Just Curious about some questions asked here

I've been on the forum for around two years and I've noticed something that puzzles me. Why do people ask questions about which most of us can only speculate - rather than making contact with someone/company who would actually have the answers?

This is a great place for all kinds of resources and recommendations. It's often good for laughs. And often wonderful photos are posted. I just don't get it about the other kinds of questions.

I fearfully ask you, the experts in this case, why this is.

5catmom 5catmom
Mar '15

Is there anything wrong with speculation? I mean, as long as you are clearly disclose that it is only speculation and not fact (as not CLEARLY disclosing this tends to get some people confused and heated)

In certain cases speculation can lead to great ideas, it is much like brainstorming, it must be looked at in a positive way

Darrin Darrin
Mar '15

I think its great to ask others opinions about things and to ask questions, in case someone DOES know the answer or can give advice as to where to get the answer you're looking for. We all know there are quite a few "smartie-pants" on HL. ;)

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Mar '15

Speculation is fine. But what I'm referring to are questions that have a specific answer - and we're not the ones with that answer.

5catmom 5catmom
Mar '15

Sometimes other people have had the same questions, and have had them answered. Sometimes people from a particular local business post on the forum and will answer directly questions about that business. And sometimes people will just post the phone number and say call them!

I've been on the forum for about 8 years, I believe. All I can say is: it's *crazy* what you can get the answer to on HL! There always seems to be someone (or several people) who knows exactly the answer you're looking for, and will take the time to reply.

Too many times I have seen a question posted and thought 'no way will that be answered, why is he/she even bothering'? And then in like 2 minutes the person has an answer. So now I don't wonder any more!

Also, crowdsourcing gets answers. Pretty sure someone could start a topic: What is the meaning of life? And it would be hashed out and we'd get to the bottom of it right here on our little town's forum.

Rebecka Rebecka
Mar '15

I think there are so many different reasons people go on a forum. I first got started because someone told me I could find handyman and plumber references here. Then it turned to curiosity about some of the topics. After a while I could see some really knew what they were talking about on certain topics, like Bryan from NC and others on health topics and many more. But I could also see that some were " pot stirrers", others nieve on some topics, others not computer savy enough to research a given topic, others bored and filling time, or just trolls.

So I take all questions with a grain of salt as they say and choose carefully what topics I will take part in and which have potential for a good discussion. I think what we are interested in is what shows in many of the questions we ask and those we answer. Although the topic or question may not be something I care to post on, it will be to others, and thus the question has relevance to a generic group like this forum.

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Mar '15

A public forum is a great place for people to get recommendations on anything such as dining, shopping,& repairs, etc...but also a place for people to come and share ideas, opinions, and knowledge on various topics. Isn't that what conversation is? Individuals sharing their thoughts and viewpoint. Maybe people post those questions because they WANT to see what others think before going directly to the specific source. Some people like to be open minded.

I like your answer, JRT!!

joyful joyful
Mar '15

the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
"there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit"


What is "firm evidence"? There is no black and white or exact dividing line between what is speculation or universally agreed truths -- and "truths" today can be pure speculation tomorrow, and so on...

Who is to determine who has the answers or the more specifically the "correct" answers? And more importantly, why NOT ask the question on this forum...

speculation is so much more fun and entertaining

brown bear
Mar '15

Why do people ask questions about which most of us can only speculate

Because some one here usually comes up with a reasonable answer. It's like talking to your neighbor on the porch. Each one has a view, only here you learn what is really in their heart and feelings that they would not say in a one on one contact. It window on the world.

Old Gent Old Gent
Mar '15

Example: I want to know why my street wasn't plowed by the association - or why my cable is out---- I call the appropriate people...........In these instances I'm not looking for speculation. But this is how I chose an hvac company, some restaurants and more. It's how I learned about the sunflower fields. And it's where I hope, some day to meet up with fellow photographers. I was meaning to be quite specific in my question. Thanks for all the responses.

5catmom 5catmom
Mar '15

Maybe laziness? I mean, many of these places will keep you on hold for a very long time, and by coming on here, there are usually people who have already called or happen to know the answer. I think it is certainly better then every single person calling to find out. Plus by posting allows others who may not of cared enough to call, can also see the answer.

Darrin Darrin
Mar '15

Maybe some of those specific questions can be answered by someone here on the forum. Someone that lives in your neighborhood may know why your cable is out. Hell, its easier that way then calling Comcast or whatever cable company you have and being on hold forever, or getting stupid answers that mean nothing. I'd rather have root canal. Just saying!

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Mar '15

5cat - enjoy your posts,

your question is a good one, but it would require rank speculation from those who attempt to answer it.

i ask questions for several reasons, some are to gather info, some are to promote thinking, some questions are in themselves informative.

i have gotten lots of good feedback here, and i thank those who honestly try and help me out, it is much appreciated.

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Mar '15

I think sometimes people may be on HL anyway and so, before they log off, they go ahead and put the question up there ...

one-stop shopping.

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Mar '15

Is this what you meant?

just freaking call , THEY have the answers NOT US

CBGB that is exactly what I'm tawkin' 'bout

5catmom 5catmom
Mar '15

Same reason people are on facebook and twitter and the like. Some people just want to be heard, or known. They are fulfilled or feel they accomplished something when complaining or vocalizing. When theres nothing left to say....just ask.

Roywhite Roywhite
Mar '15

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