Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

Haven’t seen or heard anything about anyone trying to get one going in town since recreational was legalized. Anyone hear anything? Maybe the cbd shops and vape shops will take care of it? Lots of empty storefronts in this town. Could be a lucrative business in due time.

Englishe30 Englishe30
Mar '21

No can do in Hackettstown. The town council passed a resolution creating a 5 year moratorium prohibiting cannabis sales in town. I believe it was passed in 2019.

I believe it was 5 years if I recall correctly.

Mar '21

Greg, if so, that would have to be repassed by the town. The new legalization law basically wiped out any bans instituted before the law was passed.

Jnnjr Jnnjr
Mar '21

A town or municipality can allow or not allow any type of business the chose I believe. While cannabis may be legal in NJ individual towns can determine if a dispensary can operate within its jurisdiction as far as I understand.

Mar '21

If a town bans a legal product, they are fascist.

LibertarianismRules LibertarianismRules
Mar '21

The town is not banning a legal product. They are not allowing the retail sale, for a period of time, of a "legal" product.

Greg with the new law the town’s old ordinance is void and the town has 180days to create a new ordinance. The town can limit the number, which zone they are located in or ban them all together. We have had some meeting with interested parties that want to open cultivation in town and are drafting a new ordinance. More to come in the next few weeks/months

Jim L Jim L
Mar '21

I was just researching that caveat. I did find the prior ordinance in the Land Development side. I stand corrected.

B. Marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana production or manufacturing
facilities, marijuana testing facilities, and retail marijuana stores are
prohibited in all zone districts.

It will be interesting to hear what may be proposed moving forward.

Sounds like a great opportunity for a local tax.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Mar '21

"They are not allowing the retail sale, for a period of time, of a "legal" product."

Yeah. Exactly. They are banning sale of a product that is legal for adults to use. Like alcohol and tobacco are.

LibertarianismRules LibertarianismRules
Mar '21

Wouldnt surprise me if the town passed on the revenue. I think we’re all used to going to Morris county for the win.

Steve Steve
Apr '21

I spoke with an employee of the little CBD shop near the pretzel place on Mountain Ave., and he said that the owner has every intention of including CANNABIS on the menu. However, the other shop they have is located in Sparta, so if Hackettstown is dragging their heels on this, then it'll only be the Sparta store that offers it, assuming Sparta allows for retail sales.

C'mon Hackettstown, it's time to enter the 21st century and move forward with this, it's a foregone conclusion that CANNABIS will be nationally legal in the not too distant future, so don't be one of the towns on the list of holdouts.

only one truth
Apr '21

Seems like it would be foolish to not let any of it happen in this town. All those empty buildings on Bilby would be great for cultivating and processing. Any of the many empty storefronts in town would make a great dispensary. Seems like a good revenue maker for the town.

englishe30 englishe30
Apr '21

when the town decided to vote to wait it was mainly because there was no law, there was a proposed law that kept getting changed and we had a deadline to make a decision before the final draft was adopted. Because there were so many uncertainties the town felt it was best to take a wait-and-see approach and see how it plays out.

this time around they are doing it right, there is a law on the books and now towns can read the law and have 180 days to decide. There are clear directions on what we as a town can do to place limits on the number, limits on which zone they can go in, and a clear understanding of what revenue we as a town can get via the municipal tax.

So it was not that the town was against the idea when it was first discussed years ago, it was we had no clue what we were saying yes to as the drafts of the law were changing almost weekly. Now that there is a clear law on the books, the town can come up with a game plan that would be a win win for the residents.

Jim L. Jim L.
Apr '21

Jim L. Thanks for the input. Completely understandable years back. Glad to see it’s on the table and there is some legitimacy to it.

Englishe30 Englishe30
Apr '21

I hate to play devil's advocate here but doesn't that mean at the time the town was against opening medical dispensaries as it was the only option?

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Apr '21

Musical Interlude #1



Yeah, if it becomes legal (and I mean as “legal” as tobacco) then it’s only a matter of time. Besides, there will be plenty of people who plant 5 or 6 plants in their yard and grow it themselves. Cant stop the green wave...

Apr '21

Consigliere....can’t stop, won’t stop. Team green!

Englishe30 Englishe30
Apr '21

I know it's going to be hard to enforce consigliere, but just remember nj is the only state with recreational/medical you can't home grow. Not even medical patients.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Apr '21

For those interested in this topic, the town council will be introducing an ordinance at Thursday's council meeting.

you can find the agenda and login instructions for the meeting here


Jim L Jim L
Apr '21

I grew up in Hackettstown but have been living in Oregon for decades. I've been following NJ legalization efforts for some time. We're allowed 4 plants per household. They must be out of public view and not less than 1000 ft. from a school.
If NJ residents are allowed to grow it would open up some business opportunities for small garden supply shops that specialize in soil, fertilizer, lights, etc. for cannabis.
As a first time grower, I grew 4 plants outdoors last year and it was harder than I imagined. I had a successful harvest however and this year I'm only growing 2 plants. We can buy female clones (starts) in some of the local dispensaries. It's a lot easier than growing from seed.

We have 4 dispensaries in our little town of 16,000. None of them are located in the downtown area but are spread out in the industrial parts of town. That was a decision by local government.

oregonxnj oregonxnj
Apr '21

I am still confused how something federally illegal can be state legal?

Darrin Darrin
Apr '21

Darrin I had a similar question- where would shop owners put their cash? Can they deposit these profits in a Federally Insured bank?

I am in the same boat as you Darrin.

It creates a host of issues.

DOT medical clearances are Federal....CDL drivers and drivers of vehicles over 10,000lbs interstate need DOT clearance.

Have a FID card? Federal....hence, cant do it.

So even though the State says yes, the Feds say no.

Lets face it, people get it now at whatever the cost is. As soon as the legal route is more expensive due to taxes etc, the black market will win.

So this may be a panacea for some, it doesn't change anything for a lot of people.

summerhelp summerhelp
Apr '21


the FID card (Firmarms Purchasers Identification Card) is state issued, not federal.

Bemused Bemused
Apr '21

You are correct in that the state issues the FID however federal firearms laws prohibit it.

summerhelp summerhelp
Apr '21

A bill was just approved to address the banking issues: https://www.reuters.com/business/us-house-representatives-approves-cannabis-banking-bill-2021-04-19/

Still needs to pass the Senate, but this is a ray of hope and step in the right direction for dispensary owners as states continue to legalize.

somechik1 somechik1
Apr '21

Black market already offering home delivery. So many places serving all of NJ. Who cares what the State or towns decide to do. Their loss.

Steve Steve
Apr '21

It would be awesome then if the town would use the money and actually invest in the town instead of stockpiling.

Old school Old school
Apr '21

The town is investing several hundred of thousands of dollars in capital improvement projects. It does so nearly every year. Also, in my opinion "stockpiling" has done quite well for our town's current financial health as it is excellent.

Check out tonight's council meeting for more info.

Lol we just introduced the ordinance and we’re already being accused of stockpiling the money. Can’t win on HL

The revenue received will go towards capital improvements.

And as Greg has pointed out stockpiling a nice capital improvements fund has allowed the town to pay as you go when improvements are needed rather than issue bonds which raises taxes.

Jim L Jim L
Apr '21

What some call stockpiling others call conservative spending. Lol

Friendly mcface Friendly mcface
May '21

Lot's of cash, lot's of hip people, no chance of anything going wrong. Put it in the building across from the Police Station. Think of the tax money from moving violations.

One-Eyed Poacher One-Eyed Poacher
May '21

Why would it involve lots of cash? And why would there be moving violations? Are there lots of moving violations generated from the liquor stores?

Looking forward to being able to peacefully smoke a joint while taking my dog for a walk around the neighborhood.

Jimbo Jimbo
May '21

Good luck eith that

May '21

Not sure how recreational laws will work - but medicinal marijuana laws allow the user to consume cannabis wherever cigarette smokers can light up.

Jimbo Jimbo
May '21

recreational weed would be treated like alcohol, can't smoke in public places. Medical weed is treated like cigarettes, can smoke anywhere but "no smoking sections" ie. Schools, parks, beaches, indoor public places.

Jim L. Jim L.
May '21

Ah makes sense. Figure try to keep the riff raff to a minimum. Thanks for the clarity Jim!

Jimbo Jimbo
May '21


For those interested in the topic, the Town will have its public meeting on the new proposed ordinance at the May 27 Town Council meeting. The agenda, zoom log-in info, and proposed ordinance can be found on the link above which is on the town's home page.

This ordinance will just address cultivation. Medical and recreational dispensaries will be addressed in future ordinances. Towns have until August to create ordinances on this subject.

Jim L Jim L
May '21

So you you might be able to buy weed from the dispensary, but you can’t grow a plant in your back yard. What’s next, petunias?

Indie Indie
May '21

What next you may ask Indie?

How about some massage parlors, go-go bars and pawn shops? We already have the check cashing and tattoo shops the town said would never be here.

Build H'town back better

One-Eyed Poacher One-Eyed Poacher
May '21

How about a porn shop? Are you with me?

Sacks cousin
May '21

the slippery slope, what next indeed. restaurants serving liquor?
or even worse this


yes it's a musical interlude

Honestly don’t see this happening. We are stuck In the 1950s here in many ways. Change never seems to be welcome or accommodated despite the changes happening.

For reals For reals
May '21

Now I can’t get that song out of my head !!!! Thanks

Local Gal Local Gal
May '21

CBGB LOL! Cookies and weed!

That's right up there with this classic...

A smoke and a pancake? You know, a flapjack and a cigarette? Cigar and a waffle? Pipe and a crepe? Bong and a blintz? Well, then there's no pleashing you.

We need a Marijuana dispensary in Hackettstown. Seems like this town is stuck in a rut and doesn’t like change.

Pampurr Pampurr
May '21

“ Seems like this town is stuck in a rut and doesn’t like change”

Pam I would suggest you read my post along with the link. The town is passing its first ordinance to allow cultivation in town this week and is working on ordinances to address medical and recreational dispensaries.

Jim L Jim L
May '21

“ Honestly don’t see this happening”

Oh it’s happening For reals.

Jim L Jim L
May '21

Good to hear Jim!

Pampurr Pampurr
May '21

Why don't they just name it to "Hackettstown Slacker Dispensary"...

The town passed the ordinance last night to allow cultivation in Hackettstown. We already have an interested party that is looking to purchase the 180,000 sq ft old Compac building on bilby road.

This company will bring in 150-200 high-paying jobs to Hackettstown and provide the town with a 3% tax. It looks to be a great partnership for the town.

Jim L. Jim L.
May '21

Glad to hear it! Glad to see the town finally embracing something that has multiple benefits while bringing jobs to the community.

Jimbo Jimbo
May '21

So glad to her that building will be used !

So awesome to hear! This will bring so much needed income and jobs.

Steve Steve
May '21

Great news! Is cultivation commercial or personal? Does this apply to Mansfield? “ Hackettstown “ can be from Budd Lake to Karrsville. Even though Hackettstown is only a couple (2?) square miles, the name covers about 70 miles. If anyone finds a link that applies to Mansfield, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks! Have fun, feel good, don’t eat too much junk and stay out of trouble!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
May '21

Hackettstown “the name” does not cover 70 miles. It covers about 35 sq miles. Hackettstown passed an ordinance so it covers Hackettstown the town. Other towns may share the zip code but that’s it. Each town has their own local government.

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '21

According to the law you can not legally grow any amount at home.

Indie Indie
May '21

Thanks, Indie and Walking Girl! My judgment of distance is not good.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
May '21

It’s a Hackettstown town ordinance that only cover Hackettstown. Which is 3.5 square miles.

It is only for commercial cultivation

Jim L Jim L
May '21

Sorry for the confusion. I meat to state the 07840 covers 35 square miles. As Jim L pointed out the town is 3.5 square miles.

