My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

My car was broken into last night 6/10/15 in my driveway. Unfortunately I trusted my neighborhood and never thought that something like this could happen to me. I left my wallet , my expensive purse, a lot cash :(, a necklace, expensive sunglases and so many other stuff. " I know that was stupid."
They stoled my cash and necklace. And They broked into my 2 neighbor's house.
I am near Hyundai.

This crime is currently being investigated by the police,
They fingerprinted my car and my neighbor's car.
Lesson learned

What area do you live in so that others can keep an eye out for suspicious activity?

ladeevee ladeevee
Jun '15

Jennies LN , Drakestown Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Area.

I knowed this neighborhood is getting bad. I wroted about it too.

"Lesson learned"

I sure hope so.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '15

Wow! That's all I can say.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Jun '15

I'm surprised nobody witnessed the crime...

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jun '15

CBGB, I readed what you wroted.

yankeefan yankeefan
Jun '15

there are scum bags everywhere, there like ants they dont go away, they will get them, and sounds like they stole alot so they will do time. this day and age you cant leave anything in your car you just cant. I learned that lesson when i left a prescription drug in my car, its like they follow you

omg - spell check needed here

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

double spell check. lol!

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Jun '15

yankeefan, thanks for the laugh!

ize be rippen some gd be ntz in da hood. nuff said,l8tr yo.

Jun '15

True that

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

This is what garages are for. And door locks. Sorry you had to learn that the hard way.

Tracy (mobile) Tracy (mobile)
Jun '15

"This is what garages are for. And door locks. Sorry you had to learn that the hard way."

You win for bitchiest comment!

LOL Tracy! +100000 When you're right, you're right.


botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Jun '15

Really, MB? We're the comments about the op's spelling and grammar better?

Sorry, but it seems like someone posts about this happening to them at least once a month. I have a hard time conjuring up sympathy for self created avoidable problems.

Tracy (mobile) Tracy (mobile)
Jun '15

Money and some expensive items and so many other stuff , they stealed a lot but at least they didn't stealed the car.

The OP admitted that it was a mistake and is making a post (presumably) to give others a heads up.

I'm not a fan of kicking someone when they are down, but I guess you are. To each their own.

And yes, I thought the others were rude as well.

I readed all comments

Mobile Mobile
Jun '15

im sorry didnt know we had so many brilliant people out there, take your spell check and shove it up your > > >. Just focus on the point idiots, who cares about spelling, is that what this was about, what are you a pump gas manager, well bad spelling or not you cant take away my masters degree, shows how stupid you are

If you leave it in your car we could!!


A master's degree and still no common sense. Sigh....

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '15

You just can't inform or help people on this forum. Everyone is so quick to correct and criticize.... Something serious happens to someone and you shame them into coming on this ridiculous forum. Shame on you..... (perfect people)

Elif, sorry you had to go thru that horrible ordeal.

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jun '15

calico 696 are you hiding behind this,dont insult me, what did i say so wrong in my initial post, i think you may just be that stupid, in face i know it, are you from the area, take the small bus did ya

i guess its the hackettstown forum, interesting comments from all the gas pumpers,

The fact that you left valuable items in your car shows no common sense. Is that so hard to figure out?

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '15

no its not, but me offering some comfort saying maybe the police will get them is that so bad, she already knows she made a mistake,because this town is full of criminals, you just dont expect it, we are not in the bronx, so you would rather make fun of me for trying to help, do what you want but if you are even half a person you would apologize, but i wont hold my breath, i didnt leave anything in my car go ahead and make fun, that pretty much explains your life

jt - move on. you want everyone to know you have a Masters Degree...but all we are seeing is someone who is easily offended by an online public forum, and reducing yourself to throwing out childish comments.

