I have a 50s phonograph/ radio furniture piece and am looking for someone to fix the record player section of it- It is too large to move and I have not found any solution. I love to listen to my collection of vinyl. In addition, I have a non-working (really cool) small mustard-colored TV that I cannot find a repair person. Oh yes (lol) and a large collection of watches that need repair. I am not selling anything- just cannot find any repair people even on the internet. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Watches to O'Neill Jewelers in Mansfield Township. Good people and fair prices.
Phonograph - I suggest googling for a phonograph collectors club or repair source.
Just for the heck of it, you could post on Thumbtack or HomeAdvisor or Angi. Another option is posting on the local Nextdoor forum.
The components of older radios, televisions, and home electronics degrade and fail as time passes - mostly capacitors which need to be replaced. The drive of the phonograph might also have deteriorated as rubber components dry out and break. The TV most likely receives analog signals and would need a converter to receive digital broadcasts. Watches stand up to the test of time much better; I have a 1903 pocket watch that I still use and keeps good time. Watches can be mailed out - Surprisingly here at least (500 miles away from NJ) there are two competent watchmakers less than 20 minutes away.
Thank you for the responses. I cannot find a repair service for the phonograph even with contacting collectors to date. Same issue with the TV. I have sent watches out by mail- never returned. I will try O'Neill- thank you kindly.
If you are handy, you need to do some troubleshooting. Does the turntable have power and turns with no sound coming out? That could be as easy as needing the needle in the arm replaced. If there is no power to it, you would have to trace where the power comes from. That could be a transformer or something similar supplying power. Most people reconditioning a unit like yours replace the old speakers with small bookshelf units in the cabinet. It is most like a DUAL 10" turntable, and you can find them on EBay and some parts suppliers. There also might be a pre-amp and amp involved in the sound production so more troubleshooting there if still nothing. Good luck in your project as usually the end product is great if the cabinet is in good shape.
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