What is this bug?

What is this bug?

I had this buzzing me this eve. It was rather large. Body about 2 to 3" long and tail/stinger another 2" at least. I hit a wall on google. Anybody know what it is?

Sep '18

Megarhyssa macrurus (common name giant ichneumon wasp

Pretty harmless.

Martha Martha
Sep '18

Certainly a mosquito of some sort. I'm sure you're aware of the heightened alert and presence of West Nile. Kill it!

Indy Naybor
Sep '18


Very cool creature!

Martha Martha
Sep '18

Absolutely not a mosquito. Nothing like a mosquito. Do not kill it. They're good to have around - they can really help control horntail populations. Totally harmless.

kingcoriander kingcoriander
Sep '18

Whatever it is- if it was in my house I would kill it- if it was outside I would leave it alone, but get away as soon as possible!!

I agree with Martha. It looks like a Giant Ichnemon Wasp. Harmless.

Awesome... he is happy outside in the yard and I'm just fine with it.. thanks for the info!

Sep '18

Thank you, Martha. You solved our mystery. We have those little drill holes in our trees and one of your photos shows the female Mega-mac drilling them.

Ronnie Ronnie
Sep '18

You're welcome. I just love bugs! Could never kill one. I have a bug vacuum that I love. Suck the bug up in the house and release them outside. Makes both me and the bug happy.

Martha Martha
Sep '18

Re: What is this bug?

Hi Martha! Do you by any chance know what kind of spider this is? I certainly did not kill her and did not want to get any closer than taking this picture. I haven't been able to identify her or him.

Hi MeH. Without a closer shot of it for identifying marks, I'd say it's a Black House Spider. If so, it's pretty harmless.

Martha Martha
Sep '18

Aaahhhh Black House Spider! What can happen?! Thank you Martha! I googled and although venomous, it says it isn't very dangerous. She certainly looked dangerous though. Fortunately, we haven't crossed paths recently. Sorry it took so long to say thank you for your assistance Martha

“although venomous, it says it isn't very dangerous.”

Well, just FYI almost all spiders are venemous... even those cute little jumping spiders.

Many can’t break through your skin, and others (like larger orb weavers and those black/yellow garden spiders) would be no worse than a bee sting.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Oct '18

Re: What is this bug?

You're welcome MeH. How about this one? Almost walked into it!! It's a huge Wolf Spider.

Martha Martha
Oct '18

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