Jun '15

jt I didn't read anything you posted that even hinted at comfort.
In your first post you insulted people and mentioned you left an item in your car but didn't say what happened. You left it to us to assume what happened.
Your second post was more insults.
Your third post was ridiculous
Your fourth post was pointless.
And the most recent is contradictory.

i cant help you man go to the family center in hackettstown, my first post said that they will get the guys who did it and will do time, i also said i had a prescriptiond drug stolen out of my car once, is that you cant read or that your just an idiot, i will go with idiot you go on this site and make irrevalant comments another one who has no life, good for you, go take your meds not

and your english is terrible, stealed the car holy crap

good luck dude, seriously, i know its hard

Elif, good luck with all this great advice your getting

Unfortunately spell check doesn't help people use the correct YOU'RE or THEY'RE masters degree or not

Missrx Missrx
Jun '15

jt - You are hijacking numerous threads with your mispellings and insulting rants. Step back a minute..take a break, get some fresh air, eat a snickers before you give yourself a heart attack.

Good luck dude.

Jun '15

thank you, that was helpful to the problem

So I hear there putting more low income houses by the new CVS am I the only one in this town who thinks this will only make it worse? Starting to look like dover if you ask me.

owned owned
Jun '15

The guy got his stuff stolen yet it is his fault?

What the hell is this world coming to, what about the thief? He is at no fault?

2 other house got broken into, I guess they are all idiots on that road hu?


Darrin Darrin
Jun '15

why would anyone leave jewelry, a handbag ( expensive ) , cash ( alot ) ..."expensive " sunglasses and alot of other stuff in a car overnight and not bring into the house ???

Sorry, just does not make sense...

Steven Steven
Jun '15

This is one of those threads that got ugly and I'd rather avoid.
But just have to say.. that is the shortest post from mistergoogle that I have ever seen. Two words. Two.

hktownie hktownie
Jun '15

Everyone just take a deeeeeeeep breath!

Giants Giants
Jun '15

The point is we have all done something stupid that after the fact we say, duh I shouldn't have done that! The person who made the mistake is now suffering the consequences and regretting leaving valuables in their car. They don't need or want anyone to point out how dumb it was, they already know and it's not helpful to pile on already bad feelings. I think someone else said it already why kick someone when they're down? Not very nice. Now they've undoubtedly learned another lesson through this forum to not show your soft belly cause there's always someone who will rip it open for ya. For what it's worth I'm sorry this happened to them and I hope they get their stuff back.

uden gleeben gloubin glodin

I was not attacking them, just stating I did not see it making any sense to leave those type of things in a car overnight , yes I hope they catch the people as well.

Does anyone leave their pocketbook, jewelry, or cash anywhere else unattended ??

Steven Steven
Jun '15

hktownie, I noticed that, too!

MG you are going to get some kind of prize or something.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jun '15

someone pull jt out of the pool.

yankeefan yankeefan
Jun '15

A steady flow of cars here at Raceway. I don't know what's worse , the humidity , the gas vapors or the exhaust fumes...................................

At least get the words right:

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jun '15

Every one blames the person for feeling safe when someone broke the law its her fault? Because our town invites scum maybe we need to tight in this town up and show the scum there will be consequences. But they would prob sue for defamation of character. Or Cuz they ziped there finger in your purse and it stung and the court would make her pay this state is

owned owned
Jun '15

Did you happen to have a Versace tote? It is listed in the classifieds now.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '15

First damn day of 90 degree heat and most of you are in bitch mode. Summer is just starting and if the heat is already getting to you we are all in trouble.

Go find a pool, river, or take a cold shower and chill out.

They also broke into people's homes- Where should they have put their expensive belongings? In a vault?

How about thanks for the warning that this is going on???

