Hummingbirds 2024

Any sightings yet?

I had two males at my feeder today. I suspect they have been here a couple of days judging on how much the feeder has gone down.

Mr 4Paws Mr 4Paws
April 29th

We had a male visit yesterday, feeder is out and he sat and drank. Schooley’s Mtn.

Just wondering Just wondering
April 30th

First male showed up yesterday shortly after putting the feeders out. In the mountain in Long Valley.

Blackcat Blackcat
April 30th

Saw the first ones at the feeder late last week.

Yup. The day I put my feeder out last week one came by. We have a few but I think they were just passing thru. More on the way.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
April 30th

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