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '21

Ok. Gotcha. Thanks Everyone!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
May '21

Home grow laws will change.

Steve Steve
May '21

They really need to open it up. Someone can make beer but they can't grow Marijuana?

I'm sure people are growing it all over the place as we speak. Much less worry because it's legal to smoke, so why the hell not grow some on your back porch and save some $$$

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
May '21

The state doesn’t want people to grow MJ at home because they can’t collect the tax on it that way. It’s all about the greenback when it comes to state operations. Just look at how greedy the state was during discussions about how much to tax MJ during legalization talks.

It's odd, to me, that the town is OK for growing Marijuana to be sold in other towns but might not want a dispensary itself.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
May '21

It’s actually a little more difficult to grow than you think. If you’re concerned about quality that is.

Steve Steve
May '21

On the edge, did the town decide not to allow dispensaries? I thought I read somewhere above that it was still in the discussion?

May '21

Richie, It is still in discussion. Councilman Lambo stated that other ordinances related to cannabis here in town are forthcoming.

The town addressed cultivation first as there were interested parties looking to buy buildings in town but didn’t want to buy them until they were sure the town would allow it.

Medical and recreational dispensaries will be addressed in future ordinances. All ordinances will be in place by the August 22nd deadline the state set.

Jim L Jim L
May '21

@Jim L

Thanks Jim for your information, I trust your accuracy. I (for one), am someone who is looking to secure one of those pending jobs you spoke of. After decades of working at jobs that were unfulfilling and uninspiring, I'm very much looking forward to finding work in an industry that I can fully support and feel good about.

Helping to mitigate the erroneous stigma and demonization that continues to surround cannabis would be a pleasure, and a great way of finishing my working life. The sooner the wheels start rolling, the better.

only one truth
Jun '21

An Ordinance regarding dispensaries is being drafted with the goal to have it presented at the June 24th Council meeting (I'm not sure if it will be ready for the June 10th meeting). If approved by the council at that meeting then it will be scheduled for the July or August meeting for public comment before its finally adopted. The deadline to get all ordinances on the books is August 22nd and the last meeting for Hackettstown would the August 12th meeting as that is our last meeting before the August 22nd deadline

Again, towns can pass ordinances, limiting the number of dispensaries, limiting them to just medical or recreations, limiting them what "zone" they can go in, or not allowing them at all.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jun '21

I'm with only one truth. Possible life/career cahnging moment here. Jim L. Any idea who is going in the warehouses on Bilby?

englishe30 englishe30
Jun '21

Boomers won't care. Long as they can profit off the taxes is all that matters. So bring it on already.

callitlikeIseeit callitlikeIseeit
Jun '21

English30 we meet with 2 companies, both were interested in buying the old compaq building. I’m not sure which one will end up buying it but both companies were very impressive. Probably not worth naming them until we see which one got the building and I’m not sure if the losing bidder will find another building in town or go elsewhere

Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

So a well established enterprise? Thanks.

Englishe30 Englishe30
Jun '21

Callitlikeoseeit, " Boomers won't care. Long as they can profit off the taxes is all that matters. So bring it on already." Actually Boomers DO care. You would be very, very surprised at the large number of Boomers who indulge on a regular basis. We grew up with it and have continued consuming throughout the years. Some still smoke or vape it while others of us have switched to edibles. It would be wonderful to be able to legally obtain it locally so we could enjoy retirement without having to go out of town for it.

Stubborn Stubborn
Jun '21

Oh yea English they are large, publicly traded, established companies. They already have cultivation and dispensaries throughout the country and looking to open in NJ.

Jim L Jim L
Jun '21


Steve Steve
Jun '21

I still have my NORML pin. I’m dating myself....shhhh.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Jun '21

For those interested, the town council will
Be introducing an ordinance at tonight’s town council meeting to address dispensaries. Zoom log in info can be found in town’s website

If passed by council tonight it will be up for public comment before final adoption at our July meeting

As mentioned before, towns have until August 22nd to pass any/all ordinances regarding cannabis

The cultivation company that purchased the Compac building on bilby road has submitted its application to the Land Use Board and will most like be at the July 27th Land Use board meeting

So plenty of activity in town. Please attend meetings to learn more

Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

Massive taxes on something you can grow on your own. You can make your own beer but not weed?

I'd be interested in the direction council is thinking. I understand Mansfield Township passed an ordinance last night to ban any cannabis related business there.


I would gather during some of the informal conversations with the cultivation company that will be operating on Bilby road that an indication of the forthcoming ordinance was discussed. Not that it would deter that company from moving forward if the town chooses to ban or place a moratorium on it, but If I was that applicant I would like to understand and get a barometer on the position the town was leaning toward prior to moving forward with that application. Either way it won't really impact their business model too much I would think.

…“ ban any cannabis related business there.”….Mansfield is SO 1980s. Oh well, thanks for the updates, Jim!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Jun '21


Now that the purchaser of the building is public record and they have submitted their application to the LUB board, which is also public record, I can share the name of the company:


Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

Greg, in my opinion, banning a legal product will not prevent that product from coming into your town's borders. So your residents will just drive to a neighboring town, spend their money there, and bring it back into your town. So all you are doing with the ban is having money leave your town and losing out on the municipal tax revenue.

for example, Manfield bans the sale of it and for argument's sake Hackettstown allows dispensaries,. So a Mansfield resident crosses into Hackettstown to purchase the product and then goes back to Mansfield to consume it. So what exactly did that ban accomplish?

A wise thing to do would be to limit the number of dispensaries, limit their locations, place restrictions on their hours of operation, restrict their signage, etc. All of which towns are able to do with their ordinances.

Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

Exactly., Jim. I was thinking just that as I learned of the ban in a neighboring town. In my opinion the approach you detailed is clearly the most logical way for a municipality to move forward. Beyond the revenue side for the town including potential jobs and increased ancillary businesses, it also adds yet another amenity to our multi faceted offerings here in Hackettstown. It's smart, progressive thinking.

Thank you Jim

englishe30 englishe30
Jun '21

NICE ! I used to work for GTI! Great company!

Dan30 Dan30
Jun '21

Jim is 100% correct on how towns or at the least this town should handle dispensaries. Limit the amount and location. The state is losing tons of revenue as is with all the gifting services, gas stations, and smoke shops selling it already.

Steve Steve
Jun '21

The bigger problem is Manfield isn't the only town banning cannabis related business.

Looks like a tidal wave of them doing the same ... narrowing down to which town & where? (to be the first/model 'pot' town of NJ to go to)

So far, just a few who placed such bans: Washington Township, Byram, Sparta, Roxbury, etc. within this area....

aol123@aol.com aol123@aol.com
Jun '21

My 2 cents: Some municipalities are hesitant to "opt in" because the State of NJ has not set the "rules" yet. There is some movement in the legislature to push the August deadline for the opt "in"/"out" for municipalities by 60 days so that municipalities can review the "rules".

Effectively, the State has set a deadline but they have not done their half of the job yet. If the municipality opts "out", they can opt "in" at any time. If they opt "in", they are stuck for something like 5 years. Seeing how Trenton operates, I'd hesitate to sign on before I knew the "deal".

As far as the panacea of revenue, there will be some no doubt but most households have some sort of budget. Recreational use would fall under disposable income part of the budget (vacations, beer, going out to dinner etc). This will represent a shift in spending from one area to another (some folks might buy less beer or go out to dinner less often etc )so those sectors will lose while this sector gains. On a smaller scale, the town with the facility will definitely win. On a larger scale, the State that allows it wins but again, it comes at an expense to something.

The shift from buying it on the black market to the legal market is great. Hopefully NJ doesn't levy too many taxes/fees on it as people will move back to the black market where they were already getting before NJ legalized it.

summerhelp summerhelp
Jun '21

"This will represent a shift in spending from one area to another (some folks might buy less beer or go out to dinner less often etc )so those sectors will lose while this sector gains."

This assumes that most people who will frequent legal dispensaries aren't already spending money every month on cannabis. The revenue is already out there; the only thing that will change is where it goes.

ianimal ianimal
Jun '21

Assuming people dont take the tax free route like they have since the beginning of time

Jun '21

So the town introduced the ordinance last night.

it would allow for 2 recreational dispensaries (1 in the HC zone and 1 in the CC zone) and 1 medical dispensary

it would limit them to just the Highway Commercial and Community Commercial zones in town (Mountain Ave, Rt 57, Stiger St areas) Nothing on Main Street.
it would limit their hours of operation from 9am-9pm
it would limit them from being within 1000ft from any school/university
it would limit their signage and the imagery they can use to advertise
No Drive thu
No Consumption on site
No outdoor section
Business must meet with Cheif of Police prior to receiving CO to ensure proper safety and security mearsures
Town has the right to inspect the dispensary at any time to make sure they are following all proper protocols.
Town will impose a 2% municipal tax on all sales

Public meeting on the ordinance will be August 12th.

Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

Seems reasonable to start with. Im sure down the line once marijuana is normalized things will gradually change.

englishe30 englishe30
Jun '21

Why the 2% tax?

The Man The Man
Jun '21

"Why the 2% tax?"

"Because we couldn't go for 3" - Woody Hayes


Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

LMAO- Jim!

"Business must meet with Cheif of Police prior to receiving CO to ensure proper safety and security mearsures
Town has the right to inspect the dispensary at any time to make sure they are following all proper protocols."

Are both of these true for any other businesses in town? Did CVS or Walgreens (who have MUCH stronger and some could argue more desirable drugs) have to submit to meeting with the Chief of PD?

"No outdoor section" - I'm assuming this is referring to an outdoor "weed garden" like Czig has, but for smoking? Does anyone know if there are restrictions in the NJ law for "public consumption"? If so, I can understand this, but if you are able to legally smoke weed on the street corner (like you can for a cigarette), this seems sort of silly.

jnnjr jnnjr
Jun '21


jnnjr- I recommend you read the NJ state law and related materials. It will clear up any answers you have.

The town did not add any more restrictions then they state already put in place so if you have any problems with the ordinance contact your state representative.

In order to get their license from the STATE, dispensaries have to agree to certain requirements i which is why they are in our drafted ordinance

Jim L Jim L
Jun '21

Thanks again Jim!!!

That's a BIG GREEN THUMBS UP!!! I can't wait to find employment in some capacity with them!

only one truth
Jun '21

The drafted ordinance can be found on the town's website. Again public hearing will be on August 12th.


Jim L. Jim L.
Jun '21

You can now order Ritz, Cheezits, candy (one package each) and it includes an ounce of Bubba Kush as a free gift for $350.00? Plus free delivery from local CBD shops with a "Gift Program". How does that work?

One-Eyed Poacher One-Eyed Poacher
Jul '21

One-Eyed Poacher...Since the beginning of the year vendors are taking advantage of the laws in place (grey area). So essentially yeah, you order lets say some cookies and you can get a free gift of somthing marijuana related. Some opperations have been shut down others have not. As for local cbd shops doing it, thats news to me. I'll have to pop in one and see whats doing.

englishe30 englishe30
Jul '21

The kids say to ask about their gift program or gifting service. Hard to believe that there's a grey area, sounds more like nonfeasance by prosecutors. To bad other businesses couldn't be tax free like buying four tires and getting the spare tire and vehicle as a gift. Eliminating all the specific taxes and just paying sales tax.

One-Eyed Poacher One-Eyed Poacher
Jul '21

Gift services abound. And an actual store in Parsippany that gifts. Last I checked there are over 100 of these services all catering to various counties.

Steve Steve
Jul '21

Atleast 100. Still got to be careful, do some research.

englishe30 englishe30
Aug '21

A recreational dispensary in town could help reduce gray market gifting deliveries here and will bring tax revenue to the town. I'd rather people purchased a product from a state-regulated/town-regulated business than going rogue and buying who-knows-what from some person gifting through an Instagram account.