Nosila Nosila
Jun '15

Interesting to watch how the thread develops.. 1% content, 99% flame

goshdarn_skippy goshdarn_skippy
Jun '15

So I hear there putting more low income houses by the new CVS am I the only one in this town who thinks this will only make it worse? Starting to look like dover if you ask me.

owned, what makes you think the person who did this is Spanish? Most of these incidents are committed by local kids on heroin looking for some money for their fix. It may even be someone in Elif's neighborhood who knows they leave valuables in the car. People like you wait for stuff like this to happen, so you can spew your racist hate. Assuming that a White person did not do this, speaks volumes of you. Bottom line is it doesn't matter what race, creed or color the person who did this is, only to racist people like you who hide behind their keyboard. Once again this forum paints a clear picture of this town, which is SAD.

Clyde Potts Clyde Potts
Jun '15

Well said Clyde. People of all colors can be thieves.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '15

So....who is doing "what " to prevent this from continueing ???
I have motion sensors and floods around my property .

And I always lock my vehicles never leaving anything of value in sight .

Nosila wrote;

They also broke into people's homes- Where should they have put their expensive belongings? In a vault? YES, would certainly have been more secure than in a car with glass windows !

perhaps if "common sense" prevailed, the person's would not be targeted .
My dad always said "locks are nothing more than deterents for the honest people"
The economy is bad, the reality is that people are resorting to measures they feel they need to do to survive.....educate your self, be aware of your surroundings, and always excercise common sense ..again, who leaves their purse of jewelry or monies on a table at an eating establishment ? no one, common sense dictates not how is a vehicle with transparent windows any different ?! ??

Steven Steven
Jun '15

To bad you did not catch them in the act and able to beat the cra*$ out of them cause that's what is needed

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jun '15

Thanks for the heads up Elif. It's a shame that you are being treated so rudely on here and that some don't seem to care that this happened. Your car was in your own driveway and got broken into. It really shouldn't matter to people if you had valuables in it or not. No one should be trespassing on your property. It's a crime.

I had my change (less than $1) taken out of my car last year in my own driveway. I know the doors were locked and found out the passenger side door lock was broken into . A few years ago I had the rear window shattered from someone throwing a rock through it in my driveway. Both times I had to pay for the repairs of these crimes.

Ridiculous that this is happening and all some people can do is blame the victim.

Hopeful Hopeful
Jun '15

We are not perfect. We make mistakes. We do dumb things and sometimes say why did I do that.

Like the time I left the cake out in the rain.

CBGB- Not that time was an exception to the rule....that was Mother Nature's fault

Nosila Nosila
Jun '15

But it took so long to bake it..........

...and I'll never have that recipe again..oh no

I'm sorry this has happened to you, but like some of the posters have said "lesson learned." I tell my daughter all the time to not leave valuable items in the car, does she listen? Not...

positive positive
Jun '15


Perhaps if you show her this post and threaten to post about it if she does get something taken...

Phil D. Phil D.
Jun '15

Very good idea Phil. Lol!

positive positive
Jun '15

Well you can learn a lesson from this.....don't waste your time baking when you can buy baked goods at a store..... It's no ones fault but your own for deciding to make it homemade

Nosila Nosila
Jun '15

LOL!! I can see you all had a good time with my post!
I hope you Have a fantastic night, day and weekend!!
No se preocupen nada de esto me ofende, las cosas que dicen me dan risa, me divierten mucho!
Nada que pueda hacer, yo Los quiero a todos por Igual, lindos, feos, gordos, rasistas, amables, perfectos, inperfectos, biejos, jovenes, intelijentes, bobos, que mas da todos Somos iguales!
Gracias por sus comentarios :)!

Live like there is no tomorrow!!
Have fun , if this make you happy then don't stop!!

