Empty Chair on front lawns across America

Support Clint Eastwood, A Great American, currentley bieng portrayed as a Nut by the Liberal Media. What a great way to support the elderly, who are not afraid to speech the Truth.........

Sep '12

I don't see the big deal.I thought he was funny :)

luvjazz luvjazz
Sep '12

I'm putting a dictionary on my front lawn in honor of conservatives who don't know how to spell the word "speak."

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12

Yes, and the word "currently" also.

I will do it ghost, but only if you promise to wear the magic underwear for the next 8 years while you speech the truth.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

You can support the elderly by supporting the party looking out for them...and it isn't the tea party republicans...

yankeefan yankeefan
Sep '12

How about "being"? Much as I love conservatives I don't trust them to vote in their own self-interest. How much sense does it make to elect a team of millionaires who will outsource our jobs overseas: abandon the poor, sick, and elderly: deregulate business and our consumer protections: remove science from our classrooms: and antagonize the international community?

jasmine jasmine
Sep '12


this is a joke - right?


Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Sep '12

Good Grief

More ranting about how republicans want to Kill Old People, starve children, abandon the sick... Do people realize how idiotic they sound when they spout this.

Talk to the chair Mark, talk to the chair.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

Sometimes Truth hurts

MikeL MikeL
Sep '12


EMPTY CHAIR on lawn = residence of ANOTHER NUT in America!

Edwardo Edwardo
Sep '12

I hope all 57 states particapate....Next to the chair, I,d like to see a sign, a three letter word from the intellectual leader of the DemocRAT party.... JOBS!

Sep '12

LoL! The stupidity is hysterical!

MikeL MikeL
Sep '12

You excepted Mr Google as I do enjoy your posts, but talking to a chair would be a huge step up from almost all of the libs I deal with.

My president has already commented on Eastwood and his speech, in his usual charming and classy way.
Mitt will create 20 Million jobs . . . in Bombay!

olddalej olddalej
Sep '12

edwardo, Como esta usted ? Que pasa......im so sorry you think people that dis agree with you are NUTS

Sep '12

I found Mr. Eastwood's speech to be a complete embarrassment. It was crude and disrespectful. I don't care if you like the President or if you don't like the President. But I firmly believe that the office of President of the United States deserves to be respected.

And it wasn't.

lilac lilac
Sep '12

I wish our current Presedent , respected his office,

Sep '12

"Do people realize how idiotic they sound when they spout this."

It's the same idiotic sewer sludge that comes out of the mouths of conservatives when they insinuate that Obama is forming "death panels" with Obamacare.

"DemocRAT party.... JOBS!"

The only way the government is going to create jobs is by spending and creating more government jobs. Of course, Obama is accused of running up the deficit too. Can't have your cake and eat too.

Under Bush, the number of H1-B visas was increased. These visas were used to directly give jobs to foreigners. Under Bush, corporations spent 8 years offshoring jobs (something that started before Clinton and continued under Clinton and Bush.)

So tell me, how exactly is Obama is supposed to create more jobs without running up the deficit or removing tax breaks on corporations who no longer employ Americans?

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12

And to be fair, Romney won't be able to create jobs any worse or better than any other President UNLESS he runs up the deficit or removes tax breaks for those that offshore.

It is a stupid ideal to think that a President has the ability to create jobs. Government can never be the creator of jobs. History has proven that it is unsustainable.

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12

ghost, you're a pretty funny person. 57 states woo, until you said that i really thought you were serious. then i saw that and realized this was a joke.

Well played... well played.

Let's face it. I'm not going to change your vote and you're not going to change mine. I wish the insults and ugliness on this topic would stop. Someone is going to win in November and someone is going to lose. Half of us will be happy and half of us will be angry and scared to death. But we'll deal with it...like we always do.

I am putting a toilet in my front lawn so the Conservatives and the Liberals can put all their Crap in it.

As far as creating jobs, I don't see why the government hasn't created jobs the private sector has failed to create. Some may think it is the start of a communist state but too bad.

They should start giving aptitude tests as part of the process to applying for unemployment benefits. Then you will be given a list of work camps or jobs open. Once you report you will start getting your checks.

The People who elected Obama started a Joke, Now the whole country is Crying, For A Leader, not a Rock star, not a Man you want to have a beer with.

