Propane delivery for cooking only
I'm curious of anyone who uses propane for cooking only. Who they use for delivery? If so do they charge extra fees for tank rental or minimum yearly delivery? I received a notice from Region stating if I do not use 75 gallon per year I will be charged a fee of $99.95. That seems unfair to I've been with them for years and do not meet the new limit. This is a new fee "Minimum gallon requirement fee" . Do any services still just deliver without extra fees?
The reality is quite simply that it isn't worth a business to deliver less than 75 gal for whatever the minimal cost is.
Trucks, drivers, insurance and many other things to run a business cost money....and all those costs are going up.
It's not free for them to deliver- so for a company to deliver 'for no charge' they have to make the money somewhere else (volume of product sold).
Why would that be unfair?
I say unfair.. because I have had propane for cooking only for 35 years. Never have I been charged a fee. I see your point Josh. So it looks like just another result of this economy we are in of late :(
Region does not charge this if you use their oil.
I pay nothing for the tank.
Overall, seems cheaper than electric, and I have lots of air space, so I love my gas stove and it's not dangerous, it loves me back. Also, gives me gas to run the gene so, lately, probably going over the 75 anyway.
Thanks for reminding me though, tommorrow's friday, it's bbq time, and Region still has 15 tank refills for drive-bys. Bring on the burgers!!!
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