Quieres saber que dije?
Love you all
Eli f

usted tiene un buen sentido del humor

espero que todo este bien
ay te wacho

Hey Clyde I never said anything about the person being Spanish I said low income? Wouldent one assume a herion addict would live in low income? White black Spanish who cares? The fact is we are inviting more individual's into our town who have the potential to be herion addicts thieves or criminal's.. More people who are going to break I to my shed and steel my chainsaw like last year. I work 80 hrs a week to support my family and I do everything I can to make it. Others should to not let the government give them free stuff on our tax dollars. Its sad to see how automatically its about race. I want my kids to grow up in a safe town not one I have to worry there going out to some project in my own back yard. Is that what you want for your kids?

owned owned
Jun '15

... all the sweet green icing flowing down.... thanks for the ear worm CBGB!

pmnsk pmnsk
Jun '15

Eye didedn,t thinck spelinng ore gramer cownted on this forum,'. letz stik too tha topick atttttt hand and tri too bee nise?

sallysimpson sallysimpson
Jun '15

Sally, do you have kids? If so thats how they spell on their phones, is that good? Or thats ok cause its a phone, its good practice. If spelling and grammar are that important to all of you then my notes will be correct. OK?

lol, funny, funny stuff, what a great, horribly successful old song that i just cant seem to get out of my head no matter how much i try! make it stop! please! it's killing me . . . .

btw, who likes green icing? it's got to be the worst form of icing known to mankind,

listen, going forward, when someone gets a good vent going, for the love of pete:

"Don't melt their cake!"

cbgb, you get nominated for best response of the year (so far), thanks for the laugh, (i needed it badly)

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Jun '15

"There'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see

There'll be love and laughter
And peace ever after
When the world is free"

Ah yes, Dover. Those White Cliffs shining from the sea. Chalk one up for haters gotta hate.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

Thanks BroDog
and SallyS too for what is obviously a bit of humor

I can't believe I read the whole thing!

Indyres Indyres
Jun '15

What happened regarding your 2 neighbors homes? Were the families home at the time - and did the intruders just make an attempt, or did they actually get into the homes?
There was also a home in the countryside area of Hackettstown that had an attempted break-in Sunday night -- and the house lights were on, car was in the driveway, and the family was home.

hapiest girl
Jun '15

Go get Camera surveillance installed,

TinkoDinko TinkoDinko
Jun '15

Yup, cameras are cheap and easy in relevance of what could be lost, as long as u have internet with wifi it is super easy to do it yourself and record to a sd card or to your computer. I put my own system in using foscam, love it. Now i get live feeds to anything with internet, including my phone, as well as recording on all my cams. My cams all have super night vision too and are HD cams, so you can clearly make everything out

Darrin Darrin
Jun '15

Hey Clyde I never said anything about the person being Spanish I said low income? Wouldent one assume a herion addict would live in low income? White black Spanish who cares? The fact is we are inviting more individual's into our town who have the potential to be herion addicts thieves or criminal's.. More people who are going to break I to my shed and steel my chainsaw like last year. I work 80 hrs a week to support my family and I do everything I can to make it. Others should to not let the government give them free stuff on our tax dollars. Its sad to see how automatically its about race. I want my kids to grow up in a safe town not one I have to worry there going out to some project in my own back yard. Is that what you want for your kids?


I present Exhibit A:
So I hear there putting more low income houses by the new CVS am I the only one in this town who thinks this will only make it worse? Starting to look like dover if you ask me.

What does DOVER have to do with this? Sorry I forgot, code word for Spanish

Exhibit B: The fact is we are inviting more individual's into our town who have the potential to be herion addicts thieves or criminal's

So now one has to be invited to come to Hackettstown. Even though America is the LAND OF THE FREE.

Exhibit C: Others should to not let the government give them free stuff on our tax dollars. Its sad to see how automatically its about race. I want my kids to grow up in a safe town not one I have to worry there going out to some project in my own back yard.

I just love when someone proves my point, with their own words.