Someone who is a sucsessfull, A man that will not FAIL!

We the People Own This Country,,,,,,,,,,,,, Let US Let OBAMA GO!

Sep '12

I think this sums up the empty chair perfectly.

It is one of the best opinions on the news and the Republican party that I have seen.

It's not that we hate you folks. It's that we hate what the radical right tea party fringe has made you become. This is not Ron's house anymore as I wish it was. We really need some good conservative ideas right now. We really need to compromise on some good conservative concepts and move forward. We are not empty chairs.

We need to think about things. Ron lowered EXCESSIVE taxes and reaped the economic benefit in the uppper class which ushed in the Bush recession. Bush raised taxes which ushered in the Clinton expansion where he could freely raise them again cuz we had so much mulla. Little Bush cut resonable taxes and we got slaughtered. Almost murdured, morte, dead.

Johnson created The Great Society and we were socially free but bleeding as a welfare state. Nixon killed the welfare state dependency and guess what 0--- we fared well-er.

We need to pick the best idea for the times at the time and oft times, both parties ideas have worked especially if we work together during these troubled times.

But see we how the empty chair is a mirror of Republican times: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/fri-august-31-2012/rnc-2012---the-road-to-jeb-bush-2016---a-fistful-of-awesome

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

Mr Giggle, You make me Laugh Out Loud, when You forget to mention the Kennedy Tax Cuts............Not to mention LBJ raiding SS, by putting all of its revenue in the GOVs general account, to pay for a war that { He would not escalate) only to deny his partys nomination in 1968. SIXTY THOUSAND AMERICANS DIED IN VIETMAN, and Johnson raided SS to pay for it, and his great Socitey......LOL

Empty Chair on Front Lawn = Let,em Go............

Sep '12

Their have to be death panels. It is the only way to manage health care costs under Obamacare. They aren't called that, but there will be a government panel that okays or says no to different levels of care, depending on their opinion of the person's health. Obamacare can't allow spending $100,000 for a procedure that government statistics say will only give a month longer life, for example.

Want to appeal, because you really love Grandpa? File a form with the government panel, and wait for their response.

They are already doing it with certain procedures and prescriptions.

Obamacare just can't work any other way.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Sep '12

"When you don't do the job you were hired to do, we have to LET YOU GO" (Clint Eastwood).

4 more years of what???????

Let's bring America and it's Freedoms back - vote with your heart and soul, not with your party line.

Joanie Joanie
Sep '12

Re: Empty Chair on front lawns across America

sorry I missed the whole empty chair...thing...I was watching The Weather Channel

oldman oldman
Sep '12

An emty Chair in Your front yard is not a difficult task to achieve.{dont use the good ones)

What it means in these times, Is Priceless. Its a statement that things are not better than they were {FOUR YEARS AGO} We all know that.


I drove through town this afternoon , and encouraged by the amount of empty chairs on front lawns,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GET RID OF THEM 7 NOV 2012

Sep '12

@Reggie Voter

I totally agree with cbel.

I don't like to get into politics, because these threads are nasty, but please fill me in as to where I can read all that information you just mentioned.

Clint's chair should have been a rocker because he is OFF his. Flat out nuts.

Saw a good one today... picture of Bush: he was given 8 years to create this mess. Picture of Obama: give him 8 years to get us out of it.

The Dow is over 13,000. It was 8,800 the day Bush left office.
Bin Laden is dead.
We are out of Iraq.
The US auto industry was saved.

Achieved in 3.5 years. IMPRESSIVE.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. If you're personal finances aren't better, it's because "trickle down" is a bunch of crap sold to middle class idiots to vote for the rich.

"Dems" the facts.

ghost - first you can't spell and now you can't count. JOBS has 4 letters not 3

I hope all 57 states particapate....Next to the chair, I,d like to see a sign, a three letter word from the intellectual leader of the DemocRAT party.... JOBS!

Firefly Firefly
Sep '12

Sorry ghost for suggesting we work together while leaving out the Kennedys, Vietnam and Social Security. Won't happen again. My bad.