SquirrelGirl SquirrelGirl
Aug '21


The drafted ordinance can be found on the town's website. Again public hearing will be on August 12th.


Jim L. Jim L.
Aug '21

Be careful about what?

Steve Steve
Aug '21

Don’t want to be paying excessive prices for subpar products. Just saying, don’t just randomly pick a service.

Englishe30 Englishe30
Aug '21

Nothing but top shelf products mostly sourced from Maine. Or you could wait for the state to move its ass but it won’t. So you’ll get stuck paying top dollar for mids in a dispensary just like what’s happening in the medical ones. Those people have gone grey market.

Steve Steve
Aug '21

Yes, Maine has been a great supporter. Love me some green truck. I have yet to have a bad experience with the 4 or so vendors I have tried this year. NJ's medical program is a joke, mids at best for the most part. I'm good with paying dispensary prices if the product matches up. Reddit has been a decent source to find vendors once you filter out all the bs.

englishe30 englishe30
Aug '21

Public hearing tomorrow.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Aug '21

Glad to see the council voted unanimously to approve ordinance 2021-09 last night. This will clear the way for retail sales of cannabis here in town.

If you can smoke cannabis anywhere you can smoke tobacco, why can't I drink bourbon anywhere I can drink water?

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

Ianimal… I might have something to do with drunks start more fights and are more likely to act disorderly then a pot head …. Just my 2 cents …

LibertyThinker LibertyThinker
Aug '21


Ditto...although I'm not certain if they approved just one store or two. Regardless, it'll be great to have a local source.

Personally, I'm hoping to derive employment from either the retail store(s) or the cultivation center that is supposedly on the horizon somewhere on Bilby Road, but when all of this actually begins to take shape is anyone's guess. I'm hoping sales begin before the end of the year, but the sooner the better.

OnlyOneTruth OnlyOneTruth
Aug '21


I was tempted to respond as well, but I think you've covered it well enough.

But I do want to point out that you needn't be a "pot head" to use cannabis, as there are many levels of usage, as well as multiple reasons why people use, including medical of course.

Also, I'm not certain of the laws that surround being able to smoke weed "anywhere you can smoke tobacco". But if that is indeed the case, that means smoking weed in public is still pretty limited, whereas there are multiple public places where someone can imbibe bourbon where water is also available...they're called bars.

So I'm not sure what this Ianimals gripe is.

OnlyOneTruth OnlyOneTruth
Aug '21

this is a very good thing. while I am not a pot head, it is nice to have around here and there. I just hope that it will be a small local business who sets up shop and not a corporate thing.

Ser positivo Ser positivo
Aug '21

Yea these are not mom and pop stores. This is big business that need a lot of start up capital.

Jim L Jim L
Aug '21

You missed the sarcasm... I'm not looking to drink bourbon anywhere I want. But, I think that cannabis should be treated no differently than alcohol.

To say that someone can smoke dope recreationally anywhere there's a butt box seems to me extreme. Have a little couth and keep it in private or at outdoor events like concerts where little kids won't be exposed to it.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

time for a musical interlude.
a fine ditty about my fave Pakalolo


Ianimal — Did I miss a change to NJ’s recreational policy? I’ve consistently heard that recreational marijuana use in public will be treated the same as drinking in public and only allowed in designated areas.

Are you confusing the current medical marijuana laws, which allow for consumption wherever one can smoke cigarettes, with the new recreational guidelines? If so, medical patients have been allowed to do this for years and it hasn’t caused any issues. The average Joe won’t be allowed to just light up on a bench on Main Street.

Average Joe can now also pop a few gummies have a beverage or baked good. Not to mention the concentrates of refined resin, live resin etc. those are vaped and go mostly undetected. People need to stop stereotyping and using archaic analogies. If we can have beer brewing shops and local breweries we can have local cultivation and production of cannabis as well as local distribution. IE a liquor store. We have those too. Geez

Steve Steve
Aug '21

According to this, municipalities need to specifically restrict where you can use; otherwise, it defaults to the Clean Air Act.


ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

Correct. Hence the introduction of Ordinance 2021-10.


Prohibiting smoking of cannabis at town recreational facilities.

The state approved recreational cannabis for use privately and in places that serve alcohol. There is no “advantage” given to people who use it versus people who want to throw back a beer.

Medical marijuana patients have a bit more leeway because it is their medicine. They can smoke and vape cannabis wherever smoking is permitted.

Glad the town approved some recreational sales. It will benefit the town and its residents.

SquirrelGirl SquirrelGirl
Aug '21

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

Be prepared for license plate scanners (in marked or unmarked cars) at the dispensaries…. Keeping track of who’s buying. Next time you go to Hackettstown Guns to pick up a .22 for plinking you’ll be nabbed for lying on the 4473.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Aug '21

What’s a 4473?

Indie Indie
Aug '21

4473 is the form you are required to fill out for every firearm purchase.

In addition to your personal info and the make/model/SN of what you’re buying it also asks about criminal history, straw purchasing, drug use, etc. Obviously need to answer NO to those questions otherwise you’ll be denied. Lying on the form is a federal felony. with 10 years in the clink…

So, if you are a gun owner/buyer be careful about being too brazen with where you toke up.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Aug '21

ATF Form 4473, Firearms Transaction Record (Form 4473)

Squirrelgirl other than casinos, smoking is prohibited in places that serve alcohol, so I'm not sure you have your facts straight.

AC trips will be a lot more interesting, though... throwing bones at the Craps table with a 3-foot bong in the other hand, lol

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

I’ve filled out quite a few 4473s just didn’t know it. I’m really not worried about the scanners. Life’s to short.

Indie Indie
Aug '21

ianimal many people who use cannabis no longer smoke it and have other ways of ingesting it. With the advent of recreational use, there will be more edibles, drinks, dry vaping of flower in vaporization devices, and cannabis-infused products. Also, at outdoor events (not necessarily in Hackettstown) that are not on town-owned grounds, if alcohol is permitted, cannabis in some forms could be as well.

SquirrelGirl SquirrelGirl
Aug '21

At private events, sure... but if I'm a bar owner, why would i let someone take up space and get high on their own supply? unless there's a way to monetize it for bar owners, I can't see them allowing it.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

Smoking isn’t permitted in bars so I don’t see that as an issue

Local Gal Local Gal
Aug '21

Will bar owners be allowed to serve the THC infused drinks.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Aug '21

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

CBB- I would doubt is as a license from the ABC is rather specific. Perhaps they will consider amending the criteria for the license and what can be dispensed in the future.

More odor complaints;

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Aug '21

What a joke - The last line in the odor article posted:

After many complaints, town meeting, and even the firm admit of the smell problem, the town's mayor says:

"It's not a constant problem,"..."I drove in the parking lot yesterday, and it did not smell."

~Glad they have a true leader using all his resources to thoroughly research and consider the concerns of his citizens by his 'drive by' ...sensing the air was clean, clear and just fine *to him.~

aol123@aol.com aol123@aol.com
Aug '21

Hackettstown included an odor emission standard in the ordinance and GTI presented to the Land Use Board the filtration upgrades they are doing to the building to meet those standards. It looks like from this article, the company just converted a Walmart to a cultivation without doing any upgrades and are now doing them after they got complaints. We were more proactive and required those upgrades before opening.

All things one would learn from attending meetings :)

Jim L Jim L
Aug '21

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

Just went to a beautiful dispensary in Illinois, tablets all over the place where you could research and place your order. at least a half dozen knowledgeable staff to help me with the different strains, etc. I can’t picture a place like this opening in Hackettstown sorry to say, but maybe and hopefully I’ll be wrong

Hadenough Hadenough
Aug '21

Well stated, Jim. That particular facility has been batted around in a few news articles. It's nonsense and simply a smear piece against that type of facility in my opinion. Besides it is very subjective and there is no real, accurate method to detect and measure levels of odor anyway other than a human nose. That place is a far cry from what will be in place here in Hackettstown for sure.

As an aside, why are folks not upset with the odor coming from Mars? I mean if I don't care for the smell of chocolate or roasting peanuts that's an issue as it wafts over town often. Many people like it and I would gather some don't. In this case some folks enjoy the odor of cannabis while some don't. Just saying! LOL.

minutes from the 7/27/21 Land Use Meeting where GTI presented their proposed upgrades to the building, including addressing the odor concerns:

Mr. Dejter testified to the following regarding odors:
• Charcoal odor mitigation system and recirculating air systems will be installed
• Each room has dedicated centralized air handling systems
• Odor mitigation system has phased gas chambers within the system that filter odors
• Rooms are sealed and are constructed with metal panels
• A building automation system will be used to monitor equipment
• Filters are changed routinely

what exciting and useful information one learns from attending meetings :)

Jim L. Jim L.
Aug '21

of course, the most impressive testimony of that meeting:

• Hours of operation will be from 8AM to 5PM Monday through Friday with select cultivation employees working on Saturday and Sunday.
• There will be approximately 100 employees working on the production and manufacturing floor and approximately 50 office employees
• Employees will be hired locally

Jim L. Jim L.
Aug '21

Great points Jim. I agree the experts were very thorough in explaining the construction details and such. This will clearly be a state of the art facility and will continue to be as they indicated any new technology in this industry will be implemented as it becomes available.

Having the staffing come locally is a great plus in addition to the overall positive impact this facility will have here. In my opinion of course.

What building is it going to occupy? I didn't see that mentioned anywhere...

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21


105 Bilby road. Old Compaq building.

Jim L. Jim L.
Aug '21

Does anyone if/when there will be a place to start buying?

Makomiller1984 Makomiller1984
Nov '21

Once NJ starts issuing licenses. Probably mid 2022 at the earliest at the pace they are going

Jim L Jim L
Nov '21

You can buy now. www.Cannicakes.com. www.slumpedkitchen.com. https://tee-dupinc.com/

Masks Fortheugly Masks Fortheugly
Nov '21

That's hilarious!!! I wonder what the rates at bilby road will be...with all this state of the art stuff going on it may wind up being cheaper to hit up your local dealer. I'm sure by the time jersey starts TAXING the hell out of it it will be overpriced

Nov '21

itsiswhatitis.........I believe from what I've read that the Bilby Road location if for Cultivation and not retail sales.

Nov '21

That is correct, Richie. All information regarding cannabis sales in town or the approved cannabis cultivation facility can be found on the town website or by attending Land Use Board meetings as well as town council meetings.

Any recent information on dispensaries in town?

Indie Indie
Mar '22

At the special council meeting tonight council passed a resolution in support of a dispensary here in town.

Giddy up!

All applications are stuck at the state level. There have been 4 companies interested in opening in town but none have gotten their license from the state yet. We only allow 2 so the first 2 to get their license approved at the state level will be allowed to open up shop in town.

Jim L. Jim L.
Mar '22

Good to hear 4 companies are interested. Hopefully it won't be too long now. The application process at the state Cannabis Regulatory Commission just started accepting applications to operate a dispensary March 15th so it may take a bit to process. According to some news reports they could be cleared to open for business within the next couple of months.

"......You have to factor in the 90-day review process for their application, then the 120 days in order to meet the requirements of the location (municipality), then they have to get up and running and create supply and ramp up their staffing,” said DeLoreto. “They may start selling by the end of the year. Probably not for the most part. Looking more like early next year.”

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Mar '22

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

LOL. Typical efficient state processing! Reading that I'd bet there will be even more delays. That is a completely different timeline given recently. But eventually it will happen I guess. I feel bad for folks who have The Reefer Madness!

Typical New Jersey political debacle. Yesterday on the NJ.com Twitter push an article was stating retail sales possibly starting as soon as late April early May. Today the news breaks that it's delayed once again to sort out an issue with existing medical marijuana dispensaries. Sounds like this Regulatory commission is sampling the goods a bit too much LOL. It's becoming a farce...