Your witness Counselor

Clyde Potts Clyde Potts
Jun '15

I did a quick search and found that Philipsburg NJ has a higher crime rate than Dover NJ , slightly higher but still a bit higher.
Morristown NJ has a crime rate that is much higher than Dover NJ.
I live in Dover and so far I have met honest , working class people who show both common courtesy and respect to me wherever I go in Dover.
But then again I show them common courtesy and respect. I occasionally run into a language barrier but a friendly exchange with the 50 Spanish words I know and the 50 English words they know is more about being friendly and polite.

listen i have major league issues with the lack of immigration enforcement in our country and our porous southern border

but i have to say that what i see in Dover is nothing short of remarkable, i see a revitalized downtown that is vibrant, full of life and compromised of (from what i can see) happy productive people.

Dover was another old urban NJ town that was in serious decline for a couple of decades, but now looks rejuvenated,

there is that turf field over by the train station, and i have been lucky enough to be assigned to referee many soccer games there. I have never, and i mean never had a problem with the players or the fans when officiating any of these games. that's not true about any other town around here that you can name. the folks there treat me well, smile, shake hands, and laugh a lot, that's a good thing. Hackettstown and surrounding areas are much worse for player and fan (and coach) behavior during matches. People sometimes follow me to my car berating me as a person and criticizing my calls and technique during the game. Out here it's abusive, down in Dover it's supportive.

go figure!

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Jun '15

Thank you, thank you, thank you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You know you are ☺

Bessie Bessie
Jun '15

Maybe my statement about dover was incorrect my information is apparently wrong that was really not ment to be a dig at dover. But this still doesn't chance the fact that Hackettstown and the surrounding towns are getting worse and worse and no one is doing anything about it. And if the trend continues it will only get to the point where we have as bad of a wrap as dover apparently does.

owned owned
Jun '15

"Hackettstown and the surrounding towns are getting worse and worse." Prove it or be quiet.

The car was probably broken into by neighborhood kids cruising by and checking for open windows and doors and not by any of the purported Hackettstown urban blight welfare non-white recipients that you are terrified of.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

Thanks cbgb and Clyde. Funny, I lived in Dover and went through the school system and don't and have never done heroin. But I guess people go by what they see when they drive through a town or read in the papers. Because they read about drugs they assume we are all on heroin. I guess you've never driven by a beautiful home and assume everyone lives in low income housing or apartments. I'm sure you can find just as many drug addicts in hackettstown or people who receive some kind of government assistance. Next you'll be saying the person who broke into her car was probably from Dover.

Grow up
Jun '15

MG I won't be quiet, I live in Countryside Estates, we have had a meth house bust by the FEDS and a crack cocaine/heroin abandoned foreclosed home within a block of each other ..yes Hackettstown is getting worse.

My husband has been living here for 60 years and he tells me that all the I believe it. it has hit to close to home..

pampurr pampurr
Jun '15

Thank god another person with a brain

owned owned
Jun '15

These people truly need a dose of reality. When the M&M Mars plant was first built there were no robberies. Only five cops in town..everyone knew each other and worked together.

My husband's dad was Forest Mars Sr. personal driver and a very humble man he was I was told....and the work force was from PA very loyal to the town.

This place has changed drastically..and not for the better.

pampurr pampurr
Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

Well if you've had two crimes and you're husband says it's worse, then the jury has spoken..... Or maybe you're just attracting crime to your neighborhood (just kidding to show how anecdotes can be used to say many things) because my wife says we're doing great over here.

Here's what says for the area based on FBI stats: "The overall crime rate in Hackettstown is 53% lower than the national average. For every 100,000 people, there are 3.95 daily crimes that occur in Hackettstown. Hackettstown is safer than 76% of the cities in the United States. In Hackettstown you have a 1 in 70 chance of becoming a victim of any crime. The number of total year over year crimes in Hackettstown has decreased by 38%."

Just picking on violent crime: I am pretty sure trend is downward from there given it is across the US.

So it may be worse based on your personal anecdotal examples, but for the overall 07840 zip code, not doing too bad.

Here's another source where we are doing better going out to 2013: Check out the hate crime stats in the pic. Then note how low the numbers are proving that in our neighborhood, being so small, it only takes a couple of bad apples to ruin the barrel (like two crimes close by making you feel that the sky is falling).