Yes, get those empty chairs out there. Support the cause. Viva Clint Eastwood and his libertarian beliefs that should become the Republican standard for Clint's other beliefs:

- in Gay rights as a "just leave everyone alone guy." including gay marriage

- pro choice including two abortions with Locke (guess he rides bareback)

- that both wars were wrong (as started by Bush), actually said that to the chair

- pro women and family values. Proof = 7 kids, 5 mothers, but only two wives.

- supports forms of gun control including mandatory waiting rights

Tell your friends that you support Clint when he says that Obama says: "go ?????? yourself?" Do it in prime time.

Talk to the chair. Talk to the chair.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

PBM< does not like to get into POLITICS,,,,,,,,,,,But posts anyway,,,LOL...

Now is the time for All Good Men and Women to get rid of THE EMPTY CHAIR!!!

Sep '12

mistergoogle - you misquoted Clint Eastwood.

Clint said Mr. President, Mitt Romney can't do that to himself. Mr. President, I can't do that to myself either. (I thought it very amusing and certainly understand how some did not).

We all know the implication of Clint's statement and what it meant (your misquote).

Not fighting, just setting the record straight.

Joanie Joanie
Sep '12

Talk to obama about being in all 57 states, and when your done whith him talk to good Ole Joe Biden about spelling JOBS,and claiming it wa a three letter wotd.

Just goggle (57 States, Obama} also { JOBS, Biden}


Gracias Edwardo

Sep '12

ghost: PBM didn't "get into politics" but just asked a question. So your answer is? (Maybe without all the capital letters.)


Have A Drink of Kool Aid On Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep '12

Mr, Obama Promised to keep the sea from rising {which it has not}

Mr. Romney promises to Help The People

Sea our people decide.....................

Sep '12

A chair on the lawn would seem to mean hysterical screaming, insults, and intolerance if this thread is to be believed. America does not benefit from that.

Now where did Mr Do Bee go??

Joanie: So what did Clint say Obama said? I know he said neither he nor Romney could do it, but what was it? I am confused since I thought I was quoting what Clint said Obama said. Wonder why they can't do it? What was it Obama said?

Ghost -- 57 states misspeak was from 2008, If that's OK to go after mis-speaks that far back, isn't OK to still blame BUSH for the biggest financial collapse, meltdown and job loss in HISTORY?

How bout last week when Mitt talked about his plans for America: "We… will find good people who like us, want to make sure this company deals with its challenges" Yeah, we will outsource West Virginia, move Connecticut to the Caymans and fire Mississippi !!!!

Again the Biden quote was from 2008, a lifetime ago plus there are plenty of Bidenism's newer than that unless they've chained you away from a TV....

How about some Mittisms from About.com:

"I saw my father march with Martin Luther King." (Romney's campaign later admitted that they didn't march on the same day, or in the same city. It must have been MItt's magic underwear teleporting him.)

"PETA is not happy that my dog likes fresh air." --on strapping his dog to the top of the car

"My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard. One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president." Think about that when you vote while your loved ones are over there, Mitts kids are here, helping him in his unemployment.

"You sit down with your attorneys and tell you what you have to do, but obviously the president of the United States has to do what's in the best interest of the United States against a potential threat." --on whether he would consult Congress about invading Iran. No, he would call his business lawyers because there ain't no lawyer in Congress.

"I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life." (Romney's campaign later said he'd been hunting twice, once when he was 15, and once in 2006 at a Republican fundraiser probably just before he saw his Dad marching with Martin.

"I'm not a big-game hunter. I've made that very clear. I've always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will." Likes to AK47 mice.

"Hugo Chavez has tried to steal an inspiring phrase 'Patria o muerte, venceremos.' It does not belong to him. It belongs to a free Cuba." --invoking a phrase that translates to "Fatherland or death, we shall overcome," which Fidel Castro has used to close his speeches for years, and which is associated with Cuban oppression. Yeah free Cuba !!!!! But he really likes Cesar Chavez for his salads.

"Well, the question is kind of a non sequitur, if you will. And what I mean by that -- or a null set." --after being asked during a Republican debate whether is was a mistake to invade Iraq. Yeah, all those lives lost.....just a null set non sequitur. Get ready to non sequitur Iran.

"We should double Guantanamo!" Just need some unemployed folks so that we can improve our numbers.