Thank goodness for all the great delivery services offering legit dispo goods tax free of course. Anyone in the know doesn’t care when the state goes live overcharging.

Steve Steve
Mar '22

Murphy and his clowns in legislature are a joke. They must still be fighting about who to give reparations to. Meanwhile, all the potential tax revenue continues to flow out of state to areas where politicians have half a brain.

Bruin Bruin
Mar '22

Breaking NYT story:
"A year and a half after New Jersey residents voted to legalize cannabis, the state on Monday gave seven medical-marijuana companies final approval to start selling their products to all adults, opening the door to the first legal marijuana sales in the New York City region within a month."

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Apr '22


yup, it's a slow crawl, but finally there is some progress. However, legal cannabis won't be fully realized in NJ until mom-and-pop dispensaries are up and running, which could still take quite some time.

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

By the way...has anyone got any updates on Green Thumb Industries? They are supposed to be setting up operations on Bilby, but I haven't seen any progress toward that to date.

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

So how long will it be until we can go to a shop locally to buy products? Are these initial 7 locations set up to provide to smaller shops, or will they have their hands full with enough orders from their own local areas?

Apr '22

As I understand 7 cultivators known as alternative treatment centers (ATC) were the ones approved. The closest one to Hackettstown is in Phillipsburg.

The taxes associated with sales and how used are interesting:

"Under the New Jersey marijuana legalization laws signed by Gov. Phil Murphy last year, adult use marijuana sales will be subject to the state sales tax of 6.625% and an additional "social justice excise fee," a flat tax between $10 and $60 that increases as the price of cannabis decreases.

Municipalities also have the option of adding a 2% local tax to cannabis sales within their borders, which has been almost universally adopted by towns allowing retail marijuana sales.

Between 60% and 87% of all tax revenue will go to designated "impact zones," towns or cities with large populations who also have high rates of crime, unemployment and a history of marijuana possession arrests."
Source: https://amp.app.com/amp/9533448002

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Apr '22

Given the 850,000 or so people in the Lehigh Valley Metro Area, sniffing the inside of the Apothecarium in Pburg for adult-use cannabis while only the seven sites are open for business will be like scoring Rolling Stones tickets in the 70s...

ianimal ianimal
Apr '22

And you’ll be paying $85 for mids.

Steve Steve
Apr '22

Worried about what the parking situation will be like in Pburg for medical patients. That site is not ideal for combined medical-recreational sales. I've asked Apothecarium staffers where the nearest parking lot is and they always give me vague directions (that are not really directions). The only time I go to Pburg is to get my medicine so I have no idea where to even look for parking. Anyone know?

SquirrelGirl SquirrelGirl
Apr '22

I do believe its against the law to cross a stateline and buy marijuana and take it back home..any pennsylvania is risking a felony charge coming to nj to buy weed

Apr '22

Actually it is just a misdemeanor offence according to Pennsylvania law. Besides people have been traveling across borders of states since well they existed to purchase contraband. The threat of penalty has not stopped too many folks from getting what they want that's for sure.

We are not talking about pennsylvania law

Federal law is what makes it a felony


Apr '22

Doubt the Feds. Are going to be busting people at the bridge for a 1/4 oz. of weed.

Indie Indie
Apr '22

"Governor Phil Murphy @GovMurphy
Starting on April 21st, adults ages 21+ will be able to legally purchase cannabis and cannabis products without a medical card.
This is a historic step in our work to create a new cannabis industry. Learn more: http://nj.gov/cannabis."

Best NJ Governor ever?
& Looking for the list of places OPEN for business?

"A list of locations that will open on April 21 will be posted on the Commission’s website as soon as ATCs confirm the date on which they will begin operations."

aol123@aol.com aol123@aol.com
Apr '22

Not busted but the troopers in pa will confiscate it...just like booze

Apr '22

Squirrelgirl, the nearest municipal lot is northeast of the Free Bridge by Jimmie's Doggie Stand. It's not far from Apothecarium as the crow flies, but there's a pretty good elevation difference if you have mobility issues.

ianimal ianimal
Apr '22

Thank you, ianimal. Yes, some mobility issues but I should be able to handle that. Much appreciated.

SquirrelGirl SquirrelGirl
Apr '22

How is pricing handled - is it set by the state for all dispensaries to follow, or is it up to the individual business owner to set prices on their own?

Apr '22

The dispensaries arent state stores so I imagine they could set their own prices as they are individually owned

Had Enough Had Enough
Apr '22

DManPV — right now pricing varies between medical dispensaries, so recreational should be the same.

I was at a flea market in South Jersey on Saturday and several stands had what looked like budd in small jars.
I'm not interested so I did not ask about prices. or anything

I appreciate the info.

It’s annoying that many of the marijuana related articles in NJ.com are marked subscriber only.

Apr '22

Prices will vary. In Colorado for example each dispensary has different strains and blends. Sativa, THC percentage, Indica, hybrid etc. Some places start at $100 an ounce and up. That's for flower. Edibles, oils, concentrates etc. will all be priced differently. The various dispensaries will offer different products based on what supplier they use. Equate it to wine. You can get Two Buck Chuck from Traders Joe's or spend a mortgage payment on one bottle. Again like in Colorado some places will be much more "upscale" while others will be a bit more pedestrian if you will. In this area I would think we may have both types of dispensaries. We will see.

I've never done THC of any kind. Because I would never inhale smoke (unless it's a campfire LOL). But has anyone had success using these products for either chronic pain or sleep? If so, I'd like to hear what you would recommend someone trying for these issues.

I know the people at the dispensaries are knowledgeable (supposed to be anyway), but I'm a fan of personal experiences, even if "everyone is different". For me, getting high is not even wanted... I want some relief and sleep.

yes, I've tried CBD products, for me they had limited or no effect (no THC component in them tho)

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '22

JR — indica strains with THC content around 15% consumed through a dry herb vaporizer (no smoke, almost no smell) are a godsend for chronic pain and insomnia.

Stay away from the strains with high (20%+) THC levels as they will make you, well, high.

D-ManPV, I bet that NJ.com thinks it's annoying that people think they should get for free original content that costs them $ to publish.

ianimal ianimal
Apr '22

I can’t wait to find out if the dispensary’s will offer gift cards. I hope so. I have friends that I never know what to get them for birthdays and holidays. It would be awesome if they offer them.

auntiel auntiel
Apr '22

Thanks, Kat. Added to my "research" LOL

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '22


If your aim is to get sound sleep, then "getting high" shouldn't even be a concern.

I wouldn't be concerned about levels of THC, I'd be concerned about whether the product is effective or not, being that the lack of sleep can wreak havoc on our well-being.

I have tried a myriad of cannabis products in the past to help with my insomnia, but like you, I'm not interested in smoking any weed at this stage of life. Fortunately, there are other forms of cannabis that are ready to help.

I would look more toward tinctures and concentrates, but I would avoid edibles because they can be hard to gauge. Personally, I think FECO (full extract cannabis oil), otherwise known as RSO (Rick Simpson Oil), is the way to go. High THC yes, but you'll be asleep, and when you wake up, you'll only have a slight and pleasant buzz, one that won't stop you from carrying on with your day.

If you are not familiar with being high, or even buzzed for that matter, don't worry. The buzz you'll have in the morning, if any, is calming and relaxing. You'll still retain all of your faculties, and you'll be fully rested from a good night's sleep.

So don't be trepidatious about cannabis or THC levels, in fact, the higher the better where sleep is concerned. The only issue is finding FECO, as I'm not sure if any is being sold by these dispensaries. You can extract it yourself, but that's a process that is time consuming and potentially dangerous if you don't know what you are doing.

In lieu of FECO, I'd check out tinctures...not as strong as FECO, but it might do the trick in your case.

Bottom line...don't be put off by high THC levels, especially if all you're doing is sleeping. Once you experience "being high", or even just being buzzed, you'll realize it's no big deal, and you'll adjust to it with no problem.

As a side bonus, perhaps over time your political views will change for the better. :- )

Kidding aside, get out there and try SOMETHING. Losing sleep is serious stuff, I know first-hand. Cannabis is here to help. Good luck and sleep well.

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

>"As a side bonus, perhaps over time your political views will change for the better. :- )"

haha I think I've figured out who you are (used to be).... my political views have evolved beyond the 2-party chess game of "good cop bad cop", so ...

As for the topic, thanks for the info. I suffer from terrible tension headaches (they are not migraines, and I don't have a tumor LOL), and I have been looking for something to KNOCK ME OUT when I have them, as only a few hours of deep sleep will stop them. It's like my body forgets how to relax the muscles unless I'm unconscious. And I don't want sleeping pills, opiates, SSRIs, or anything like them. Just looking for an "as needed" product to knock me the F out when I desperately need it, to escape from these killer headaches.

I tried 1/2 a chocolate edible last night, did nothing. I'll try a whole one next time. My friends have done them, so I've got some "experienced" coaches LOL

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '22

"N.J. might run out of recreational weed on Day 1, state agency warns"

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Apr '22

Yes, a lot of gray area regarding political affiliation these days. I try to stay as open minded and objective as I can. Let's just say I'm a Liberal who holds traditional views on many issues.

Anyway, I'm all too familiar with headaches, bad ones, as I have suffered from Lyme for well over a decade now. These "Lymegraines" as I call them, are totally debilitating, I get them about 5 times a month on average. Smoking weed helps, but like you, I don't want the assault on my lungs.

I managed to get a hold of some FECO a while back, and a little goes a long way. It almost has the consistency of grease, and a sesame seed sized serving is all you need for a good night's sleep. It's expensive (relatively speaking), and hard to come by (although maybe not now), but it has never failed to "knock me out" of my misery. I encourage you to seek it out.

I have done the edible thing, and like I said I find it to be hit or miss. I have also made the mistake of eating too much and wound up being incapacitated for an entire 2 days. In addition to that, current edibles are loaded with sugar, and in the case of chocolate...caffeine, two things NOT conducive to a good night's sleep.

I hope your "coaches" point you in the right direction, for your sake. But I'd be doing some heavy research myself if I were you. Those headaches and lack of sleep that you have is a terrible thing to live with. You might have to experiment for a while, but you'll find what works best for you at some point.

Good luck.

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22


It figures.

It'll take some time for NJ to get its cannabis legs, where rec weed is concerned. In a couple of years (or sooner I hope), NJ should figure this thing out. If it takes longer than that it would be ridiculous.

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

only one truth:

I also have chronic lyme. Recent tests show it's not currently active, but I sure have several of the symptoms (one of which is headaches). Actually started seeing a lyme specialist...

Now back to your regularly scheduled (weed) programming...LOL

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '22

And they are allowing these people using weed, somewhat or a lot stoned, to drive?!?

Will tickets be issued if pulled over and stoned?!

MansfieldVillager MansfieldVillager
Apr '22

Tickets have always been issued of someone has been pulled over stoned........

4catmom 4catmom
Apr '22


Keep in mind, edibles take time to kick in, sometimes up to 30 minutes so it's best to go slow with those. I did see you said you tried some and it didn't do anything, sometimes that happens too. That's the problem with cannabis, it takes time and lots of trial and error to find what works for you. Unfortunately, the stuff isn't cheap and it's not covered by insurance even for medical patients.

Just a fyi, smoking or vaping will kick in much faster, but wear off faster as well. Edibles last longer.

Lynnada Lynnada
Apr '22

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

No edibles available for recreational use at Apothecarium yet... only a few strains of flower and vape pen cartridges for the most part.

ianimal ianimal
Apr '22

Wow those prices! And I assume that’s before taxes. $150 for a 1g cart is robbery. I’ll still stick with all the great vendors we have. Offering legit Maine and Cali products for half the cost tax free of course and will deliver to your door if you like.

I don’t remember how the pricing in CA and Co started out. Probably was higher in the beginning. The quality in the NJ dispos haven’t been all that great from what I’ve heard.