Now, that said, sure, vacant buildings, lack of police presence (which H-town has), large areas of low income and unemployment, are all going to breed crime. I agree.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

Well if your just picking on violent crimes yes all seems well not to many murders or gang beatings in Hackettstown but there's many crimes no one see and no one reports. There's going to be people who don't care any where you go. But if we keep bringing in things that "breed" crime it will eventuly become worse. And every one who didnt agreed with me will wonder how this happens?. Hopefully by then I will have worked hard enough that I can retire and watch my grand kids grow up in a town that has pride and Safty as there first concern not more people and houses where you are garenteed more than half your rent because its low income and the gov is paying the rest. We need true Americans in office in our town and in dc. Not rich know it all politician's. Don't know if you like it or not but for me this song sums it all upCHARLIE DANIELS BAND-SIMPLE MAN:

owned owned
Jun '15

Oh MY--- I moved here 2 1/2 years ago - and feel as safe as I've ever felt anywhere ---- holy smokes, people...................

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

owned: by implying that all crime is due to "bringing in things that "breed" crime" it's not hard to figure out that crime isn't your problem.

pampurr: What was the population when M&M's was built, and out of that population what was the per capita crime rate? Unless you can compare then and now all you're left with is supposition. I agree with others that things aren't bad at all here in Htown.

justintime justintime
Jun '15

How is it people always twist words as blind to the world as you must be there is crime here I've seen the under covers at quick check with 6 kids in hand cuffs. And heroin on the hood of the car keep bringin In things that breed crime it will get worse mark my words.

owned owned
Jun '15

My husband witnessed a drug transaction on the Main Street Rt 46 right next to Leo's lunch when he was buying a pizza..Alot of these crimes go under cover seems nobody here has even head about the Meth Lab on East Prospect Street when the FEDS came in?? Who the hell are you kidding? JIT...take your blinders off.

pampurr pampurr
Jun '15

+1 JIT

Owned: I actually agree to a degree that massive development of low rent apartments will not help the crime statistics in Hackettstown and feel the town planners should attempt to raise the values for new development as we go forward and have ranted often on the subject. I don't think we are anywhere near the tipping point; we're just primarily a working class town.

I think you have a different issue though. To what "breed" are you talking about and where are we "bringing them in?" Certainly not in new developments I would think. Please tell us. I could use an Archie Bunker moment.

I listed both general crime stats as well as violent and both are down. So are property crimes: And to say that it does not count because of unreported crime is a guess, at best.

In the scheme of things we are very safe in Hackettstown. One of our citizens, Luz Jimenez, got the Carnegie Hero award this year. In 2005, we were 72 in the top 100 towns to live in by Money Magazine. When did you move here?

In the scheme of things we certainly don't have that many rent-assisted citizens at least outside of your imagination since you can't know. Of course many a bad thing can happen in a very safe place; that's why we have Darrin, Mark, and JR to protect us.

I think you are imagining a trend in Hackettstown that neither the statistics nor history support.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

omg - there is crime everywhere - probably way less here than in congested cities - do you want to live behind barred windows, gates, shades, weapons, or just live reasonably and with joy that you are here among the living??? SMH

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

Uh, the meth "lab" was in an SUV so not exactly a fixed location. Two gents operated it, one from Glen Gardner and one from Prospect Street in Hackettstown. Not exactly the Prospect Street Meth factory you are describing.

Same thing could happen in any rural town in many state; those folks just love that stuff.

Top ten states for meth labs: NJ not there but you'd be amazed the "safe" places without those "breeds" cooking the stuff.

Now we know the real reason Mark is leaving :>) Tell us about that job again........