"I'm happy to learn that after I speak you're going to hear from Ann Coulter. That's a good thing. I think it's important to get the views of moderates." --right before Coulter called John Edwards a "faggot" If Ann Coulter is a moderate, then Hilter is a compassionate conservative.


mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

Re: Empty Chair on front lawns across America

consider the source...Clint Eastwood...then and now...

oldman oldman
Sep '12

My husband really enjoyed Clint. I thought he was funny but definitely felt he took a "different" approach to getting points across and I can see how he may have turned some people off. That said, he's still a far cry from the many vile, liberal, Hollywood quacks who are always attacking those with opposing views.

LV Mom
Sep '12

it was indeed president obama who said "57 states" at a public meeting, and that is what ghost was referring to, so ghost has a point when he cleverly illustrates that many of the posters here do not know that obama made the mis-statements. that's sad that you guys do not know this imo.

and it was indeed another in a long career of political gaffs when VP Joe Biden claimed 'JOBS" as a three letter word,

it's funny many of the posters who are hurling names and insults at others on here are not aware of these true news stories. again, i find it sad that they do not know or recall them.

is it because these true gaffs by both obama ("57 states") and biden don;t fit their own pre-determined narratives? (rhetorical question, the answer is 'YES')

btw, the president and his campaign are saying they have no beef with Clint's speech the other night, the president even went so far as to release a statement, "No offense taken".

still the empty chair idea has got legs to it, i must say. :) (pun intended) :)

i may put one out, we'll see . . . . . .

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Sep '12

Re: Empty Chair on front lawns across America

here is another old shot of Clint from the 1950s...he made some decent movies...not really over the top with his RNC appearance

Type - delete, Type - delete. I just can't go here...

Please buy a dictionary instead of a lawn chair.

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Sep '12

I think an English dictionary shoiuld in every Home.right next to a copy of the US Constitution,,,,,,,,,, If my spelling is incorrect, thank a Public School Teacher

Sep '12

jrzygirl - what and who are you talking about?

i already have several lawn chars and dictionaries, what are you trying to say?

btw, question for you :

how many in your family jrzygirl are either unemployed or under-employed right now?

this election is about the economy, not about whose speech or whose post you can find some unimportant 'gotcha' tidbit.

it's about the economy: Unemployed Americans (some for extended periods of time), and underemployed Americans (many who are working jobs at 1/2 their old salary or less)

so please let me ask you honestly; who do you really think will be better at managing/leading us out of this prolonged economic downturn we are all trying to survive? who realistically would have a better chance at success?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Sep '12

"Their have to be death panels. It is the only way to manage health care costs under Obamacare. They aren't called that, but there will be a government panel that okays or says no to different levels of care, depending on their opinion of the person's health. "

In the private sector today, it's called an HMO. And if you don't think it is, try asking for a diagnostic procedure that isn't accepted procedure under an HMO (like a "routine" diagnostic exam for cancer.)

Take a look at Medicare today:

"On and after January 1, 2004, the following changes to the NCD process will be effective:

For NCD requests not requiring an external technology assessment (TA) or Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC) review, the

****decision on the request shall be made not later than 6 months after the date the

completed request is received;...*******

For those NCD requests requiring either an external TA and/or MEDCAC review, and in which a clinical trial is not requested, the decision on the request shall be made

****not later than 9 months after the date the completed request is received; *****



So tell me, how is the current government medical care system better, from a coverage determination perspective, than what Obama has proposed?

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12

Emaxx --- Well, under the Romney plan which he couldn't come up with himself so he got it from Ryan (man hires well...well anyone he hired would have a better plan) the difference is that you get a voucher to buy insurance which you can't afford. So who cares about the 9 months!!!!!

And Ryan's plan calls for seniors to ante up an average of 10% of the average seniors income to cover the amount missing in the voucher. That's over $2,000 a year they will need to pony up. Let's see, how many TV dinners is that.......

And since ObamaCare is repealed, the donut hole reappears for prescriptions. So why worry about going to the doctor, you can't afford the pills anyway.

Isn't the empty chair where Grammy used to sit?

It's not that we think entitlements don't need to be re-engineered. It's just that we need to use some real mind-share to get it right. RyanCare is not right.

