Septic Contractor

Looking for someone to replace our leach field who is knowledgeable, honest and reasonable!! Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I just mentioned him on another thread - Robert Shubert Excavating. The best! He did two systems for us.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '17

John Harrington the best!

Mr Happy Mr Happy
Apr '17

Was very pleased with Robert Shubert.

Vicinity Vicinity
Apr '17

I would stay far, far away from Peach Bros.or anyone affiliated with.

Just my opinion based on my own experience.

Steven Steven
Apr '17

I've had good luck with Aaron Excavating, they did the inspection on a property we tried to buy and the inspection on our current property. The current property was a mess (half the house went to a seepage pit in the front, the other half went to a 1000 gal tank with a single piece of perforated pipe coming off it, then the laundry went to a dry well someplace). Had them replace the entire thing and they managed to fit it in a tight spot in order to keep it a certain distance from the ponds and without going up hill (and requiring pumps). Extremely knowledgable.

brendan brendan
Apr '17

J.K. Hoffman in Califon

we had peach bros do ours and they did a great job and the cost was no more then any other they are in the phone book

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Apr '17

Metsker Excavating. They did our entire system for much less than any other person would.

(973) 919-4528

First, you have to get an engineer to design the field.

Jesse134 Jesse134
Apr '17

We had good experience with Peach Bros as well..

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Apr '17

I would STAY AWAY from Peach Brothers. The guy that did the work was extremely rude and made me feel very uncomfortable in my own house. He did what he wanted and ignored the plans. Thank God I have family in construction that know how to read plans. When he was asked about how the plans he started dropping the F bomb at me. He made me so nervous in my own house/ yard I called my dad to come and be here with me. I will NEVER recommend PEACH BROTHERS to anyone!! Not even my worst enemy! He also broke a wire and instead of fixing it he tried to bury it back over.

shady shady
Apr '17

Thanks for all of the input. Do any of the recommendations have engineers that do the plans for them? I have heard some do? Thanks again.

If I recall correctly, Bob Shubert is the engineer for his own jobs. I don't think he uses an outside one. He has decades of experience on heavy equipment and moving earth, and could probably build a septic system with his eyes closed lol. He has done so much for us, like taking care of complicated drainage issues, etc., as well as the septic systems; we trust him with anything on our property.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '17

Don't use MAP Engineering!

Jesse134 Jesse134
Apr '17

Rebecka, Do you have a number for Bob Shubert?

Re: Septic Contractor

Try this one: 908-852-1760. That's the one I found online. I have his cell# which is how I reach him, but I'm not sure he posts that publicly... if you have a problem reaching him PM me.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '17

Thanks Rebecka. I will let you know if I can't through on that number.

VG- I had my plans drawn up by Carrieaga (spelling?) engineering. They are in budd lake on 46, nice guy. They worked with the excavator to ensure they would be able to put the septic ina tight spot by the house to avoid pumps and whatnot.

Brendan Brendan
Apr '17

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