Nearby Place to Fly Kites or Model Rockets?
The subject line pretty much says it all. I'm wondering where someone might go in the area to fly kites and/or launch model rockets. I realize that might mean two different locations, as what serves perfectly well for kites may or may not be good for rockets. And perhaps vice versa.
(And just to be clear, I'm talking about old-school, low-powered model rockets like back in the '70s, not the giant high-power monsters they have available these days.)
I have flown rockets at the Field of Dreams in Independence. It's up on 46. They have sports occasionally, but the area is huge. It has been a while, 10 years ago, but should still be good.
Did you check with the model rocket club? I think they have gone out to Godlwesky's to launch.
Years ago I took my kids to do model rockets at Riverside Park, between the baseball field and the woods. It's a large, open area and worked out well. There were no baseball games or practices going on and was very quiet. That may not always be the case.
Kites should be good at any park. Ive seen them plenty at Meadow Breeze. I don’t know if it’s “allowed” but there is certainly enough room to launch a rocket at the park/fields across the street from Comcast in Mansfield. Ive thought about doing it thwre but haven’t put the rocket together yet
I too have sent a rocket skyward at the same area in Riverfront park as well.
The large areas and fields near the parking at Schooley's Mountain Park are really great for kite flying. Perhaps rockets as well.
Thanks to everyone for the responses. (And keep 'em coming if there are more ideas.)
Riverfront Park would be very convenient for me. Now, as @MakoMiller1984 said, it's just a question of me getting a kite and/or building the rocket.
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