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

I want to live where a guy selling drugs to minors is charged with attempt at murder where a rapist is punished by something more than a short jail sentence and a slap on the wrist I don't live in fear by any means but I do live in a state where a criminal has more rights than me. Guy breaks into my house and my dog bites him guess what would happen I get sued my dog gets put Down and the criminal gets away with it. Guess that was our for fathers american dream. And just because I listen to country music dosent make me racist that's like me say . You listen to Elton john Ur gay . Or jay z your a gangsta. What are you in highschool?

owned owned
Jun '15

OMG 5catmom, don't you understand there is a drug problem here that is out of control and not being addressed but swept under the rug!!! "This ain't no Shangri-La" says the Don Henley song.

pampurr pampurr
Jun '15

owned, you went to high school? Oh, and I think you might like it better in Saudi Arabia...they know how to treat criminals.

yankeefan yankeefan
Jun '15

everywhere there are young people experimenting there are drug problems --- are you feeling threatened?? I am not. Who are they harming??? Themselves - that's the sad part..................
okay - I'm done with this............

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

Sheesh! There are meth labs everywhere in America, not just Warren County, NJ.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '15

There are no meth labs in Paradise, only cops, don't run from them.

pampurr pampurr
Jun '15

5catmom you moved here 2.5 yrs ago and have 5cats??!! Ugh you're part of the problem. I'm sure my paycheck is going to support those welfare cats. If you weren't born and raised here than you're part of the problem. What's next we are going to invite people with 6 cats to move here??

Soon we're going to have pet store on every corner SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL :)

Darwin Darwin
Jun '15

Good one, Darwin'

Bessie Bessie
Jun '15

If she lives in Hackettstown she can't get another cat and I hope she has all 5 licensed. So if she invited people with 6 cats they would be in violation.
Plus she thinks these kids experimenting are not hurting anyone. Well i guess not until they become addicted and lose their job and can't afford to support the habit. then they start stealing from cars, houses and stores.

6A-13. Limit on Number of Cats Kept.
No more than five (5) cats shall be kept, maintained or harbored for more than ninety (90) days in any residential housing unit or on its grounds. This provision shall not apply to cats which have been owned prior to the effective date of this chapter.

dang Darwin --- I thought I was undercover - undiscovered - disguised and under the rug -- --- now what? I'm getting skeered....................

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

From Bessie....All I can say is WOW. Sorry, can't post from the same computer on the same thread that Clyde is on. This is my words, not Clydes.

Clyde Potts Clyde Potts
Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

"If we keep bringing in things that "breed" crime it will eventuly become worse."

True that.

I mean cats is everywhere. I see cats hanging on the corner in the morning meowing at all the women walking by. I see cats on the porches, cats in the yard, cats even in the trees. Just purrfectamundo.

You people always twist words as blind to the world as you must be there is cats here I've seen the under covers at quick check with 6 cats in paw cuffs. And catnip on the hood of the car keep bringin In things that breed cats it will get worse mark my meows.

So I hear there putting more cat friendly apartments by the new CVS am I the only one in this town who thinks this will only make cats worse? Starting to look like 5catmom if you ask me.

There's a lot of cats in Phillipsburg there to of course crime will be higher no one on this form can argue that when there's more cats there's more crime and the value of the homes in the surrounding areas loose value.

Back on thread. Every one blames the person for feeling safe when someone broke the law its her fault? Because our town invites cats maybe we need to tight in this town up and show the cats there will be consequences. But they would prob sue for defamation of catacter. Or Cuz they ziped there paw in your purse and it stung and the court would make her pay this state is

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

MisterG..I'm dying here. This could be one of your best works ever!