PS: why is it ghost wants us to put an empty chair out on the lawn. To support who? Clint Eastwood? The elderly? Think we gonna need a lot more empty chairs soon.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

In defense of ...ghost...he has something to say but our "spelling and disciplinarians" here on the Forum are not giving him a chance. I understand.....not especially what he is saying or what he says is my preference or his beliefs are mine...on the contrary....,.not at all.. ...but the spelling police and the grammar police on this Forum need to understand that this is just another poster trying to get his point across. Everyone has a "Achilles" heel and mine is when everyone passes judgment on a person that does not have education and the knowledge of the English language and yet wants to get their point across on this Forum. So many of our posters have stopped posting because everyone jumps on them when they cannot spell or express themselves properly. Sorry, just had to say this!!

joyful joyful
Sep '12

Dear Ghost, don't ever blame a teacher for your lacking of spelling. Blame that on a lack of being well read.

ghost - your racist remarks towards Edwardo only made you look weaker than you already do. A shame how far people go out of their ways to make a political statement. You can call them "demoRATS" or "republitards" it's not putting anyone back to work and you're making a fool of yourself.

theHHSinformant theHHSinformant
Sep '12

no empty seats on the buses to the DNC...
Obama is recruiting college kids and members of all black churches in North Carolina and putting them on buses to attend the convention. pathetic imo. i'd rather see the empty chairs than the desperation of loading up the buses.

gen3Townie gen3Townie
Sep '12

Joyful - Wonderful post. I agree.

Joanie Joanie
Sep '12

link please gen3Townie

botheredbyu botheredbyu
Sep '12

"when everyone passes judgment on a person that does not have education and the knowledge of the English language and yet wants to get their point across on this"

Joyful - I understand the point you're trying to make but this statement really bothers me. This country has one of the best education systems in the world. It is there for those that want to embrace it and leverage everything it has to offer. If a person can barely speak or write properly, they have no one other than themselves to blame for their situation.

Taking responsibility for yourself is the unifying ideal set forth by conservatives.

I, of course, am making the assumption that ghost was raised here in the U.S. I'll risk making that assumption.

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12

Recruiting, convention, filling seats ----- oh, oh, the horror of it all. And to think he is doing it in North Carolina from Ohio today. Quite a reach, quite a reach.

Next that SOB Obama will be registering new people to vote too. Probably more kids, blacks, women, and Hispanics. It's just unfair. Good thing for Republicans that Republican governors have put in restrictive laws to stop folks from registering. Oh wait, most of those got overturned yesterday by the courts..... oh, oh, the horror of it all......

And yet you probably had no issue at the Repub. convention when they sat the "diverse" Samoans and Puerto Ricans and other diversitys in the front row and the Ron Paul whiter-than-white supporters in the back. At least the Paulie's folks can vote, the diverse crowd is not allowed to vote. Priceless.

Pathetic is right...

Joanie/Joyful --- no one with Windows should have a spelling issue. Just use speckie. Download here: http://download.cnet.com/Speckie/3000-12512_4-75440009.html

Won't help with wrong words or grammar or troll-like behavior, but misspelling should be a think of the pass.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12



how insulting to African-Americans...imo. claiming not to play the "race card" but then this...
as far as the college kids...he's savvy enough to capitalze on their impulsiveness and age-typical tendency to get caught up in the moment. worked for him last time, for sure.

gen3Townie gen3Townie
Sep '12

I would put a chair in the front yard but in these economic times it would be stolen in 7 seconds.

lesser lesser
Sep '12

the president's campaign people claim that they have been purposely been keeping rallies "small" to reduce need for security and be fiscally prudent...seems to me that they're small because folks realize what the president is doing is not working for this country, so they are not showing up.

they claim that they are bussing in college kids and African Americans to the convention so it will be the "most accessible" political convention in history...then why not bus in some white seniors, too?

sounds to me like they're worried about not filling the 74,000 seats...and maybe there's a good reason for that, imo. looks like the writing is on the wall?

gen3Townie gen3Townie
Sep '12

Joyful, I'm sorry I have to disagree with you on this one. The OP is trying to voice his opinion on such a hot button topic, but if he can't even spell the word President correctly it's hard to take seriously.

Albert Einstein said "Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death". I don't find poor spelling acceptable. I also don't believe it is the fault of the Public School Teacher. People need to stop blaming others and accept personal responsiblity.

