Tonys lunchonette closes

They retired

Jan '22

Best wishes in retirement!

Jan '22

Loved their macaroni salad

Jan '22

Hope he lives as long as Betty White.

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Jan '22

I always assumed that place was long abandoned.

Eric Shun Eric Shun
Jan '22

They still had business (cars) in the lot, i noticed even last week.

Hackresident Hackresident
Jan '22

I thought it was abandoned as well

Philliesman Philliesman
Jan '22

Thank you, Tony, for all those years of making the best potato salad!

Wonderful One Wonderful One
Jan '22

Thank you Tony & Diane, for all the great food and your excellent customer service.
You will be missed. Wishing you much happiness for your retirement!

Enjoy your retirement! Well deserved.

Mrs. Pipes Mrs. Pipes
Jan '22

Health and happiness Tony and Diane.

Wishing them a wonderful retirement! They worked hard for so many years and definitely deserve it.

Jules Jules
Jan '22

A message from the Mamas Cafe Baci family: We wanted to reach out as 43 years of serving our great local community is no small achievement. As a family restaurant, we know and understand what it means to put in the time, dedication and hard work to serve others, and are proud of all local businesses that flourish over the years. It was a pleasure getting to know your family and host you. It is critical that we all recognize the values and institutions that keep our local community strong. Happy retirement!

Mamas Cafe Baci Mamas Cafe Baci
Jan '22

The one in Mansfield, right? I thought that place was abandoned back in the 80s. It never occurred to me to go in there. Now I wish I had. I like luncheonettes.

Roi de Grimaces Roi de Grimaces
Jan '22

Did they sell it it another restaurant, or what?

Hackresident Hackresident
Jan '22


Not sure what he did. The property's had a "For Sale" sign up for a number of months now. He was always a super guy, as was his wife and daughters who worked there too and who supplied our company with platters on numerous occasions years ago until someone new in our organization went with somebody else who wasn't even around as long and food never seemed to match. Loved their Taylor Ham and egg with cheese and mustard too!

Phil D. Phil D.
Jan '22

They’re knocking it down and putting in a Dunkin’ Donuts. It’s going through the approval process now.

PO’d on Watters PO’d on Watters
Jan '22

If they accepted credit card, I would have been there a lot more. Only cash.

I hope they have a great retirement, the nicest family!!

Hackresident Hackresident
Jan '22

PO’d on Watters

I can only hope that you're just going with the normal kidding that always happens after a business closes or there's new construction. Was it Tony's that used to have a message painted on the side wall facing the Westbound side of Rt. 57 stating that "The song 'Here In Hackettstown' was written here" with a date on it? Or am I thinking of another establishment close by that may have been demolished for the Panera? Anyone remember and/or have a picture?

Phil D. Phil D.
Jan '22

Phil D
I wish I was kidding.
It’s the application from Arriya Realty.
I hate seeing a locally owned business close and be replaced with another franchise.

PO’d on Watters PO’d on Watters
Jan '22

Phil D, it was the Krauszer’s next to Tony’s that had that song painted on the side of its building.

Jules Jules
Jan '22

From the PDF link above:

APPLICATIONS: 21-05 Ariya Realty – B 1102 Lots 4.02 – 2021 Route 57 – Prelim/Final Site Plan Attorney Lowcher, representing the applicant, explained that this proposal is for a retail building which would replace what’s there with a drive-thru Dunkin Donuts and an additional retail space.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Jan '22

Just what we need - another DD drive thru......

Luca, I agree. Ugh how imaginative! LOL. I do hope Tony and his family are able to cash out nicely and enjoy retirement though.

Ohhhh I hope they post their recipe for their potato salad!!! Hands down the best ever!!

htownlifer htownlifer
Jan '22

None of those awful Dunkin' Donuts breakfast sandwiches will ever come close to Tony's Belly Buster .

Jan '22

Congrats on your retirement. I don't know why DD would want a store on that side of the road. Most of the morning traffic is going east. I think a DD would do better on the other side of the road.

Stay Woke
Jan '22

Sad to hear this news. Whenever I was visiting my family in town I had to go to Tony's for an Italian Hot Dog. I would always tell them "I traveled 2900 miles just for one of your Italian Hot Dogs." They always got a kick out of that. I live in Oregon. The other place I would go to was that Bagel shop on Mountain Ave. for a Taylor Ham and Egg sandwich.

bobcat bobcat
Jan '22

Does anyone know whats going to be built at the Tonys Lunch site?

TJS- it is mentioned a few posts above....

Guess we need a DD every 2 miles now too. Wonder how traffics gonna handle being spilled out into the roads.

YesimPc YesimPc
7 days ago

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