Old siren/fire horn information
Hello, my name is Will and I am a fire siren historian in NJ. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about the fire sirens and the fire horns in the area. Does anyone know where they once where or if they are still there? Or if they still work?
Rt 57 out of Mansfield towards Washington... on the left hand side there is a parking lot next to a road - there is an old pole at that parking area near the woods that has a multi horn looking thing on top of it. Might be what you are looking for...
They used to have pull boxes around town that would blow out a code depending on the box location. They have since been removed. The actual horns are on the roof of the Moore st. Firehouse and I think that they still work??? Not sure what sets them off but I still hear them once in a while!!! Not to be confused with the sirens that blow for the rescue squad not sure where they are located?? Hope this helps.
Feb '24
I live right down the street from the firehouse in town, and I can assure you the horns still work. Regularly.
We've lived here long enough that we don't personally pay much attention to the noise any more. But on any occasion when we have overnight guests, we have to make it a point to warn them there's a chance they'll be jolted awake by the fire horns during the night.
Josh, do you know where they could be because I can’t seem to find them. And thank you for telling me
Monty, I think the horns on top of the Fire Department are tested every Monday form 6 to 6:30 PM. They are actived by Warren County now and not the boxes.
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