Bessie Bessie
Jun '15

People move to the area for a better life. Whether it is to be near family, to live in a safe rural area, or for better opportunities, we have the same hopes. There is a criminal element among the natives and the dream chasers. Are we to tell people to stay in the hell hole they live in because it will inconvenience us if they choose to live here? I often wonder why they don't leave, for their children's sake. All things considered, this is not a high crime area, and it is a good place to live. When I first got out of college and married, I felt kind of poor. But I certainly never committed a crime. So lock your doors, but love your neighbor. (use the venting thread as needed)

PS from my cat, a phillipsburg stray that has lived here for 17 years, and never once committed a crime, " up yours, buddy." At least, I'm sure that's what she is thinking :)

Things were better way back in the mid 1900s before M&M and certainly before Rt 80. We were a small sleepy town . And we never had cat gangs and that bad cat presence like we do today.
And do you want to know WHY?
Nearly every boy and girl ( don't need to start a new tangent ) had a BB gun. Aaaahhh the good old days.

outstanding, mistergoogle

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

BD, great comment

Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15


Phillipsburg is a liter box hole too. There's a lot of cats there to of course crime will be higher no one on this form can argue that when there's more low income Phillipsburg cats there's more crime and the value of the homes in the surrounding areas loose value.

Maybe no one on here has enough stones to agree with me but its commonsense. And as for showing commen courtesy my cat was raised to say please, thank you and hold the door open for who ever is walking up cats today will just let a door slam in your face. In my line of work there's a lot of different catss and although there's a speech barrier everything is fine. Why because these cats are busting there tails to make there lives better like an americat. Not sitting on there haunches meowing the government isn't giving them more of a break on there tender vitals. And I also understand some cats go thru hardship and need catffine to get back on there paws. And I agree with that but to many cats abuse the system making it in need for a much needed make over. Of course catccusations of me being a catist has brought this in a way off direction. The facts are still. Less low income, better class of cats, less crime. And you don't have to lock your car because some cat will steel your 1.35$ out of your cup holder to go buy friskies party mix.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

I remember when families in this town had 1 maybe 2 cats. We didn't need animal control because everyone knew each other's cats. Now I walk by and see cats stacked 5 high in window sills. Now we have an animal control officer. If we keep this up we are going to have to hire another one. Whose going to pay for that??? My taxes that's who!!! This town is going downhill fast!!! Stop having cats that you can't afford people!! My taxes can't take anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darwin Darwin
Jun '15

"Housing unit" sounds like a apartment complex, not a private home. Just saying.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

my cat is talking to you, talking to you

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

you say you're not happy with the cats - well look what I'm getting next..........

5catmom 5catmom
Jun '15

How in the hell did you people go from crime to cats. I love the HL Show, it's so funny.

auntiel auntiel
Jun '15

This is what happens, auntiel, when the HL children get!

joyful joyful
Jun '15

I'm a dog guy myself.

Better than the movies !!!

Steven Steven
Jun '15

I stopped watching soap operas once HL started. ;)

littlelu littlelu
Jun '15

Lol, 5catmom, that will surely take care of your cat"problem". Ha, ha, ha

Hot corner Hot corner
Jun '15

Sorry auntieli got tried of some getting on their soap box complaining about our town so I figured I'd combat their hate with some humor. Glad others followed. This thead is much better now :)

Darwin Darwin
Jun '15

And you did a very good job Darwin. You certainly entertained me today.

Bessie Bessie
Jun '15

I think many of the Hackettstown natives see a big change compared to the way it used to be, which is quite understandable. Hackettstown has changed in some negative ways, but in many positive ways as well. To me it's still one of the best places to live. Just look at this forum...probably the most active, helpful and community based forum out there.

positive positive
Jun '15

I wish I had made some popcorn before I started reading this thread.

Chickadee Chickadee
Jun '15


Did u hear the new Allamuchy mayor owns 1000 apartments in Htown and encourages cat stacking in in them? BTW I am in now way trying to spread a rumor I just heard something and posted it on HL to see if it is true. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!

Darwin Darwin
Jun '15

Re: My car was broken into last night 6/10/15

Rumor? We're just waiting to move into CVS COLA apartment (Cats Only Living from Allamuchy)

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jun '15

I thought those were "CAT" houses he owned :)

auntiel auntiel
Jun '15

Time to clean da litter box.

fitter fitter
Jun '15

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