we get law abiding citizens to become educated and trained in firearms and firearm safety. I am suer the town takes all things into consideration when approving this. The sound, safety, etc. As far as parking, if this was another restaurant or brewery I am sure no one would be saying that. I think it would be a good thing for us and I would love taking my kids there to continue their knowledge and appreciation for firearms.

JB400 JB400
Jul '18

Everybody wants training/practice to be a pre-requisite for gun ownership, but complain when there’s somewhere to do so. Not just here, many outdoor ranges get shut down when people move nearby *afterwards* and then complain about noise, etc from something that was already there. Kind of like moving next to an active airport and then complaining about planes flying over head.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jul '18

If we plan to maintain the firearm control laws as we have them now, I'm actually fine with an indoor gun range. It would help educate and train people who want to use firearms, and if someone insists on having a gun, it's best that they know exactly how to use it.

Personally my first thought, since I'm uneducated about guns like JB400 said, is if there'd be enough space in the basement of a building for a gun range. I have no idea how big they have to be, I assumed much more space/security is required.

honestyseasy honestyseasy
Jul '18

The indoor range at Shongum is something like 50 feet long (and the RSO lives upstairs). Don’t need a huge building.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jul '18

LOL Reggie Voter

Calico696 Calico696
Jul '18

An indoor range in town would be a good asset, just not sure that building would fit all that they are looking to do. The old Chill Out space on East Stiger would make for the perfect location. Big enough to have many lanes, training classes, break room and parking.

Jim L Jim L
Jul '18

I was recently at a range in PA with my kids ages 15 and 13. The range officers did nothing but thank me for bringing them in and teaching them. It was a great experience as the range officers took the time to really educate them and grow their appreciation for the sport. It was as safe as any other recreation activity I can think of.

JB400 JB400
Jul '18

Just want to reiterate something that GreyHawk said above.

It is prohibitively expensive in most states (and completely illegal in New Jersey) to make guns quieter. How does that make any sense?

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jul '18

I think having a range in a basement is great to prevent exterior noise and what’s a better backstop other than baffles and tons of concrete and dirt. It may be prohibitively expensive to ventilate. I think it would represent savings for the town to have their LEOs and HR-218 folks qualify there since the day and night portions can be done at the same location consecutively. At an outdoor range this represents 2 trips.

Skippy Skippy
Jul '18

Agree Jim L! There are lots of good spaces over there.

Htown Htown
Jul '18

Not a good idea? Why? This is the People’s Republic of New Jersey. The only state in the union that considers a B.B. gun a firearm and required a Firearms Purchaser ID card which is only issued after finger printing and an OK by the state police. My point being, of you think you’ll be able to set up an indoor gun range without a zillion legal hoops to jump through, you’re insane. This thing will be more quiet than that a mouse urinating on cotton.

Jul '18

the biggest expense will be the negative pressure, lead free HEPA filtration system
that directs an even air flow down range past the firing line and away from the shooters as well as the noise and pressure exposure standards. they also have to be wet cleanable with a floor drain.

here is the PEOSHA standard for NJ


and the CDC NIOSH standard..


they also have to dispose of the lead zinc and copper in a safe manner.


there is a ton of safety GRC around it but NJ has surprisingly lax laws around this at a state level - they even allow you to rent guns at a range and they are exempt from transfer regulations - ergo if I take someone to the range they can shoot my gun and it is not considered a transfer warranting a 4473 and NICS check.

skippy skippy
Jul '18

Well, Walt owns THAT building, not chill out or any other buildings. For those that can remember, that basement area is pretty big, it used to be the lower floor of Newberrys. I believe an indoor range could easily and safely operate down there.

Jul '18

“ if I take someone to the range they can shoot my gun and it is not considered a transfer warranting a 4473 and NICS check.”