Steve Steve
Apr '22


Yeah, the pricing in NJ is outrageous, at least for now.

It'll be interesting to see if the laws of supply and demand will apply once the industry is fully established. It would be criminal if these prices remained this high (or higher) in the not-too-distant future.

I've read that the "high end" weed in Cali is priced out equal to our low end weed here, as it stands right now. If I have to resort to extracting my own FECO (my concentrate of preference), then I think I might be contacting those vendors you spoke of, at least for the time being. I don't think our dispensaries even sell FECO, so it looks like that's the route I'm going to have to take.

Any chance you can point me in the right direction regarding those vendors?

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

@only one truth
Yeah too bad we didn’t use the Michigan or Oregon model. They seemed to get it right from the start.

As to your other question I’d rather not blurt out here. Are you familiar with the Telegram app or discord? From there you want to search NJEnts used to be on Reddit but it got shut down. Anyway gain acceptance to that group and you should be enlightened.

I also heard of a small retail shop opening in Stanhope. No idea of the location.

Steve Steve
Apr '22


Sorry to hear. Lyme is a disease I wouldn't wish on anyone; it's completely altered my life...for the worse.

There is a young woman on YouTube that claims she healed her Lyme by using the FECO (RSO) oil that I suggested you take for your headaches and insomnia. It's also been recommended by for a myriad of health issues, from A to Z.

I've never been able to remain consistent enough with it to form an opinion about its healing efficacy, but I know for certain that it is a powerful sleep aid. I'm hoping to have enough on hand to last me for the long term, whether purchasing it or extracting it myself, only then will I be able to make a determination on it.

Like you, I only want to use it before bedtime. I don't mind a slight buzz, but I'm not really interested in being high anymore, save for the occasional occasion. Besides, by far the worst Lyme symptom I have is the 24/7/365 brain fog and fatigue, which is something that can only be described by other sufferers. It's a somewhat similar feeling to being high, except it's an unpleasant version of it, and it NEVER goes away. It comes from a severely inflamed brain, due to the bacterial infection, and it's somewhat akin to encephalitis.

Based on your comments, it sounds like your Lyme is in remission for the most part, aside from the occasional headache and insomnia. Maybe your specialist can paint a clearer picture for you, but it's been my experience that most Lyme patients ultimately have to find out what works for them through experimentation, and that no two people have the exact same symptomology.

Let me know how your specialist appointment goes, I'd be interested in his diagnosis of your problem.

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

Thanks Steve.

Yeah, I fully understand why you don't want to disclose anything on here, but I should be able to track down the information I need by myself, based on the information you just provided...thanks.

Personally, I'm seeking employment in the industry in some capacity, so it'll behoove me to start exploring everything that's currently out there, as well as what awaits on the horizon. I've only got about 10 more years of work ahead of me, I couldn't ask for a better way to close it out then doing something that I can fully support and feel good about. I just hope someone is willing to hire an old man like myself.

Again, thanks for the info, enjoy your stash. : )

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

Thanks only one truth. I have joint pain also, but am going through standard tests now (x-ray, MRI) to determine if they are structural. If they are not structural in nature (tendon fraying, arthritis, etc), then it's either the lyme (which according to recent tests shows it in remission), or they are from emotional reasons... which is a whole 'nuther story. Some of them ARE structural (compressed/herniated discs), others... IDK yet.

I just want to not be in chronic pain, and if some form of this stuff can help with that, ANY break from it I can get is a good one, and without quality sleep, EVERYTHING suffers, and there is no healing, physical or emotional/psychological.

Sorry to hear yours is apparently more advanced/chronic than mine is. it never leaves, of course... like Epstein-Barre, chicken pox, and other things, it just goes into remission, and can come back out at any time.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '22


I just left you a long response to your last post, but I think when I went to edit it, I inadvertently deleted it.

So now, in a nutshell...

Standard Lyme testing is insufficient. That's not to say you aren't in remission, but based on what you're telling me, your Lyme is alive and well. Sorry, I'm not trying to be discouraging, but as a seeker of truth I have to be a straight shooter.

I also have all the signature aches and pains that come with Lyme, but my neuro symptoms are by far the worst. It's not just the fog and fatigue, it's the anxiety, eye floaters, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, insomnia, etc.etc.etc.

In your case it appears that while you have managed to alleviate some of your symptoms, others are clearly lingering, hence my suggestion for the FECO (aka RSO).

FECO is the strongest extract of cannabis that you will find. It might help with your chronic pain, but I know for CERTAIN that it will give you a restful sleep. As you stated, without sleep there is no chance for healing, so I highly (no pun intended) recommend you give it a chance...if you can find it.

Also, those emotional issues are most likely tied directly to your Chronic Lyme, I know this from my own experience.

It's an insidious disease my friend, one that disguises itself as other diseases, and one that won't ever completely be resolved. The best we can hope for is symptom alleviation, which should be our mission for the rest of our lives.

Keep me updated if you like and best wishes. : )

only one truth only one truth
Apr '22

Apothecatium does carry "soft lozenges" basically gummies. Though I think it is limited to medical only for now. I believe only flower is available for rec. Jefferson republic, I would try some of the do gummies they are stronger than the do and will put you to sleep. DO does relax the body more and is a bit more helpful with the pain. I would try to find a sweet spot mix of the two for now.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Apr '22

"Apothecatium does carry "soft lozenges" basically gummies. Though I think it is limited to medical only for now. I believe only flower is available for rec. Jefferson republic, I would try some of the d9 gummies they are stronger than the d8 and will put you to sleep. D8 does relax the body more and is a bit more helpful with the pain. I would try to find a sweet spot mix of the two for now." Edited to fix the autocorrect that made it really confusing. Though there is thc-o and if you get a legitimate batch that is super strong, very good for extreme pain but can be very intense for new users.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Apr '22

"A dozen dispensaries sold more than $24 million in recreational marijuana to adults in the first month such purchases were legal, according to Cannabis Regulatory Commission data."

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
May '22

That number will only increase once the scores of dispensaries waiting to open legally begin to operate.
I know one can purchase cannabis here in town now. Naturally, it is from a related shop that is selling it illegally even though it is a legal product now.


Weedwacker Weedwacker
May '22

Greg, what shop is that?

May '22

It was either Good Luck Vapes or Puff City both on Mountain Ave. My friend went into one asking if they sold any of the devil's lettuce, and they stated they do not. She then went into the other and made a cannabis purchase. I just don't recall which one she went into first. This was just this past week.

Check that I just asked her. One can score at Puff City. Shh! LOL

The secret is out Greg spilled the beans. Dirt weed Is available for purchase on mountain ave.

Weedwacker Weedwacker
May '22

Skunkle Sams in Stanhope as well. In the old Napa auto parts location. So many places. It’s legal.

Steve Steve
May '22

How about us old farts with asthma ? Who's got the edibles to help us sleep?

May '22


Looks like the Apothecarium in Phillipsburg now has edibles

Local Gal Local Gal
May '22

Yeah, now I don’t have to drive to Massachusetts for my edibles

Happygirl Happygirl
May '22

I smoked some for the holiday and now I can't remember what day we are memorializing?

I am really hungry though and there's lots of hot dogs and hamburgers. H a m burger... C h e e burger.....that's funnily familiar, like I am memorializing: Cheeburger, cheeburger no coke, pepsi, no fries, cheeps.

Babit Babit
May '22

Apparently there is the all good to go about the operation going at bilby road. They were offloading equipment a few weeks ago and now the grass is getting tall in the back/ sides of building.

There is also big black fence around the entrance so no one can get in or out. Looks like something fishy

Jun '22


I've been waiting to hear any news about the proposed cultivation center on Bilby. As has been previously discussed, it was my understanding that Green Thumb Ind. would be occupying that building.

I too drove by the other day, and it sure does appear that something is going on. As you said, there is a fence around the entrance, and signs for trucks entering and exiting. But I still haven't been able to find any information about the time frame. If anyone has an update, I sure would appreciate it, I'm very interested in possibly finding employment there.

Not sure what you mean about "something fishy", unless you are just kidding.

only one truth only one truth
Jun '22

Only- I'm sure if you contact GTI corporate they can give some updates as well as possible employment information.


Thanks Greg, I have checked their website on several occasions, but there's never anything about the new cultivation center in there, with regard to our area anyway.

Maybe I will just give them a call directly.

only one truth only one truth
Jun '22

I was thinking of getting a part time job there, I’m retired and can walk there…. Good excercise. Thanks Greg for the info

Happygirl Happygirl
Jun '22

I’m really hoping it doesn’t attract an organized crime/gang/oceans 11 style heist. Any time you have hundreds of thousands of dollars of product somewhere that is still illegal in many states, you could have a problem.

Jun '22

Are people worried about declining property values when living near these proposed marijuana farms? I read online that sometimes the smell can be intolerable.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '22

I’d be worried, Calico. That weed-scented air has to vent out of the building and it will certainly stink up the area. I have NOTHING against pot or the people who smoke it but I’m getting a little tired of all the NIMBY people pushing their crap to warren county. Between the warehouses, slaughter houses, and now this, it seems like our county is viewed by the rest of the state as the NJ dump

Jun '22

There is a marijuana processing warehouse in an old Walmart building on Route 22 in west Somerset County. You can definitely smell the weed driving by and residents have complained.

Between the smell of M&M's chocolate and this new weed smell floating around our town, I'm preparing to have the munchies 24/7!

honestyseasy honestyseasy
Jun '22

Luckily in this case there are only two homes in the immediate area down the street from this facility with the exception of the yet to be built Princess Towers that will be essentially across the street from the cultivation center.
I know a few of the commercial property owners expressed concerns about odor at some of the early Land Use meetings and how it could negatively impact their values as well. I guess it's a wait and see deal at this point. I'm certain the LUB will stipulate air quality equipment and a subsequent process to deal with any possible future complaints related to odor and such.

I see Chicken Little has some relatives.

Some of you have some interesting imaginations, to say the least.

But specifically, with regard to any odor from the cultivation center, I believe Jim L. was extremely detailed with the information he provided this thread about the filters that will be utilized by the new occupants (GTI).

I doubt there'll be any issues.

How about actually waiting before they are fully operational, instead of predicting a doom and gloom eventuality?

In the unlikely event that your "concerns" have validity in the future, then I'm sure they will be met with efficient solutions.

only one truth only one truth
Jun '22

Who are we kidding? Odors? We live in NJ!!! hahaha

friendly mcface friendly mcface
Jul '22

"I’m getting a little tired of all the NIMBY people pushing their crap to warren county."

umm, this crap will bring in an estimated $3 million/yr in taxes directly to the town. We welcomed it will open arms.

As for the smell, as discussed in the LUB here is what will be installed at the Bilby location:
• Charcoal odor mitigation system and recirculating air systems will be installed
• Each room has dedicated centralized air handling systems
• Odor mitigation system has phased gas chambers within the system that filter odors
• Rooms are sealed and are constructed with metal panels
• A building automation system will be used to monitor equipment
• Filters are changed routinely

As for security, these places are like Fort Knox. Higher security than most banks.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '22

While I'm all for it, when should i begin to hold my breath waiting for lower property taxes as a result? My guess this money will fall in the same blackhole as gambling/sports betting/lottery and possibly toll collection.

Steve Steve
Jul '22

"umm, this crap will bring in an estimated $3 million/yr in taxes directly to the town. We welcomed it will open arms."

I'm with Steve on this. Of course you will welcome it Jim L. A money grab that will not see a dime of it go towards helping anyone financially in town. All this will do is allow more spending to our government officials so when it comes time for re-election they can all brag about what they gave to the town. But politicians will always be politicians!!