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Sep '12

good lord people...yes! poor spelling is a disgrace... and maybe it's a reflection on our society... but move on, please...
did you ever consider it possible that some folks might have a learning challenges, or even simply aren't great typists? don't know OPs personal story, of course, but how about a little kindess?

gen3Townie gen3Townie
Sep '12

Thanks, gen3townie...pretty much what I was trying to say also. I know of one poster that was having trouble with her computer and some letters in words showed up misspelled, others was from a disabled person and another was from someone new to this country...and obviously a terrible speller that was trying to post on the Forum. Unless we walk in that other persons shoes and know their personal circumstances..I say let it go. They might not be posting the things we want to hear or agree with (usually the case) but misspelled or not...they do have a right to say it.

joyful joyful
Sep '12

I find smh,lol,rotflmao,bff, kma and the like more appauling than bad spelling..I hope I spelled appauling correctly if not I really dont care.

Sep '12

gen3Townie: like I said, look to the Republican floor seating and surrounding stories to see that for their 18,000 seat highly-controlled extravaganza they threw diverse non-voting people to the front of the stage, folks without a single electoral college vote, and took non-supporters, with electoral college votes, and put them in the nosebleed just because they support Ron Paul and are white. And that does not offend you as a IMHO race-card sensitive person?

But you are offended by Obama offering free tickets and free rides to fill a 74,000 seat stadium? And since it includes college students and black churches, it's the race-card? Yeah 300 students and some churchies against the 10's of thousands of tickets given away by Team Obama on a first-come, first-serve basis. OMG --- do you think the blacks, hispanics, women, gays, and students were more likely to be first-come than the crackers? Darn that speedy diverse crowd. Everyone knows it's racism to make crackers move fast. Everyone.

Oh the inhumanity of trying to fill the stadium. Oh the horror of diversity. Where are the Puerto Rican, US Virgin Islands, and American Samoans when you need them for the front row..... Why even without any electoral votes, they are in the front row of the Republican convention. The Marianas are next to Michigan, Mitt's birth state. Oh, the planned forced diversity of it all !!!! The color, the pageantry.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

BD for some reason your post just appeared for me and was not directed at you.

But in response to your questions, I am VERY VERY fortunate. And I Thank God every day. No one in my family is unemployed or underemployed. That is not to say that the current economic climate hasn't affected the way we live. I work for my family business which is very much affected by the economy, but I was also raised by parents who were not given anything in life. They WORKED for everything they have, my mother had to go back to work as soon as I went to school. My father worked for the ONLY company that would hire him when he came home from Vietnam. He then worked his *SS off and bought that company. They raised me to live within my means, not to spend more then I could afford, to budget for a rainy day. When I purchased my home the bank said, you can spend XXX amount of dollars, I divided that in half and spent less then that so I would not be house poor in case god forbid something happened. I drive a 10 year old car. So I am well aware of how to manage/budget not only my personal affairs but a company budget, and I understand the Economic Crisis our country is in.

To me BD this election is NOT just about the economy. It is about the future of this country. It is about not only my rights but the rights of every young woman in this country. It is about healthcare not just for the elderly but for everyone. It is about Immigration (yes I have grandparents that came here from another country and were proud to become American citizens). It is about choosing the candidate that I feel will set aside their personal agenda and work with the Elected officials to make the best decisions for our future as a Nation. It is about getting back to being a Proud America. Maybe I am disillusioned but this is what I will be basing my decision on come November.

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Sep '12

Re: Empty Chair on front lawns across America

" but how about a little kindess?"

That is a garbage statement! The OP was trying to rally support for a man who just ridiculed the President. Would he/she have been so supportive if the President was currently Bush, Reagan, or Romney?

The OP got called out for making a post that demonstrated his/her inept command of the English language.

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12


8 Million EMPTY CHAIRS to account for each job lost by the last Republican President?

And we can go on....

Another 8 Million EMPTY CHAIRS for the jobs to be lost if Mitt is elected........BUT TO BE FAIR, CUT THAT IN HALF since for each job lost, you will need to get 2 part time jobs to make up for your loss. THE BAIN CAPITAL WAY!!

