America's Last WW1 Vet Dies

America's Last WW1 Vet Dies

America's Last WW1 Veteran Dies

WOW! 110!


Re: America's Last WW1 Vet Dies

The end of an era! I remember when the last Civil War Vet pased 1959.

John C John C
Feb '11

God Bless him.

We are losing our WWII vets right quick as well... how long until the Greatest Generation is gone? Sad indeed. (my father was a WWII vet, RIP)

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Feb '11

RIP Hero

RIP, wow...110!

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Feb '11

RIP and thank you for your service.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '11

Crazy to think how much this man got to see in his years. People were still using horse and buggies when he was born.

Feb '11

Re: America's Last WW1 Vet Dies

something for you to think about...Frank Buckles survived WW1...and during WW2 he survived 3 years was a prisoner of war at Los Banos prison camp in the Philipine Islands...he survived horrible treatment by his Japanese the time he was held captive at Los Banos...the Japs were killing shooting them and burning them alive...Los Banos was the scene of an American POW rescue mission in 1945...look it up... he was more of a hero...than you can imagine...i have enclosed a picture of the forces after the raid on the POW camp

oldman oldman
Feb '11

RIP and thank you for your service. blessed be

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Mar '11

come on maja people like you throw the word hero around so much it has no meaning any more Buckles was a driver and a warehouse clerk. he did not see combat he never fired a shot in anger he was just a man doing his duty for the war look up the word hero you may see a pic of someone like Audie Murphy now he is a hero he went above beyond the call of duty

Mar '11

While the Nazis treated the Jews horribly, no one can compete with how the Japanese treated POWS. I won't go into the grizzly details, but suffice it to say a bullet in the head and being dumped into a mass grave would have been a WELCOME DEATH compared to what the Japanese did to POWs (and innocent civilians) in WWII. Hard to believe such behavior existed in the 20th century, and actually still exists many places in the world.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Mar '11

Re: America's Last WW1 Vet Dies

conditions at the Los Banos POW camp were horrible...its a wonder that anyone survived that place...there was no medical treatment available...and the POWs were deliberately starved ...for more information about badly the Japanese treated POWs...look up the Bataan Death March...

oldman oldman
Mar '11

A closeing of another erra in America. Quite a real hero now a days. To fight in two wars & surive it all is amazeing!! God bless his soul. God was good to him to live all those years! Hope he told some of the storys. Wish I could have met him. Frank Buckles thank you for your service!!!! Your picture will be on the wall at the Trenton Michigan V.F.W. Post 1888. IN Honer of Frank Buckels. Yours truely Jack Budziak Pres. Mens Auxiliary post 1888 Over Seas Club Trenton Mich. 48138

Jack Budziak Jack Budziak
Mar '11

Shotgured- a 16 to boy or anyone who signs up for military duty does not know what their assignment will be. In the end, each military job supports the end result, which ultimately ensures my right and your right to live in freedom. To me, you don't have to shoot the enemy to be a part of the victory. Your heroes would have not have lived up to your expectations if there had nor been thousands to support them from day one. Too bad for you if you can't appreciate that. I do.

Maja..Me too!!!! Anyone who enlists to go into the Military and agrees to fight for the United States of America is a HERO in my book and always will be.

joyful joyful
Mar '11

Everytime as I drive by the cemetary in Califon near the A&P, the statue of a WWI "Doughboy" staring off towards the horizon catches my eye. He stands near the fenceline, ever vigilant. This stone testament to the memory of those men who so long ago changed history has always intrigued me. Knowing that the last living witness to that chapter of history has passed makes you think about your own mortality.

Bruin Bruin
Mar '11

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