Jul '22

That estimated $3mill will go into the town's Capital Improvement fund. This means, more roads paved, entire neighborhood sidewalks redone, infrastructure improvements, rec improvements, and Community Center/Senior center improvements = higher quality of life for residents. Your taxes mainly go up because of the BOE budget, not the town's. check your tax breakdown

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '22


So Steve first complains that the town will pass on the revenue and now complains that the town didn't pass on the revenue but will use the revenue wrong. Got it.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '22

Think of the expanded police department hackettstown will have with all those stoners in town..or the new municipal complex to house the larger force

Jul '22

It's a cultivation center, not a retail sales center.

If and when Hackettstown DOES get a adult-use dispensary, I'm sure it will be less of a burden to HPD than the local bars are...

ianimal ianimal
Jul '22

What law will these "Stoners" be breaking bugger that we need more cops?

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '22

The retail center will br the old wells fargo bank on high street...so yes ianimal its gonna be a high time in hackettstown

Jul '22

The stoners will be stealing, public nuisance..driving under the influence.causing acvidents etc etc..but they won't be charged with possession

Jul '22

LOL.I can't imagine any uptick in crime at all once the dispensary's are open here in town. First of all there are plenty of folks who enjoy cannabis now here in town. An opening of a dispensary won't increase that number one bit I'm sure. As ianimal pointed out it's alcohol consumption and the resulting poor decisions that typically top the incident reports. Also, I would bet through the information to be gathered at the dispensary's at the time of purchase, the majority of patrons will be from outside of Hackettstown as we are one of the few municipalities in this area to allow cannabis sales.

Not to be argumentative Bug but the statements of stealing, public nuisance and driving while impaired simply are not what is seen with cannabis users. There is volumes of data that simply don't support those statements.

Bug3 the sky isn’t falling hahaha

As much as putting it right across the street from a chocolate factory would be hilariously appropriate, if I were a Greentrepreneur, I would be looking someplace with more foot traffic. Maybe the strip mall connected to BOA on West Stiger... consolidate all five units into one.

ianimal ianimal
Jul '22

In Amsterdam, I remember that shortly after opening up that the locals were up in arms over all the people, the cars, the commotion. No parking left anywhere on the weekend as the Germans blitzkrieg-ed the area. The public demanded a crack-down on all the stoners and lobbied their police to straighten them up.

So the police descended and reported back that it was very crowded but all they could find were happy, contented, hungry, people and a some double-parkers. They said everyone exhibited extreme calm except for the giggling. A few places were closed in the 60's due to traffic concerns, but usually reopened some time later.

They improved the parking and all has been well. They even have a pot history museum, walking tours, and all sorts of touristy stuff.

Even if the town money seems to disappear, that's another issue with budgeting, not pot. But seems like an no-brainer call to let this new business with new money open up in our old town.

Now let's get some pot shops on Main for drinking, smokin, dining, and listening to some great tunes. Moderation in all things of course.

Babit Babit
Jul '22

2 million in revenue means more people in town..all those things would happen if they just put a mall in...stoners will just make it that much more interesting

Jul '22

Huh? Then in essence what you are stating is any large retail operation like a mall will attract and promote " stealing, public nuisance..driving under the influence.causing acvidents etc etc" ? I am really trying to see any logic or common sense in that opinion. All the folks pining for a Whole Foods or Wegmans or any number of the often discussed retail operations would be welcoming chaos and lawlessness to our little community the way you describe it! LOL.

And frankly the term "stoners" the way you are using it in a negative tone and manner is really quite a derogatory term. You are categorizing anyone who uses cannabis as someone you clearly deem I don't know riff raff? Seems a bit narrow minded that's all. But hey it is your opinion and that, for now, is still legal here in the good ol USA!

If the retail store goes in I am putting a Crispy Creme nextdoor

Jul '22

What i am saying is the same people who drive drunk will drive stoned..Partyers are partyers...you bring more to town ..you need more cops...i did say that ANY retail operation that brings in 2 million a year will also require more cops etc...but when you entice any dui type operations..its gonna get worse..but think of the revenue the courts will collect

Jul '22

“Now let's get some pot shops on Main for drinking, smokin, dining, and listening to some great tunes”.

Babit I’m right there with ya✌️

Had Enough Had Enough
Jul '22

Just a thought … Everyone in NJ who wants to smoke weed is smoking weed making it legal removes local law enforcement from dealing with low level possession issues and a long list of other stuff … (simply less paperwork for non violet crimes) In a few years with legal stores being around and accepted I am sure there will be businesses that will try attract this new market by offering restaurants with edible dinning experience. Live music events … I could even see events that were alcohol free and only catering the cannabis users…and next up are legal psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushroom) NJ introduced a bill last week it could take a few years but that step could seriously help out the mental health community … see the Book by Michael Pollan “How to Change Your Mind”

LibertyThinker LibertyThinker
Jul '22

Bug3 it’s already legal. Everyone in town who wants to partake is already partaking. I’m sure we would’ve heard by now if there was literally any uptick in crimes like you’ve described throughout the state. Also never heard stoners described as “partyers”. It’s not really a party drug.


I am in awe of your ignorance, and in even greater awe of your denial.

No matter the myriad of logical attempts made at educating you about cannabis, and all that it encompasses, you simply refuse to admit your lack of knowledge pertaining to it.

It's comically sad, but I'll take one last stab at it.

FYI, those "stoners" you refer to? First off, as Greg previously pointed out, "stoners" is a fairly derogatory term. Not everyone who uses cannabis is laying around on a couch watching cartoons all day. In fact, it's not even close to a stretch to say that most people using cannabis products, are (and have been), highly contributing members of society for a long time.

The vast majority of users lead responsible, peaceful and productive lives, minding their own business's and hurting no one.

You also have to factor in the significant amount of people who are utilizing cannabis for medicinal purposes. Are they "stoners' in your book as well?

You wouldn't call everyone who has had, or will ever have an alcoholic beverage a drunk or alcoholic, would you? I don't know, maybe you would.

Also, here's another FYI. Loooooooong before this overdue legalization, guess what Bug, you have been surrounded by people who have been using weed, you just weren't aware of it. Do you honestly believe that the inception of legal cannabis will trigger a multitude of new users?

These people have been around you for decades...working, playing, and living their lives without you having any knowledge of their cannabis use, and yet somehow the world hasn't ended.

"Stealing"? "Public nuisance"? "Causing accidents"? Wow, if all farms were as fertile as your imagination, there would be no world hunger.

Fortunately, despite your ignorance and opposition, we (NJ) are moving forward. Like it or not, and you clearly don't, you'll just have to adapt to the ensuing "chaos".

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22


To your points about Amsterdam (all good ones) ...

I've been there 3 times, but not recently. All I ever experienced was civility. Smoke shops with people just enjoying themselves and chilling out. I never witnessed any scenes, fights, or vagrancy, although there was a park that apparently attracted heroin users, (as I was informed), but that in no way was involved with the cannabis culture there.

I don't know what it's like these days in the Red-Light District, but it was an absolute pleasure when I was there. It was the first time that I had used weed without worrying about being "caught". And even though we'll be legal here in NJ, I'd still want to take another trip there, because the atmosphere is unlike anything we have in the States.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22

I would take a town full of weed smoking over a town full of drunks any day of the week. Bug did you have an issue when they let bars stay open until 2am, add brewery’s to the town and let all the BYO happen. Alcohol far far far worse then any pot will ever be.

PS. I am pro BYO and breweries. Just making a point above.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Jul '22

Jim L

"That estimated $3mill will go into the town's Capital Improvement fund. This means, more roads paved, entire neighborhood sidewalks redone, infrastructure improvements, rec improvements, and Community Center/Senior center improvements = higher quality of life for residents"

I thought the home owners were responsible for their own side walks? Has this changed?

Nancy Nancy
Jul '22

Why go to Amsterdam when you can visit phillipsburg and see what a pot head paradise that place is?

Jul '22

Amsterdam is the 6th safest city in the world. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Jul '22

Nancy- They are quite a few sidewalks that are maintained by the town. Home owners are responsible for the side walks in front of their property.

"I thought the home owners were responsible for their own side walks? Has this changed?"

They are, but there are times when the town applies for grants to do an entire street if it's really bad. (E. Prospect). But now if there is more capital improvement money coming in, the town can decide to use that money to redo an entire neighborhood sidewalk if they choose. It gives the town an option without raising property taxes. That was the point I was making.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '22

Phillipsburg is pot paradise? Seems a bit harsh.

Well, all things being equal, if that's your cup of tea, God bless; I think most would choose goin' dutch.

Babit Babit
Jul '22

Myself, I’d much prefer a marijuana dispensary than another sandwich joint that pushes processed, sodium infused meat products slathered in mayo or “special sauces“.
Dispensary much healthier option.
And I don’t smoke (anymore).

Stymie Stymie
Jul '22

In other marijuana news....


Jul '22

Craft beer, what makes you think that drinkers and potheads are mutually exclusive?

All I’ve met partake in both. I agree bug3, it’s not a healthy atmosphere and certainly not family friendly. Hackettstown is even more on the downslide. This will just make it even worse.

Green Trees Green Trees
Jul '22


Unfortunately for most of us, it's clear you aren't a bot, as LibertyThinker suggested.

Ok, so I read the article, so what? A meager 7 ounces of weed was confiscated, and this has your panties in a bunch?

Since I'm not in your head, (thank goodness), I can't even begin to imagine what outlandish conclusions your paranoid imagination drew from this story, but I can guess it fits your narrative to a tee.

Here's a thought...if you're so convinced that Hackettstown, or any other town that sells, (or will sell), recreational cannabis is ultimately doomed, then MOVE, and go somewhere you imagine yourself to be "safe".

In the meantime please try to refrain from posting your outrageously alarmist garbage on here, it's not getting you anywhere, and it's not going to change a thing.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22

@Green Trees,

I concur with Craft Beer, I'll take a town of cannabis users over a town of drunks any day of the week.

First off, your experience is certainly not everyone's, including my own. I know many people who ONLY drink, ONLY use weed, do BOTH, or do NEITHER.

Personally, I don't drink at all, although I have in the past. I'm certainly not against anyone enjoying a drink, as most people are responsible drinkers.

But anything in excess becomes a problem, not just for the individual, but everyone he/she comes into contact with.

To Craft Beers point, it's generally a lot easier to deal with a person who is high, as opposed to someone who is drunk.

Your concern about Hackettstown being on the "downslide", and not being "family friendly" is nonsensical. These people you know who use both weed and alcohol, have probably been doing so for quite some time.

How is the inception of legal rec weed going to change anything beyond where it stands right now?

Again, as with Bug3, if you think Hackettstown is doomed, you are free to live elsewhere. In the meantime, try to grasp reality instead of projecting irrational fears.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22

"A meager 7 ounces of weed was confiscated"

Yep... about $2,500 in "product" and $540 in cash... quite the return on investment for an 8-week investigation that probably cost the taxpayers at least $100,000.

All because big brother simply wasn't getting his cut of the profit.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jul '22

Yeah I thought H-town was going to be a strict southern Baptist religious retreat . I' m so disappointed .

Jul '22

I’ve been going to the Phillipsburg dispensary. Beautiful building and great customer service. P. S. I’m seeing it as a good thing for our town, our Main Street was looking a little run down, but lately I see the revitalization! When is Hackettstown dispensary going to open, with THC products? Anybody know. Thanks Jim L for all your updates. The cops are very friendly when I walk out of the P-burg store with my “happy bag”. I rather eat an edible than drink..,..less calories and no hangover lol, losing weight feels good

Happygirl Happygirl
Jul '22

As stated above there are plenty of people in all camps. Those that just drink, those that just smoke and those that do both.

Point is alcohol is a much more destructive to society as a whole then pot will ever be, but your not posting that side of the issue. I have watched many people ruin lives due to alcohol and nada one due to weed.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Jul '22

Soeaking of alarmist

Atleast the Hackettstown planning board is on the ball!!!