Edwardo Edwardo
Sep '12


kindness for the poor spellers, not his argument or his statements. that is what my post, clearly, addresses.

gen3Townie gen3Townie
Sep '12

Not taking sides here emaxx because I don't value either Obama or Romney, but if I had to guess I'd say that the *majority* of the rhetoric from Obama is ridiculing in nature. "How could anyone possibly WANT to keep kids hungry, prevent people from getting health care, etc..." It's all BS.

As I've asked before, how many people do we know in our personal lives, which I'm sure include Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, that would want to intentionally see people in poverty or in a poor state of health? No one I know of, thankfully. No, we differ in the solutions we think will work. Just because someone can't understand how the other wants to solve a problem doesn't make it any less compassionate.

justintime justintime
Sep '12

JIT - I'm not a fan of ridiculing from either side - already on record of saying so. I'm one of those folks, maybe like you, who is stuck in that economic band that is being penalized by the left and right. I do, however, feel that the commentary from the right has been a lot less compassionate and focused more on "self-reliance, self-supporting, etc." despite their own willingness and eagerness to take from the system.

emaxxman emaxxman
Sep '12

Justintime, emaxxman, you seem like the more mature ones on this thread...the hateful vitriol gets us nowhere. This chair nonsense needs to end. We're Americans, damnit.

theHHSinformant theHHSinformant
Sep '12

JIT -- it is important in that: like the economy in a free market capitalistic system will ultimately reach equilibrium in the long term and, therefore, we should not artificially tamper with it in the short term to affect this outcome (i.e. no bailouts, no tariffs, no subsidies, no incentives) to equilibrium. Unfortunately, while the free market system is self-correcting in the long term, in the short term, it's a bitch and many people suffer greatly and will never correct.

Same thing that these policies and plans may not have the intent to harm in the long run, in the short run people may suffer and may not be able to correct.

Do you think the intent of oil company tax incentives was for them to have the greatest profits in a century?
But there it is

Do you think the intent of teacher's unions was to piss off the customer, have higher salaries than "free market capitalist workers" and promote self laziness
But, according to some, there it is

Do you think it was the intent of Mitt Romney to have Clint Eastwood preempt his most important speech today by asking an empty chair: "Mr. President, Mitt Romney can't do that to himself. Mr. President, I can't do that to myself either"
But, according to some it was funny, so there it is

Read the plan, check the numbers, read the commentary. Obama's plans are better. Romney's plans are scanty, missing, and don't add up. He has had five years to construct a health plan and all he can come up with is RyanCare for Seniors. That's half a plan, it does not work, and you just co-opted it last week. His tax plan for 20% across the board cuts is a deficit-building, voter-payoff scandal. His capital gains cuts only value the wealthy and let them treat profits as non-income. Ask yourself this: while neither candidate is going to do what JIT wants, which one will move you closer to your vision? Which one do you see making any, even remote, changes at the Fed. The one who covets transparency or the one who covets privacy?

I enjoy that the differences are so clear and really feel that this election will matter a heck of a lot to our children.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

I don't disagree emaxx. It's just that Obama and Dems are not immune. In fact, quite often the way they present their case is extremely condescending and dismissive, so much so that I find it hard to even want to listen to what they have to say. The ever present "I'm right, you're wrong" from all sides is disheartening.

justintime justintime
Sep '12



Funny thing though.....

It was sat in by a former employee of Kay Bee Toys who was put out of a job by Bain Capital! He said thanks for REMEMBERING HIM AND ALL HIS COWORKERS who were fired while MITT ROMNEY & company made MILLION$$$$ from that deal alone!

THANKS MITT! For lending a down and out former worker a seat, to rest, and reflect on!

Edwardo Edwardo
Sep '12

I think we're gonna need a lot more chairs if we start counting Bain's empty seats under Mitt's time at the helm:

KB Toys - 3,500 chairs.

Dade Intenational - 3,000 chairs

DDi Corp - 275 chiars

Damon Corp - 200 chairs

GS Technologies - 750 chairs

AMPAD - 1,500 chairs

Georgetown Steel - 500 chairs

But wait --- Bain "created" all those high paying Staples jobs.....Not really. Bain walked at 24 stores just after the company went public making huge profits but cutting the cord just as Staples grew from 24 to 2,200 stores and the 100,000 employees Mitt says he hired....... Nope Mitt, you get less than 1,000 there........

Gonna need a bigger lawn........

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Sep '12

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