Butternut Squash Recipes

I have 2 large butternut squash that I don't want to go to waste. One of my children is not a fan of squash at all and I am dairy free. I'm trying to find recipes that use the squash as an ingredient but that kind of hides the flavor of it. Does anyone have any good recipes I can try that are family friendly? We are a family of 6 so something I can adapt to feed all of us.

jrsemom jrsemom
Mar '19

Co-worker and my daughter both love it roasted.

Bessie Bessie
Mar '19

I love it roasted too but a certain 17 year old doesn't. I'm trying to find ways to incorporate it into our meals without making it the primary flavor. Usually I just make him suck it up but if I can find ways to get him to actually like it we'd all be a bit happier. I once made butternut squash tacos that he didn't hate but didn't "like" either.

jrsemom jrsemom
Mar '19

Butternut squash chili with black beans I do in instant pot. Google recipe. Avocado on top yum

Ilikeflowers Ilikeflowers
Mar '19

Roast it, upside down with 1/2 inch water, then flip over and, (in the hollows)put 2 tbsp butter and sprinkle heavily with pumpkin pie spice and some brown sugar,and cook for 10 minutes more.

"a certain 17 year old"

OMG - "parsley boy" and "spinach guy" from the HL lunch crowd at Mama's must be the most fantastic guys. Both of them. Even if he's not the biggest squash fan, who is?? (well I know I'm not even though your kids have got to be the best ever) Count your blessings and figure "he didn't hate it" is about 1000% better than you normally would expect. ';-)

Make pie and tell the kid its pumpkin or sweet potato...

Forgot the dairy free part...that makes it tough to dress up.

Gnocchi is pretty simple and the squash flavor is very subtle(2 squashes will give you a substantial amount of gnocchi, but that's what freezers are for).

Local chef
Mar '19

GC, this is spinach boy we're talking about here. Parsley boy is good with squash.

Local chef, I like the idea of making gnocchi out if it, thank you. Unfortunately, I'm the one that's dairy free and not happy about it but it's definitely helping my issues so I'm sticking with it.

jrsemom jrsemom
Mar '19

I make butternut squash risotto. Skip the cheese at the end to keep it dairy free.
You probably don’t need to put a lot of squash, maybe a coupke cups of small pieces.
I’ve also had it roasted and tossed with a little maple syrup, salt and pepper.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Mar '19

Could turn it into spaghetti and dress it up to your liking for a low carb guilt free indulgence.

Snowpocalypse Snowpocalypse
Mar '19

Butternut Squash Quinoa casserole (maybe put the cheese on just half)


JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Mar '19

Where’s SD? He’s made some mean veggie dishes on the holidays. He knows his veggies..

Positive Positive
Mar '19

Jrzy that looks good! I just may try that!

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Mar '19

Hopefully SD will come on and supply the recipes.

OJ Butternut Spoon Bakes with Pecans (pool of brown sugar honey)
Turnip, Potato and Apple Spicy Hot Hash (Cayenne)
--- Acorn Squash Cinnamon Brown Sugar Casserole
--- Butternut Butter Mash
--- Mixed Mash (traditional Xgiving spices)
Maple Carrots with Pecans
Caramarmalade Acorn Squash (Caramelized Marmalade Glaze)
Apricot Spiced Glazed Sweet Potato Spears (top rating, sometimes it's raspberry)
Roasted Roots (a few different ones)
--- Dry Tosses and Mixes
Honey-Glazed Sweets
Fresh Cranberry/Orange Sauce
Regular Baked Sweets
Twice Baked Spicy Sweet Wheels

Oh yeah, some Turkey n Stuffing too.......

Takes about 8 hours to prepare the veges. Often I am asked why so many? Well, I add one every year or so, we have a spoonful of everything and return for the hits of the year. And everything gets polished off before the end of the week so no vege is left behind :>) We get a very small Turkey or breast now since we are not eating much meat with this meal !

strangerdangerstrangerdanger ✉
Nov '17

Positive Positive
Mar '19

..... now I am craving butternut squash..... I predict that the local rate of purchase will increase over the next couple of weeks, lol

rleaf rleaf
Mar '19

JrzyGirl88 - we will definitely be trying that one - gonna see if I can find a way to do it in our instant pot

4catmom 4catmom
Mar '19

I threw this together one day...

Cook squash cubes on the stove top with chicken broth.

Roast chopped onion and sage in the oven with olive oil

Mix when done

Add half a can small white beans.

Cook on low until the flavors blend

Season as you like.

Weebiekins Weebiekins
Mar '19

hi, make sure you moisten first with butter or olive oil, and use nutmeg or cinnamon to sweeten with honey as well.
It is delicious roasted in the oven or you can even cut it off the rind and marinate it in the above ingredients and then microwave it slowly on less power ( I use power level 7 or so). Hope this helps.

I didn't even think I liked squash before I made it. Hope you all enjoy.. 4Cat let me know what you come up with on the instant pot try.

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Mar '19

I would make a Thai or Indian recipe ...... all those aromatic spices ..... maybe coconut milk ..... would transform the taste.

happiest girl
Mar '19

Re: Butternut Squash Recipes

This is a recipe that I’ve used in the past that you can sub out the sweet potato and use the squash instead. It’s definitely a different twist in chili. Sorry it’s so tiny! Just click on the thumbnail.

Antimony Antimony
Mar '19

Re: Butternut Squash Recipes

Antimony, that looks similar to a sweet potato black bean taco I've made before. It was really good.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions, I look forward to trying them. Tonight I made noodles out of it and added it to spaghetti. I sauteed dino kale in olive oil, thyme, tarragon, herbes de provence, garlic and salt then added that to the squash/spaghetti. Then I sauteed shrimp in the pan that I cooked the kale in. BTW, he's not a fan of kale either, tee hee hee. Anyway, everyone really liked and he liked it enough that he will eat it again.

jrsemom jrsemom
Mar '19

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