Good Luck Mayor Maria DiGiovanni

coasterfan98 coasterfan98
Sep '20

Wishing her all the best in the future.

colette colette
Sep '20

Ms. DiGiovanni has been a wonderful mayor and such an asset to our town. I wish her well in this next chapter of her life's journey.

summerrain1 summerrain1
Sep '20

Good luck, Maria!

Calico696 Calico696
Sep '20

Best Wishes to you in your move to be near family! Even though I am not a resident of H'town I saw and admire the good work you and your administration have done for the Town where the Hub and I often dine and shop, and I Thank You.

Mrs. Pipes Mrs. Pipes
Sep '20

I wanted to thank the Mayor publicly during last night's council meeting on Zoom. Unfortunately I foolishly stepped away from my computer for a moment and missed the public comment portion. Ugh.

I too wish the Mayor well as she moves closer to family. Her tenure of 6 years on the Town Council and 9 years as Mayor was unselfish and shows what a faithful public servant she was for our town. Her time spent serving Hackettstown will leave a long lasting positive impact on our community.

Well said Greg.

There a famous quote “ Try to leave the world a better place than how you found it”

And she is definitely leaving Hackettstown in a better place then when she found it 15 years ago. Her time on council and then Mayor helped us get debt free while recovering during on of the worst economic recessions most Small towns have ever faced. She came in as Mayor during Sandy and left during Covid and guided us through both gracefully. She improved our relationship with both Mars and Centenary and helped the town grow while still maintaining its small town charm.

It was an absolute honor to work along side her and while we may not have agreed on everything I never doubted her commitment or dedication to the town. Best of luck to her and her family during this next stage in her life.

Jim L Jim L
Sep '20

As a 40 year resident, I wish good health and happiness to our competent, thoughtful and gracious Mayor. Thank you for your public service.

I wish good health and happiness to our competent, thoughtful and gracious Mayor. Thank you for your public service.-- can't say it better than this.

Thank you, and all the best to you!! Mindfulness and appreciation of our blessings is so very important. You deserve this time to thrive!

hktownie hktownie
Sep '20

well since all of the other threads regarding local elections or town council have been locked, I will post here.

Because Mayor DiGiovanni retired a few months early, there is an opening on town council that will be filled at Thursday's council meeting. Jerry DiMaio, the deputy Mayor will move into the Mayor's position and that will lead a council position open. The Republicans have submitted their 3 names and Council will vote on 1 of them at the meeting.

Also, Janis Meichsner, who was voted in to replace Councilman Hinrichs after he passed away, has already stepped down. So the Democrats had to give 3 new names to be voted on at Thursday's meeting

So Thursday night, Hackettstown will get a new Mayor and 2 new Councilperson.

Then on the Nov 3rd ballot, Councilman Hinrich's position will be up for vote with a Democrat and a Republican on the ballot.

For Mayor, Only Jerry DiMao will be on the Ballot as no Democrat ran

Jim L Jim L
Sep '20

Hi Jim,
Are the names posted anywhere for the public to view?

Sep '20

to answer your question Seenit, the names were announced at last night's town council meeting:

For the Republican open council seat: John Stout, Joe Bristrow and Jim Lambo, I was elected.

For the Democrat open council seat: No names were submitted. That seat will remain vacant until Jan when a person is elected on the Nov 3rd ballot. A Demcract and a Republican will be on the ballot for that seat. I don't know why the Democrats didn't want to fill take seat from now until Jan.

Jim L Jim L
Sep '20

Jim L


I don't understand why the Dem. Party would want to leave a seat on the Council unfilled either. Then again, either they didn't know of anyone they could work with or had some rationale behind it, as in "let's give them an inch...and see what they try to take"

Phil D. Phil D.
Sep '20

Thanks Phil,

Yea I don't understand the logic either. They had 3 names when Councilman Hinrichs passed away with Janis being 1 of them. So when she resigned after just a couple of months you would assume they would submit the other 2 names they used before and just needed to find 1 more name. Shouldn't have been that hard. Oh well, we are down a councilperson for the next 3 months.

Jim L Jim L
Sep '20

Congrats to Jim L. He’s one of us :)

Sep '20

Jim after seeing some of the posts on here and the idiocy you have have had to endure I am not surprised someone does not want that job.

There are, however, some real busy bodies on here that you would think would jump at the chance of being in power. Let 'em have it.

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Sep '20

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