C-17 cargo jet

Anyone catch that C-17 that circled once really low ?

Panda Panda Koala Panda Panda Koala
Mar '23

Yes! Realllllly low. Didn’t know what kind of jet it was.

Indy5 Indy5
Mar '23

Crazy low over the fish hatchery thought maybe it was in trouble with all the wind.

Mar '23

It was around 1pm, I was coming out of Walmart and saw it, so low then it turned completely sideways as it turned, practically over the parking lot! I thought it was aiming itself at our tiny local airstrip, but then saw it flying away. Wonder what was going on? Was it in trouble and needing to land and realized our airstrip wasn't going to cut it? We'll probably never know.

Just A Neighbor
Mar '23

Yes was at Quick chek on mountain Ave when it flew over.

Nissan16 Nissan16
Mar '23

Re: C-17 cargo jet

She was pretty low all the way up from McGuire AFB to Stewart Air National Guard Base.

Panda Panda Koala Panda Panda Koala
Mar '23

A training exercise?

Nice pull, PPK. You’re not kidding either. 2200’ is very low for that type of aircraft

Mar '23

Here is the answer to all your questions. It was the sibling of a local resident who was saying hello to his parents. and yes Panda it was a C-17,how did you know that?

Hammer Hammer
Mar '23

Re: C-17 cargo jet

Pic of the plane

A number of years ago one of my students told me his oldest brother who was in the air force would be flying over our school and also his parents house at a certain time. We all lined up at the windows and heard the plane first, then saw it flying over-head . It was so exciting to see and the kids and I were thrilled! It was something I won’t forget!

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Mar '23

AirForce 2 is being repaired. Kamala Harris flew into NJ today. Her replacement is also a C17. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3864807-harris-travels-home-from-munich-on-support-plane-after-air-force-two-breaks-down/

Mar '23

I can’t take the credit for anything to do with recognizing the plane as a C-17. I can’t tell a Globemaster from a Hercules despite one being a jet and the other a turboprop (my Aspie 22-year old told me all this). He points everything out and I just nod and smile enthusiastically. Years ago trying to encourage reading, I gave him a copy of Jane’s Aircraft Recognition Guide and he got obsessed and memorized like 90-95% of the silhouettes and the plane characteristics. I told him somebody on the Hackettstown forum would know what was going on! He’s also the one who got the screen shot of its flight path on adsbexchange, so no credit to me there either. And he pointed out to me that her low altitude was far below normal. FYI - he thinks that even though she was designed to get up and down with very little runway, even if she’d had no cargo and very little fuel, the Hackettstown airport N05 wouldn’t have worked for her.


Panda Panda Koala Panda Panda Koala
Mar '23

We seem them somewhat regularly in the Catskills. It's usually training runs. They are based out of Newburg, NY at Stewart Airport (Stewart Air National Guard Base). We were on Overlook Mtn one time and a C-17 flew up the Hudson River, and was actually at our elevation (3136 ft) or a bit lower! Very cool to see!

Rob Durana Rob Durana
Mar '23

We took a short cruise on a WWII ship once and were "strafed" by Zero's, Messerschmitt's chased by Mustang's of course. They came out of the sun just like the real thing. Unfortunately the flying fortress was weather grounded in Harrisburg.

The best part was the event was attended by many soldiers from The Greatest Generation. Lots of crutches, canes, wheelchairs and incredible accounts. Have to say though, when we docked it was like being at the Thursday Denny's All You Can Eat Buffet at 4 pm ---- guy could get trampled when the boys are in a hurry to get outttta there.

Basically the ship deck was two or three stories above water and the planes flew by at deck level. We were struck by the fact it looks like a guy riding a Harley in the sky, they fly by, you can see the guy, he's basically straddling his engine right in front of him, and then they punch it and go straight up. It's almost a Harley-like motor sound as they goose the gas. You can feel the combustion engine power in your chest.

The other thing was we were firing blanks, they were firing, but the gun sights were a simple cross hair in a circle. I wondered: "where's the screen, where's the buttons, where's the tracers, where's the lazar?" It's one thing to know it, it's different to see it.

So cool but so freakin frightening to realize how personal war still was in the 1940's even on these ships and in the air.

Babbit Babbit
Mar '23

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