What time do the polls open?

What time to the polls open tomorrow in Hackettstown?

All NJ polling locations are open from 6:00 am - 8:00 pm.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

Not soon enough...

justintime justintime
Nov '16

I typically vote on my way in to work. But this year, I think it would be appropriate to vote and then return home to shower before going to work...

ianimal ianimal
Nov '16

I agree ian! Was just thinking that this morning.

hktownie hktownie
Nov '16

Vote?? For who???

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Nov '16


positive positive
Nov '16

Yes, The Who! Hell yeah ...they get my vote..LOL, all two of them. Hey.... got to have a sense of humor, during these trying times, huh?
Thanks for posting the times, Calico!

sparksjbc1964 sparksjbc1964
Nov '16

Good one sparks!

Botheredbyuu2 Botheredbyuu2
Nov '16


justintime justintime
Nov '16

Voted at 6:05. First time ever voting in my 31 years. I believe in miracles "NJ going red"

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Nov '16

The line was out the door in Oxford this morning when I got there at 5:58 am. I have never seen that EVER. Trump shirts, hats, buttons all over everyone. People were like rabid dogs drooling to cast their votes! I can't imagine what lines will be like later in the larger towns.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

I think if we see larger voter turnout across the nation, that definitely leans Trump.

We'll see.... I'm doing a news blackout all day. They can't start reporting any REAL info until the polls start closing anyway, at 8pm.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '16

I just voted lines weren't too bad go Hillary go Hillary

cat lover cat lover
Nov '16

lol cat lover, "go Hilary" can be interpreted a couple of different ways ;-)

Independence was pretty busy earlier, probably going to be a good turnout this year (for a change).

justintime justintime
Nov '16

Just voted, and there were 8 to 10 people in every line. waited almost 15 minutes, I've never had to wait more than a minute or two to cast my vote. People seemed very eager, if this is a snapshot of what might be happening all over the country tonight could be very interesting.

Mr. Wilson Mr. Wilson
Nov '16

TRUMP 2016!!!!!

Heidi Heidi
Nov '16

Is it over yet

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Nov '16

Opinions: when will the lines will be shortest today? Maybe around 2-3 when many adults are at work, and others are picking up or waiting for kids after school? Any better ideas?

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '16

No stickers? I feel cheated.

smilingbecs smilingbecs
Nov '16

Re: What time do the polls open?

Here's your sticker....lol

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '16

I posted awhile ago, from my phone, not sure it was removed? If so, I wouldn't know why...

I tried to vote in Mansfield about an hour ago, and the cars were lined up all the way down the driveway- no parking anywhere. Going to have to try again after the morning commute dies down. Biggest turnout I've ever seen in my 20+ years voting in NJ- BY FAR. I've never even seen the lot full, let alone the driveway. I've already heard similar stories from family members in other states... looks to be a big turnout...

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Nov '16

Voted in Hackettstown and the lines were long but it only took 15 minutes overall. They started with 2 machines down but were down to just 1.

Either way the vote goes I hope we can pull together enough after tomorrow.

I went at 6:30AM

I had to wait at the firehouse for 30 min.....two machines down, and district 7's only machine stopped printing papers for two people, they told them their vote was still cast, the third person got a paper out that was all messed up and said the machine was acting like it had a virus..............

Most people I have ever seen voting

Darrin Darrin
Nov '16

I voted at the high school this morning around 7:30. Wasn't bad. Took 20 minutes or so before I got in.

Metsman Metsman
Nov '16

Just voted..It's so nice to see the millennials out voting!!

pampurr pampurr
Nov '16

Just got in line... waiting out on the sidewalk. Someone walking out said ~45 minutes. During the primaries and state votes I walked right in, almost nobody else here.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Nov '16

"It's so nice to see the millennials out voting!!"

I actually find this a little frightening. I hope they are well informed and not just going by stuff on social media.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

anyone know about how the lines are in allamuchy?

Independence Twsp. Lines were very long. Waited almost an hour in line.

Lines were long at Hackettstown HS 2 hours ago and there was a wait for parking. Without getting into details, I witnessed some bad behavior (not by the election folks) that was cause for concern.

I think the town or county should think long and hard about moving the polls to another location other than the HS. It is obvious that someone at the HS does not know how to deal with the public in a rational and polite manner and does not understand the definition of voter intimidation.

I'm frankly shocked at what I saw and heard.

SurprisedinHtown SurprisedinHtown
Nov '16

I was at the High School from 9:50 AM-10:55 AM this morning. I did not see anything I would consider bad behavior. I guess I missed it. I thought people were very understanding and organized considering the large turn out.

I will say however I was SHOCKED to see a Pepsi Cola truck making a delivery at the school while I was there. I thought sugary drinks in school was a big no-no?

What about the children....LOL

Calico - I have exact same sentiments.

