Joeseph DePaola Family Dentistry

Does anyone know if DePaola closed his office? I've been trying for days and the phone just keeps ringing and no voicemail.

I will cry if his office closed....He is the ONLY dentist that I've found that I actually don't need to take meds beforehand and get nitrous oxide even for cleanings.

Hoping there is just something wrong with his phone.

Does anyone know?

Nosila Nosila
Mar '13

Nosila, what number are you using? i just called them today and someone picked up on the 2nd or 3rd ring. I called: (908) 867-4227

Good luck

Mar '13

You need nitrous oxide for a cleaning?

botheredbyu botheredbyu
Mar '13

Nosila, Sounds like my kind of dentist, and I may be looking for a new one soon.

botheredbyu, Many people have a dental phobia. Needing nitrous oxide for ANY type of treatment isn't uncommon :)

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Mar '13

Lori - I'am one with a dental phobia, clammy hands and sweating, but gas for a cleaning seems extreme to me. JMO! My dentist doesnt even have the gas. Guess if I needed it, I'd be SOL.

Good luck to you Nosila!

botheredbyu botheredbyu
Mar '13

Mine doesn't have it either, and that's just one of a few things I need to change, LOL

Good lucky, Nosila :)

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Mar '13

He answered!!!

botheredbyu- Yes, I used to need gas for cleanings. I had such a fear of dentists. I normally would cancel my appt the day of because I would have so much anxiety over it.

I hate cleanings more than getting fillings. It's the smells and sounds of a dentist office that gets to me.

I no longer need gas for ANYTHING....I still hate the place but I can deal with it. I don't break out into sweats before walking in now.

Nosila Nosila
Mar '13

PS- He was out because of an injury but he is back.

Nosila Nosila
Mar '13

I hear you Nosila, believe me. The smell when you first walk into the dentist office is enough to make you run. I'm glad you found a dentist that you like enough to "deal" with going. I'm so sorry you have those issues, but it makes me feel better that I'm not alone.

Chin up buckaroo! :)

botheredbyu botheredbyu
Mar '13

A nation of wusses. Sigh....

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '13

I just hate the charges being uninsured. I never get why dental is separate insurance. It's all medical.

Anyone use this dentist recently? He is in my insurance plan.

My wife and I use him. I like him very much. Very laid back and casual, but knows what he's doing. I'd certainly recommend him.

Mr. Resident Mr. Resident
Nov '15

To casual and not professional in my opinion . Also never answered the phone and limited hrs

Sandy222 Sandy222
Nov '15

Best dentist I have ever gone to.

Yes, he is casual and that's prob why I feel comfortable there. I don't feel like I'm walking into a place where that's a cold medical office.

However, I completely disagree that he is unprofessional. He doesn't try and do dental work that is not needed just to make money. I know I can fully trust his recommendations.

Nosila Nosila
Nov '15

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