Look at item 22-03...Now thats planning!!!


Jul '22

Bug- That application was withdrawn by the applicant prior to appearing in front of the Land Use Board.

Councilman Lambo may have additional details but I attend each LUB meeting and don't recall any mention of them reapplying.

Thats aesome greg

Jul '22

I’m stopping at the dispensary, ordering at Primos, then over to Czig’s just to settle the two forum threads once n for all, whos with me?

Roywhite Roywhite
Jul '22

I am in Roy.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Jul '22

Looking forward to some nice local options and will certainly support them when they open. For now I'll still use my source that delivers. Nice Maine, Michigan and Cali products tax free and lower than any NJ dispo. Unfortunately NJ will the last state to figure out how to do this because all the green disease.

Steve Steve
Jul '22

It amazes me that in 2022, people like Bug3 still think those consuming cannabis are something out of a 1970s Cheech & Chong movie. Reefer madness much? People who use cannabis nowadays are not "stoners." They are people using cannabis either for relaxation and enjoyment or for medical reasons, just like some guy at a sports bar downing a beer. They aren't 40-year-olds living in their mothers' basements playing video games while eating Chef Boyardee from a can and stealing from their neighbors, all while "wasted."

How do I know this? I have a medical card and three medical conditions that have given me the right to purchase cannabis. I also run my own business, volunteer with my house of worship, and serve on committees with professional organizations. I've never been arrested and haven't had a ticket in a decade. Oh, and I don't drive after consuming. Ever. AND, I don't drink. Drinking and using cannabis do not necessarily go hand in hand.

The town is going to benefit greatly from the cannabis industry. Residents who use cannabis may stop taking their business elsewhere, thus saving money on gas and time on travel. Outsiders coming to town to legally purchase cannabis might decide to shop on Main Street or dine at a local restaurant, which will bring money to the town.

Mark my words, 10 to 20 years from now, people will be laughing at the panic buttons who freaked out about cannabis sales in this town, especially the ones who think those of us buying it are going to run around town committing heinous acts. Gimme a break.

SquirrelGirl SquirrelGirl
Jul '22

Hit the nail on the head SquirrelGirl. So many people really believe no one was using prior to legalization. This country was founded on booze and guns. As American as apple pie. Bug3 is completely out of touch. Breweries and liquor stores ok though, they haven't ruined lives? Every see the people on line waiting for a liquor store to open in the morning?

Steve Steve
Jul '22

So should any successful or desirable business steer clear of Hackettstown because of traffic and what you describe as chaos? If the breweries drew large crowds of people on weekends, (They do get busy, but ordinances by ABC have really curbed their ability to draw), should they be shut down? You really have zero touch with reality. The amount of people using marijuana hasn't increased since legalization. So naïve, I guess head in the sand works for some people.

Steve Steve
Jul '22

So I've noticed that construction has started at the old COMPAC building on Bilby. Any update on the company who is taking it over or when it will be done?

Jul '22

What update are you looking for? The construction schedule? Perhaps shoot the operator an email for some details. They may be able to offer a time frame. The company was mentioned in this thread back in June if you scroll back a bit.


GTI (Green Thumb Industries) is supposed to be occupying that building. When, I don't know.

Hopefully sooner than later, I'm hoping to work for them in some capacity.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22

@ only one truth:

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Jul '22


Thanks Edge, I've been on their site before, but as of yet there is nothing listed for the Hackettstown cultivation center. In fact, the center itself isn't included on their list yet.

I really thought this would develop faster than it has, but hopefully by the fall or winter they'll be some tell-tale signs of progress. I can't imagine they need a complete overhaul of the building, but then again what do I know, I'm sure it's more intricate than I think it is.


only one truth only one truth
Jul '22

With the current supply chain issues, I'm sure there are hugely long lead times for the types of air scrubbers and filters that they need to install.

ianimal ianimal
Jul '22

"I can't imagine they need a complete overhaul of the building, but then again what do I know, I'm sure it's more intricate than I think it is."

yup you don't know much :)

They are doing a complete overhaul of the building. Adding a 2nd floor for offices as well as creating multiple first floor rooms, each with their own filtration system for the different "stages" of the plant. This is not like bringing in an Amazon warehouse where they are just putting in rows of shelving. They are completely redoing the interior of the building.

They also needed DEP approval which takes time.

Jim L Jim L
Jul '22

Thanks Jim,

Assuming the DEP approval has been given, do you know of an approximate completion date? I'm really chomping at the bit here in anticipation of working for them in some capacity. Based on your information (a complete overhaul), it looks like it'll still be quite some time before they will be operational.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22


More licenses approved by the state — Hackettstown Dispensary LLC is number 39

^ So is the Hackettstown business ready to go and was just awaiting approval, or is this more of a first step and the business may take a few months too open its doors for business?

Jul '22

no timeframe on the Bilby rd cultivation

as for the retail license that just got approved by the state, they would still have to do some upgrades to the inside of the building to get it up to state and local regulations. but it shouldn't be too much work.

Jim L. Jim L.
Jul '22

^ Thanks. My question was referencing the retail site. Where will it be located?

Jul '22

Encouraging information Kat, thanks for posting.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '22

Schuylkill County township passes ordinance aimed at curbing the smell of marijuana

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Oct '22

I'm sure they'll gladly pay that $1000 fine, it's already baked in. :)

Scooter Scooter
Oct '22

Any updates whatsoever on when these dispensaries will arrive?

I think GTI (Green Thumb Industries) will ramp up in the late Spring, but still no word about the 2 proposed dispensaries. I don't think there is a correlation between the two, although I suppose it's possible that at least one of the dispensaries sells the GTI line of products.

Kind of strange that there hasn't been any word out there.

only one truth only one truth
Jan '23

Ha! With the state's CRC needing to approve the business permits it will be slow going. They approved 18 back in October. 8 new and 10 dispensaries to convert to recreational use. They have approved several hundred conditional licenses as well. According to the CRC "Conditional licenses are an important step for those new businesses to work on securing real estate and financing, gaining municipal approvals and, ultimately, receiving annual licenses."

It sounds like it will continue to be a slow process. As an aside, the CRC also increased the Social Equity Excise Tax that cultivators will pay for 2023 to $1.52 per ounce, up from $1.10 per ounce. Got to love it when they raise essentially a business tax before much of the business is approved and up and running. Great way to welcome a new industry to NJ LOL. Classic.....

It’s ridiculous how slow things take in the his town no matter what it is. Never quite understood.

It has nothing to do with the town, Sara. This is at the state level. It is simply a protracted process as is standard operating procedure for most state agencies here in NJ. Of course the jokes write themselves when you add the CRC. One can speculate they are "distracted" after consuming the commodity they are to regulate. LOL

"It’s ridiculous how slow things take in the his town no matter what it is. Never quite understood."

It has nothing to do with the town. Things take time no matter what town they are in. All that has happened is the state has approved the licenses. now the owner of the license needs to secure funding/investors to set up shop.

The town did its part by passing the ordinances and resolutions now it's up to the businesses to raise the funds to open the business. Now you understand?

Its the same with all the other proposed developments in town, it comes down to the developer securing the loans/funds to actually build what they said they were going to build.

Jim L Jim L
Jan '23

Ponder what is happening in California..They made pot too expensive to make a profit. You can't get a bank loan because marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. If you try to use banking services its considered money laundering. Then you have the illegal canabis shops undercutting the legal ones. Trenton didn't really think this law out very well but the greed for revenue won out


Jan '23

Until it is legal at the federal level this is going to be messy… Case in point - does Budweiser beer and all there beverage’s under that ownership only make what is sell in the state or is the organization allowed manufacture / brew / distill in other states and ships to NJ … It might take another 20 years but it needs to be legal at the federal level. Just my 2 cents … which is not worth that much.

LibertyThinker LibertyThinker
Jan '23

I'm not sure I see a definite parallel between California cannabis laws and New Jersey's. Without studying both I'm not sure New Jersey is doomed for the same outcome in this new industry as California is now experiencing. With that said, clearly California and New Jersey share the same tax and spend philosophy at its current government foundation. Just as I noted above increased taxes could be a trend that will hamper real profits for the large cannabis cultivators in the state. I gather the only positive is I don't believe there are wide spread rogue cannabis grow farms here in New Jersey. But hey in the future anything is possible. It is the Garden State right? LOL

They share the same federal laws blocking them from banking services...and if you were to look around town at the places with marijuana leaves in their windows..you could say they have the same unlicensed competition..

Jan '23


There are plenty of banks that do business with cannabis including our local community bank. As always bug3 is wrong

Jim L Jim L
Jan '23

"There are plenty of banks that do business with cannabis including our local community bank. As always bug3 is wrong".

Thanks Jim, you beat me to it. Concise and accurate..."as always". : - )

only one truth only one truth
Jan '23

From my link ( that some people wont read)

Since the cannabis industry is not federally legalized in the US, big and trusted banks refuse to let cannabis business owners open an account or let them deposit money for this kind of purpose.Oct 28, 2022


Jan '23

For all of the legal dispensaries now open in NJ, I'm sure they are depositing their money somewhere, so bank transactions are happening!

Jan '23

Jim is correct. He beat me to the reply! LOL. There are many, many banks that specialize in the cannabis industry. While yes much is cash because of the federal nonsense there are all sorts of ways the businesses in this multi billion dollar industry conduct their banking. CRB ( cannabis related business) as it is known as is very widespread. Also, there are scores of POS software systems that assist cannabis retailers in conducting their operation. Frankly the federal issue is sort of moot.

The link provided touches on that. They are one of the many businesses that support the cannabis industry. I don't see the federal as a deterrent at all, just a minor obstacle that has been remediated.

big and trusted banks

ha the words "big" and "trusted" don't always go hand and hand in banking

Jim L. Jim L.
Jan '23

This is a couple months old

29 medical weed dispenceries

21 sell recreational weed

Hardly an industry that uses alot of banking in NJ


Jan '23

LOL. Sales with those facilities generated nearly 178 million dollars from July to September in 2022 in NJ. With those numbers in just 3 months and with the number of dispensary's increasing, I would venture to say the cannabis market in NJ will need quite a bit of banking services now and moving forward. LMAO!

As far as the industry nationwide- well the numbers speak volumes.

"The marijuana industry will add nearly $100 billion to the economy. Adult-use cannabis is now legal in 21 states. 88% of adults want to legalize weed. Nearly $3 billion in retail cannabis taxes were collected in 2022."

Actually all I did was post a link about the cheech and chong marijuana company closing up shop in California because they couldn't make a profit..and post exerpts from the article...I really didn't say anything

Jan '23

Much of the cannabis branded with celebrity names is not the greatest strain. Folks who know and understand the cannabis industry all know that. It's just too darn gimmicky.

Just like now it seems anyone with a name and a face can have their "own" whiskey. Some are ok some just swill. It's a fad like anything else I suppose.

I worked with a client years ago who did banking services for some in a western state who had just started legalization.

Back then they dealt in cash only. But they can typically deposit that cash in banks, often with a vaguely named account.

Some will have "ATMs" that take your credit or debit card and will spit out exact change, which you then handed to the cashier in exchange for your stuff.

The client had his bank account rejected for having "Marijuana" in their name, so had to re-apply after changing their legal name to an abbreviation. That was accepted.

alpha1 alpha1
Feb '23

For those interested, GTI has started to post job openings for their Hackettstown site.


Jim L. Jim L.
May '23

Is this going to be an actual store front, or just production?

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
May '23

This will only be a manufacturing facility. The NJ Cannabis law is highly regulated. There is great attention to the separation of the different aspects of the cannabis industry here in NJ. There is no one stop shop if you will.

You can read the rules and such here:


Bilby road is Cultivation only

Retail is going in on High St (old Wells Fargo building) and on Mountain Ave (express mart building) both have started construction so they should be opening up in 2023

Jim L Jim L
May '23

When will they be open?