Jane doe Jane doe
Nov '16

Waited for 45 minutes in Independence this morning before work - lots of voters then the machines were down for a bit- that seems to be a common experience, what the heck is going on?

pmnsk pmnsk
Nov '16

Machines were down in Allamuchy this morning as well. It's rigged!!!

Lives in PV Lives in PV
Nov '16

Re: What time do the polls open?

I voted at the high school this morning. Got there at about 615 and out at 645. I thought everyone was pleasant and everything went smoothly.

Njchia Njchia
Nov '16

Long lines in Allamuchy and no parking.

Mom of 1&1 Mom of 1&1
Nov '16

Drove right past Allamuchy this am around 7 because there was nowhere to park and looked over-loaded. Downed machines can do that I guess. I'll try again on my way home. Craziness!!!

Dallas Dallas
Nov '16

I'm so glad I went this morning! I think it's going to be an absolute zoo later. It was very busy around 745 this morning. Curious to see how this turns out... I've never seen an election where both parties were so incredibly awful. Wonder how much of that is fueled by social media and the overall sensationalized state of the media?

somechik somechik
Nov '16

I was at the high school and had about a 30 minute wait. "SurprisedInHtown" may be referring to the election official coming outside and telling everyone that if anyone in line mentions a candidate's name within 100 feet from the school, they would be charged with electioneering and could be arrested. He also said about not wearing anything that mentions or refers to any candidate. He was pretty forceful about it, but I didn't take it as intimidation.

By the way, some boy walked into the school while I was there and proudly stated that he is old enough to vote, but refuses to, as the "the world's going to end soon anyway".

"By the way, some boy walked into the school while I was there and proudly stated that he is old enough to vote, but refuses to, as the "the world's going to end soon anyway"."

Yikes, wonder what kind of home life he has.

People had Trump hats and shirts on when I went to vote. As far as I know, there is no law against that. I know you cannot hand out any printed material or attempt to block someone from voting.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

Took about 35 minutes in Allamuchy (was there at 2:00, out by 2:35). Make sure when you go to first sign in, and then wait in line to vote.

Nov '16

Rich, as I wrote in my post, it was not an election official and it was not a voter. The election officials and volunteers were wonderful. The incident occurred indoors before the line was moved outside and is related to bullying behavior by someone associated WITH THE SCHOOL. There were several witnesses, the proper authorities have been notified and are taking it very seriously, and that is as much as I am prepared to share.

For the record, it is illegal to wear any clothing that supports a particular candidate within 100 yards of a polling site. One person wearing a hat with a slogan was asked to remove it and put it under his jacket while I was there, which is the appropriate way to handle that. Check the voting laws for NJ. No campaign clothing or buttons within 100 yards. No taking photos inside the voting booth to show that you voted.

If you see someone wearing clothing or buttons representing any candidate it should be pointed out to the election volunteers.

SurprisedinHtown SurprisedinHtown
Nov '16

"It's so nice to see the millennials out voting!!"

I actually find this a little frightening. I hope they are well informed and not just going by stuff on social media.


You think it's only millennials influenced by social media?

No matter what, I think it's great. The fact that they cared enough to vote should be good enough. Baby boomers have been the key drivers of social and economic policy for decades and they, more than any other group, have royally f*cked things up.

Maybe we should just turn it over to the millennials. Let them take charge and send all of the war mongering older folks to Iraq, let them vote in policies that force the elderly to fund social welfare for young, get Medicare for the young and not the old, etc.

Can't be worse, can it?

emaxxman emaxxman
Nov '16

Thanks for the info!

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

"You think it's only millennials influenced by social media?"

Not at all, but they seemed consumed by it.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

I also think it's ridiculous to think that any media is without bias and can't influence people. What's the difference between Facebook or Fox News, Twitter or CNN? They're all news sources nowadays. The point is to take everything you hear with a grain of salt and continue to think critically. Unfortunately too many people, of all ages, don't do that.

Dancicus Fighticus Dancicus Fighticus
Nov '16

You can wear clothes, buttons or hats to show support for your favored candidates but you cannot otherwise campaign for those candidates at the polling location.


It probably comes down to how that election official sees things, but it isn't illegal.

Nov '16

Thanks Katjubu, that makes sense then that nobody said anything to the people I saw at the polls.

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

Took 50 minutes start to finish in Independence. (District 1 at the Municipal Building. Got in line around 1:45pm...District 3 was a much shorter line)

Route 46
Nov '16

Am I the only Hillary supporter. Voted 9 am took about 10 minutes. My joy was watching a mother bring her daughter with her and celebrating voting for the first woman president of the united states.

Just coach Just coach
Nov '16

If you haven't gone to vote yet please read your sample ballot and be ready with your choices. No reason why one person should be in there for 20 minutes.

hktownie hktownie
Nov '16

We never received sample ballots this time.

Some people are doing write-in votes so it can take more than 3 mins. In Hackettstown, it takes a bit longer to write in a candidate because the buttons don't always work right and you have to press them a few times. Shouldn't take 20 minutes though.

