Opinions on Washington Arms and/or Washington Gardens Apartments?

Looking to see if anyone has any experience with either of these apartment complexes in Washington. It's come down between these two for out apartment search so any info would be appreciated.

MakoMiller1984 MakoMiller1984
Jan '24

call up the police dept. and ask which has less crime!

Hackresident Hackresident
Jan '24

Washington Gardens is nice. It sits back off the road and is quite.

Hackresident, a friend of mine is a cop in Washington and I did ask. He said there’s not a real huge difference between the two overall.

Kim, thank you for the recommendation. Do you live there/have lived there?

MakoMiller1984 MakoMiller1984
Jan '24

I know people that have lived in both, and I'd say they're both decent. As Kim said, Washington Gardens is set back off the road nicely. Here's what I would add to your consideration:

1. Washington Gardens does sit close to railroad tracks, and you do hear a freight train once in a while.

2. Washington Arms is pretty close to the Middle School.

FWIW, I'd pick Washington Gardens (without knowing difference in rents)

Route 46
Jan '24


If they’re both decent (ok management, few stories of crappy neighbors) then I think we might end up with Arms. Looking at both places options for 1bd apartments the Arms one is
much bigger. At least according to the listing

MakoMiller1984 MakoMiller1984
Jan '24


I have lived there. The train going by isn't an issue unless the, if 5 minutes would really bother you.
People are nice, most keep to themselves. Alot walk around the complex when the weather is warmer and there's also the Washington Community Garden that's right next to the Property, if your into gardening, you pay for a spot for the year.
Maintenance & Office staff are very nice.

Hopefully that helps regarding Washington Gardens.

Awesome, thanks Kim

MakoMiller1984 MakoMiller1984
Jan '24

I'd really have to ask why anyone would pay those prices. I paid $1220 at my apartment in Greenview Gardens in Hackettstown prior to moving in 2021 to PA and buying a house. That same apartment now goes for $1800... It costs over $500 more than I pay for my house. What am I missing...

Metsman Metsman
Jan '24

There is way more demand for apartments in NJ than there is for houses in your part of PA?

ianimal ianimal
Jan '24

@Metsman Cool story bro.

Cool Story Finder Cool Story Finder
Jan '24

What would your mortgage payment be with today's interest rates?

Many have no savings for a down payment as well.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '24

Current interest rates for a 30-year fixed being up around 7%?

ianimal ianimal
Jan '24

To answer your question Metsman,
Im not going to go into great detail but we are in a situation where we could be required to move at anytime, and if we bought a house we would have to be there for many years in order to not lose money in the process. We can’t risk losing what we have saved up for a home, when we do purchase the house that will be a permanent move.

MakoMiller1984 MakoMiller1984
Jan '24

MakoMiller1984 yea I guess that's a tough spot to be in, you're forced to pay what the rent market is calling for with a life situation like that. Good luck.

MB I'd be paying about $300 more per month with today's interest rates. Still better than an $1800 per month apartment that is maybe 900 square feet.

ianimal I work in the Allentown area so it made sense for me to move. Everyone's situation is different, I just think paying so much for a small space is crazy. The rents in Monroe County PA aren't much better than that part of NJ.

Metsman Metsman
Jan '24

My buddy's dad used to live up on Saylor's Lake... I know the area. Well, THAT area, Monroe County is pretty big.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '24

It's market rate rent, supply & demand. Less supply = higher rents, more supply = lower rents.

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