Iamrite Iamrite
May '23

LOL I meant cultivation as Jim stated. Why I wrote manufacturing is anyone's guess. LOL Too much amyloid I gather....

The dispensaries apparently won't be selling any of what GTI produces at its cultivation facility, according to the management at their 'RISE' dispensaries in both Bloomfield and Paterson. At this point in time, there doesn't seem to be any information about who will be moving into the locations that Jim mentioned, but they are definitely working on the old Wells Fargo Bank location.

only one truth only one truth
May '23

Thanks, Friends!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
May '23

Will they have drive-thru window open?

Babit Babit
May '23

When is High Street supposed to open?

Curiously optimistic Curiously optimistic
Jul '23


Sign is up, an appropriate one at that, so I guess that's a "sign" that we are getting closer to an opening.

Shouldn't be much longer now.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '23

The irony of a pot dispensary being located on High Street .

Jul '23

They now have a web site, although the content is very limited.


Local Gal Local Gal
Jul '23

Opening sometime in October, FYI.

only one truth only one truth
Jul '23

The price for flower at these dispensaries is ridiculous. You’re friendly local distributor can beat their price by half. the only thing good about the dispensaries are the disposable pens.

Hadenough Hadenough
Jul '23

“Friendly local distributor” that made me chuckle :)

Jul '23

@97XBAM.. “ The irony of a pot dispensary being located on High Street .”…LOL!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Aug '23

They got lucky. They didn’t have to put much thought into a name.
Does anyone know about the medicinal side of it? I don’t want my email in their hands, just yet.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Aug '23

don't you mean potluck

“Dave’s not here”.
Potluck….LOL! This thread is already baked!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Aug '23

Pass the chips

4catmom 4catmom
Aug '23

Another one is going in on mountain ave next to the bagel shop at 57. Right by Wawa. Pass the dutchie!

Pho lover Pho lover
Aug '23

Pho Lover:

Any idea the name of the one going in on Mountain Ave and an expected opening date?

Local Gal Local Gal
Aug '23

Is the one on mountain Ave a legit dispensary or just a delta store? I've seen others that have dispensary in their name that are just like puff cities.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Aug '23

The Mountain Ave location is one of the two permitted dispensaries in the town. They went and continue to go through the formal process with both the state and our town. As far as all of the other vape and or smoke shops in town, one can very easily obtain THC products from there as well- even though they should not be offering those products.

Thanks for the info

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Aug '23

local gal- River deep, Mountain High dispensary

ole' timer
Aug '23

Ole Timer thanks

Love that name but nothing on the internet about it

Local Gal Local Gal
Aug '23

I guess that explains the renovations going at what was the convenience store (between Safelite and Hackettstown Bagels).

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Aug '23

It's called Hackettstown Dispensary

Luca2 Luca2
Aug '23

I grew up in Hackettstown but have been living in Oregon for decades. I've been following the legalization and opening of dispensaries in N.J. I checked the on-line menu at The Apothecarium in Phillipsburg. The prices for all products across the board; flower, edibles, concentrates, cartridges, etc. are 4 times higher than what we pay here in Oregon. Our prices also include all taxes.
My sister in Hackettstown has cancer so I was looking for a CBD/THC edible product that would help alleviate nausea and stress.
N.J. needs to allow more grower permits to increase competition in the marketplace. If my facts are correct N. J. has only about 20+ permits thus far, Oregon has 1400+.

bobcat bobcat
Aug '23

NJ also has kick backs and great tradition of greasing the local politicians wheels. As a medical patient I can tell you it's all about the money. Prices actually went up with rec. It's great we slowly, very slowly, have moved into other areas besides flower but in other states you can get say 10 vape carts for the price one one here. The edibles unfortunately may never get good here. There's a law that the whole limiting mgs to products and they still can't even call their gummies gummies. It's lozenges, to protect the children I guess. They were supposed to have delivery for medical as well starting a year ago I believe, haven't seen that anywhere. We may get there one day but it will be years away.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Aug '23

"The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission approved more than 100 licenses Thursday......"

The two in Hackettstown included?

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Oct '23

Yes, both dispensaries are very close to openings their doors.

only one truth only one truth
Oct '23

Tomorrow the 28th for the dispensary on Mountain Ave.


The building in the photo doesn't look familiar. Was that the little convenience store by The Golden Skillet?

ianimal ianimal
Oct '23

Yes it is

Booster90 Booster90
Oct '23

@ianimal: Yes.
But the Golden Skillet has been a bagel place a long time now.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Oct '23

Now That's Funny..... "each product is carefully sourced and rigorously tested."
(quote from the article)

I'd imagine they had a long line of prospective employees more than willing to be "testers"!

CommonSense CommonSense
Oct '23

Isn’t it the Wells Fargo, on High Street? “High street”….still makes me chuckle.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Oct '23

And one opened in Washington next to Arctic foods.

Guilty Remnant — that’s a different dispensary, not yet open!

Common Sense — I know you’re joking but the products are tested and packaged on a state level long before they reach the store :P

I’m definitely curious to see how popular the various dispensaries in this area will be!

K…thanks Kat!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Oct '23

Can you also get CBD products at the dispenser Like no "mix ups"? I've had some friends (not in our town, but not far) who've gone to the shops & been given THC products not CBD. A co-worker was given Delta-8 & her experience was um, something lol. I'd love to get ingestable CBD, but I'd like a place I can trust bc MJ is not fun for me, it gives me terrible panic attacks unfortunately.

Oct '23

Legal dispensaries are heavily regulated so I don’t think there’s a chance of “mix ups” there! I hope you’re able to find what you need!

OTE, I know but there's also another bagel place up the road, so I figured everyone would know Golden Skillet and there would be less chance for ambiguity (-;

ianimal ianimal
Oct '23

Passed by at about 12:45 - sign in Window said OPEN. FYI

Call me crazy, but in the last week, I swear I’ve smelled the distinct odor of burning marijuana in three different areas within a quarter mile of the growing facility on Bilby. The first time I smelled it was when I was driving on Bilby - I thought someone hit a skunk, lol. The second time I was walking near the Willow Grove Street entrance to House of the Good Shepherd, and the third time I was in my car again and had just turned the corner onto 517, heading North, just past Quik Chek. Is it possible that the facility vents to the outside during their process and the wind carries the scent? I drive that way a lot and I don’t smell it all the time - just everyone once in a while. Has anyone else smelled this, or am I imagining things?

Mobille Mobille
Nov '23

The smell of burning cannabis would not be coming from that facility at all. In fact if they are even operational yet, I'm sure there will be no odor of cannabis emanating from there at all. With that said since cannabis is legal now I often smell it in various places I had never noted before.

It's simply Reefer Madness out there. LOL

I was there last night. They did a nice job to it and was a very good experience. The help was very pleasant and even offer a medical ID and Veteran discount. The products I got were very fresh and legit....

Johnny Johnny
Nov '23

The smells from grow facilities are from the growing process. A facility has to have good odor mitigation. Example:

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Nov '23

Correct. That facility in that article from a couple of years ago now was constructed in an existing structure. The tech at the time was not nearly as sophisticated as what is being implemented in the GTI facility on Bilby. That site did have several complaints related to the cultivation process. I really think folks will be pleased with the lack of any smells coming from the site here.

I was on 517 today and what I smelled was the usual chocolate smell that comes from M&M.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Nov '23

The Bilby Road facility hasn't even opened yet, as far as I know, so I seriously doubt that whatever you were smelling was emanating from there. But yes, occasionally in my travels around town and beyond, I have encountered the unmistakable scent of weed here and there. Doesn't bother me.

Glad to hear that the repurposed convenience store is legit. They were the first out of the gate in town, but I am eager to see what the dispensary on High Street offers as well. Shouldn't be much longer before they open.

only one truth only one truth
Nov '23

I work at the growing facility and it’s up and running and it is a great place with great people running it and it doesn’t smell lol give me a break and state of the art.


good to hear, are they hiring part -time?

only one truth only one truth
Nov '23


only one truth- Check out Green Thumb Industries. GTI has lots of positions listed both on their website as well as all of the online employment sites such as Indeed.com.


Yup, thanks, been to both sites and haven't noticed any PT positions, I thought maybe someone on the inside might have more information. Anyway, Im glad that they are up and running.

only one truth only one truth
Nov '23

The High Street Dispensary keeps pushing back their opening date. Yet several days in the past couple weeks, the lot had many cars. Perhaps they are training employees and taking the final steps to opening? Anyone have any inside info?

Pamela Pamela
Dec '23


I asked about the full parking lot and you are correct. They’ve been having staff training. They don’t have a set opening date yet but expect to “in the coming weeks”

Local Gal Local Gal
Dec '23

Go to Hackettstown Dispensary in the mean time. Very nice people working there. Not overly busy when I have been. Smaller selection but same stuff you get from Philipsburg. With being a lot closer. They did a nice job with that store.

Johnny Johnny
Dec '23

Johnny, Hackettstown Dispensary is more expense than Phillipsburg and they don't have the rewards program that P'burg does. I'm excited for High Street to open to check out product, prices and hopefully rewards.

Pamela Pamela
Dec '23

What’s the deal with the Bud Bus parked next to 30 Burgers? Do they have a legal permitted NJ dispensary license? Is this just a temporary thing to try and get traffic in before the High Street Dispensary opens?

Dec '23

Hope this answers your question


Local Gal Local Gal
Dec '23

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

Pretty cool concept, purchase a lighter and get free weed/edible

Hadenough Hadenough
Dec '23

I've scanned their online catalogue, but, do they sell anything that will alleviate pain (back, Hip)?


The have 2 topicals that they describe as muscle and joint pain relievers

Local Gal Local Gal
Dec '23

High street is opening next Wednesday at 1

Booster90 Booster90
Dec '23

I think it's great that they are there permanently. It should provide for competitive pricing with the 2 dispensaries in town. A little competition is a win for cannabis customers.

only one truth only one truth
Dec '23

It’s open NOW!

Babbit Babbit
Dec '23

No it’s not

Booster90 Booster90
Dec '23

It’s gonna be a zoo when it opens. They have over 300 followers on Instagram

Local Gal Local Gal
Dec '23

Oh man, after that doobie, I swore there were lights on. Pretty, pretty lights

Babbit Babbit
Dec '23

Re: Hackettstown Marijuana Dispensary

More dispensaries won't contribute to lowering the ridiculous prices in NJ. What's needed is more licensed growers. That's where the competitive pricing starts. It would be good to get smaller independent growers involved rather than the large corporate entities.

bobcat bobcat
Dec '23

We should also let medical at least grow a few plants but if it cuts into the kickbacks then it doesn't happen. Nj prices are so absurd compared to the rest of legal states. Even MD is cheaper and they just legalized.

There is currently a bill in legislature looking to allow growing cannabis at home.


It will take quite some time for prices to moderate. Just as Colorado is seeing a huge drop in legal sales despite lowering prices, the black market needs to get a bit more established and provide the competition to the legal industry here in NJ. Smaller cultivators don't stand much of a chance here in NJ. The big companies have it locked up. Lots of graft I'm sure. In addition the tax and fee structure is well, NJ. As the Governor proudly stated “If taxes are your issue … we’re probably not your state”.

I think it's messed up that insurance companies don't cover even part of the cost of weed for at least the terminally ill. Especially since those that depend on pain meds for treatment are experiencing medication reduction or complete termination of care and more and more doctors refuse to see new ones. Now your told to just go smoke some pot. At least the opiates are covered by insurance. Meanwhile addicts in NYC get vending machines filled with "free" clean needles, narcan, and a lots of other enabling goodies.

Sallygal Sallygal
Dec '23

And they won’t, sallygal. At least not until Pfizer comes out with an mRNA joint that requires a prescription and sale by pharmacy

Dec '23

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