Fig Newtons

Random, I know. But with all the recent hype lately over Strawberry flavored Fig Newtons, I decided to do a taste test. The results are in, I am definitely a traditionalist when it comes to my Newtons, I prefer the regular flavor. What are your snack preferences?

No question. Regular Fig Newtons!

When my DB, DS and I were kids, that was the only cookie my mother never had to hide. Fig Newtons were her favorite. I still don't like them, but there must be something to them...they've been around for ages.

Love FN:) Also like the raspberry ones.

blackcat blackcat
Sep '11

I love Fig Newtons! The strawberry ones are just 'ok'. I must have missed the hype..?

Lori...Since '73 Lori...Since '73
Sep '11

Not a fan of any Newtons, well maybe Sir Isaac. ;-)

Calico696 Calico696
Sep '11

Love 'em! I also love fudge stripe cookies and ofcourse Oreos w/ milk

dexter dexter
Sep '11

One time I got "oreoitis", a condition I named when I ended up in the ER with horrible stomach pains. The only thing I could think of that I ate that day was an unhealthy dose of Oreos! It was my tastiest mistake.

Love original FN, but wonder if anyone has tried the Fig Newton Thins. I'm always tempted to pick a box of them up but tend to be very picky when paying $3.00 a box.

Bessie Bessie
Sep '11

Speaking of cookies, has anyone seen how small chips ahoy cookies have gotten? I don't like them but my kids do. I'll buy them when they are on sale. I couldn't believe how little they were! The cookie gets smaller but the price doesn't. I don't know what's worse, the price of cookies or the price of cereal! Out of control!

Jaemae Jaemae
Sep '11

And for the record, Keebler Grasshopper cookies taste just like Girl Scout thin mints:)

blackcat blackcat
Sep '11


I like the thins. Have a crunch to them that the regular FNs obviously don't have.

Lori...Since '73 Lori...Since '73
Sep '11

Try the crispy Fig Newtons. They are to die for.

Sep '11

Are the crispies and the thins the same cookie? Are they at Shop Rite? I couldn't find them last week.

@WS, Clyde had a case of jellybeanitis a few months ago..didn't wind up in the ER, but he suffered, hasn't done that again.

Bessie Bessie
Sep '11

I'm not a fan of the new cookies, the round ones that came out recently.

Lori...Since '73 Lori...Since '73
Sep '11

Jaemae - A&P has them on sale tomorrow at $1.88/each. Stock up! :):)

Sep '11

I like the regular Newtons, but the new Newton Thins are fabulous. I like the cranberry one best.

wallflower wallflower
Sep '11

Oh no! Jellybeanitis does not sound fun!

I am SO trying the Newton Thins.

Oh and to Calico696, I appreciated the nerd joke.

What nerd joke?

Calico696 Calico696
Sep '11

Id I told you the story I heard from FIL about fig newtons and how they were made you wouldnt eat them anymore.

I am an oreo and milk fan! Otherwise I LOVE my homemade chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

Christine Christine
Sep '11

OK, Christine. I'll bite! LOL! How are Fig Newtons made?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Sep '11

There's a lot of stuff one wouldn't eat if they knew how it was bologna.

blackcat blackcat
Sep '11

do tell

cowgirl1 cowgirl1
Sep '11

Its not so much as how they were made but what happens while they were made.

As the Fig Newton filling was being made and stirred cockroaches would sit on the edge and as they were stirred there heads would be chopped off. thats what made the crunch in the filling!


sorry had to do it! My FIL was the biggest jokster around. I never ate another fig newton after that. LOL

Christine Christine
Sep '11

Thanks for the tip BLD2! Now that the weather is going to get cooler I think I'll start baking again. No more tiny cookies! One use to fit in your palm. Now 4 or 5 can!

Jaemae Jaemae
Sep '11

Good God Christine I thought you were serious for a minute! Ya never know. My daughter was one of the people who got salmonella from the peanut butter crackers 3 years ago. What a nightmare. Btw, fig newtons are good for kids who are troubled with constipation according to my old pediatrician. A little health factoid for ya'll.

Jaemae Jaemae
Sep '11

Sorry Jaemae............I LOVE telling his old stories it reminds me of him..

Christine Christine
Sep '11

Don't be! It was funny. And it really does make me wonder what the crunch is now. LOL!

Jaemae Jaemae
Sep '11

Loved fig newtons years ago....
Now they are smaller in size and with less Fig in filling.

embryodad embryodad
Sep '11

The FDA has an acceptable limits of "natural contaminents" in food products -

Sep '11

Cookies AND MILK are the best things the Lord has created!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

apple apple
Sep '11

embryo... I noticed a change in the fig newtons also, one of my favorites, but the new packaging allows them to dry out and there is less filling.....

pmnsk pmnsk
Sep '11

Kraft-Nabisco removed Lard as an ingredient a few years ago which most likely explains a change in taste with the Figs. They also did the same for Oreo cookies a couple years back. I'm now turned off by the taste/consistency with the two and can't bring myself to purchasing either! LOL


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