StrawberryMom StrawberryMom
Nov '16

Iris, you can put in your address here to see a sample ballot online: http://vote-nj.org/forvoters.aspx?state=nj

Or here (you don't need to enter an email address): https://ballotpedia.org/Sample_Ballot_Lookup

Joe Fisher Joe Fisher
Nov '16

More than the question of polls opening, I'm surprised no one's asked when the Liquor Store opens. (or closes tonight)

This election has been so bad I predict a robust night for adult beverage consumption.

GC - Please see the election night drinking guide.


Calico696 Calico696
Nov '16

KATJUBU, you are quoting Pennsylvania law.

Taken from the New Jersey voters rights handbook -


Electioneering on Election Day
at the Polls is a Prohibited Activity
There can be no electioneering of any kind within the area 100 feet from the
outside entrance to the polling place up to and including the polling room.
There can be no campaign signs or other campaign material in this area.

Edmund Burke Edmund Burke
Nov '16

Just Coach you are not alone. It was great to see a bit of diversity (age and race) at the polls and to have seen a few women wearing white as well.

I quit going to the polls the second year of those lousy touch screens - two screens only one working each time . Even if there were only a few people ahead of you it was a decent wait , especially due to people deciding in the booth and seemingly reading the ballot referendums for the first time . Mail in ballots are the best . Vote , sign the ballot , sign the certification certificate , then mail it in . Easy peasy wine and cheesy !

Zombo Zombo
Nov '16

I got a sample ballot in the mail last week. Not sure why some didn't but if you don't have one and no chance to check the links above, they also have a sample ballot right there on the sign in table that you can check out while waiting in line.

hktownie hktownie
Nov '16

It just took me about 20 minutes at the HS
The line is outside, not inside. An election official came out to explain there is not enough electricity to juice up more than 2 voting machines at the HS so they maybe moving the voting place to somewhere else for the June elections. He was trying to explain why there was a wait at the HS polling place

H-town Mama H-town Mama
Nov '16

Damn soda and Trump. Our kids are doomed.

Roywhite Roywhite
Nov '16

long long lines in Allamuchy at around 2:30 --no problems -just lots of people

4catmom 4catmom
Nov '16

What happened to those ballots with a divided arrow with a blank spot in the middle that you completed with a pencil to point at who or what you were voting for - then you inserted the ballot into the counting machine ? Voting at the polls went smooth and fast using them . I don't think even Florida could screw that system up .

Zombo Zombo
Nov '16

Bonv, were the woman wearing white pant suits?

kb2755 kb2755
Nov '16

Not white pant suits but all white.

White after Labor Day is just offensive! Well, winter white is okay, but it has to be winter white.

maja2 maja2
Nov '16

Lol @maja2.

they should make a voting app for all of those who use "smart" phones.

Re: What time do the polls open?

I am not getting the women wearing white reference. Someone help please?

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '16

A nod to the suffrage movement - http://time.com/4562833/hillary-clinton-wear-white-history/

Thank you!

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '16

I just want to comment on a positive voting experience. Arrived at poll at 11:00 for district 6 in Hackettstown. The line was long and was leading up to at least a 45 min. wait. During this time a well dressed lady appeared with a walker. The person on the table to get signatures got up and led the lady to the first open booth and showed her in. There was a lot of murmurs and a few "who does she think she is etc. Well, after the lady voted and exited, the poll worker approached us and informed us this lady was known and was, in fact, 103 years old. A lot of embarrassed silence then words of amazement and praise. !! I am sure someone else was there and witnessed this. Just amazing !

Surprised and amazed Surprised and amazed
Nov '16

vote for Trump and select Clinton:


Took all of 14 seconds after the polls closed for Fox to give NJ to Clinton. That must really be a kick in the junk to Trump supporters who stood in line for an hour or more...

ianimal ianimal
Nov '16

Did anyone voting for Trump really think he could win NJ?
NJ has been a democratic state for a while now.

happiest girl
Nov '16

ianimal, thanks for the laugh!

I proudly voted at about 6:50am. No lines and no waiting in Mt. Olive. I brought my babies with me and let my 3 year old daughter press the button for our first female president in history.

Tracy (mobile) Tracy (mobile)
Nov '16

There is still a long line in Washington waiting to vote. At one point it was a two hour long wait. Not sure how long it is now but I have a family member still waiting in line to vote.

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Nov '16

Not so fast Tracy, looking like Trump will get Florida!!!

Not so sure iJay....

justintime justintime
Nov '16


I was there, surprised and amazed, and I also know the lovely lady. She doesn't look ANYWHERE close to 103 years old, but having known her now for a couple of years, I assure you that she is. And she is always beautifully dressed, a delightful conversationalist, and a delightful person. It's nice that the poll worker did that.

sumerrain1 sumerrain1
Nov '16

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