Yet... that’s included in some “universal background check” bills.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jul '18

I understand Walt owns THAT building. My point was given all of the things he wants to have I am not sure it will all fit in that building. A space like the Chill Out would be the ideal place for a gun range. Could compete with the Randolph gun range as far as what they can offer. That place is packed on weekends.

Jim L Jim L
Jul '18

Bang Bang here comes my 6cents I feel that a indoor range in town would be great and they would do well they could even teach a gun safety pro gram for children with in to days time is very much needed I would like to go there and shoot
this would be a plus for the town well that's all

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jul '18

Its like I tell my elderly neighbors downstairs when they complain about my kids running and stopping around and playing loud music. Don’t move where there are kids. YOU Moved into a place where they were already children, so what did you expect?

DonaldTrump DonaldTrump
Jul '18

In the 1960's when I was a youngster we had rifle club every Friday evening at the Morristown Armory. The club was managed by a wonderful man, Ray George. We shot 22 caliber rifles at targets. On Thanksgiving we had a turkey shoot where you shot at pictures of turkeys instead of the standard targets. Behind the turkey were tags with prizes listed. If you happens to hit one you won the prize. This was a terrific opportunity for young and old to enjoy. When I turned 14 and was eligible for a regular hunting license, it was Ray George who gave me my gun safety test. He was a wonderful individual.

I think that if its to be a public range certain criteria should be used to allow shooters access.
Valid I.D.
A firearm purchase I.D.
A one time walk through and safety session with
proof of completion that must be presented at any future
Ammo is to purchased on site to prevent reload miss fire and hot loads
I am sure more should be included but whenever the general public us allowed into makes it an opportunity to be either a pleasant experience or a nightmare thanks for the post

MntnBandit MntnBandit
Jul '18

All of that is an insurance and common sense predicate except the FID. Most places won’t let you shoot alone without one but you should be able to visit with a friend or family member of get instruction without one - seeing as they take 3 months in NJ. Why would anyone who supports gun control oppose safe handling and practice.

Skippy Skippy
Jul '18

Where is the closest range from hackettstown?

Lilith Lilith
Dec '18

Heritage Guild PA or the range in Randolph.

Hot under the collar
Dec '18

Private club would be Shongum in Mansfield (~2 year waiting list to become a member).

RTSP in Randolph (indoor range with rentals, pay per hour).

Sunset Hill outdoor range near Tannersville (individual sheltered bays, pay per hour).

Pennsylvania DCNR outdoor shooting range in Tobyhanna (free but farther drive, basically just an open field with benches, shoot/coordinate at your own risk with others who are present).

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Dec '18

It took me 14 months on the waiting list for Shongum.
I also go to Pocono Pistol in East Stroudsburg Pa. which is worth looking into.

Saw an ad for this place the other day.


JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Dec '18

"Saw an ad for this place the other day.


Place looks cool. Guess we are headed back to the wild wild west with a new modern flavor....

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Dec '18

Thanks Hot under the collar, Mark Mc.and JrzyGirl88.

Lilith Lilith
Dec '18

That’s in West Patterson though - looks like a nice range. I was always surprised Warren county never had a range besides shongum.

Skippy Skippy
Dec '18

I thought that Cobra One in Great Meadows was starting up a range called Gunnar's Ridge Sportsmans Club.

NJSkyWatcher NJSkyWatcher
Dec '18

I know there not real bullets, but the kids in town love Stryker. I meet my brother and his son there. We always have a good time. Most of the kids that go there already have the real deal. My nephew is 13, and hunts as well. If kids and adults use guns with the knowledge and respect using them. Then a gun range would be another learning tool for the next generation.

Outdoor Woman Outdoor Woman
Dec '18

You can definitely learn the 4 rules with airsoft

Skippy Skippy
Dec '18

Did this idea ever get any legs? Or is it not going to happen?

JB400 JB400
Dec '19

Its a great range, come check it out. Use promo code: Htown2020 for a discount

Yeap, is it open? I have not heard of any range opening in Hackettstown.

JB400 JB400
Dec '19

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