A Thread for Stupid Questions

I've needed this thread for the longest time. ;-)

Ok seriously - we all have expertise in some areas but blind spots in others, right? So there are really no stupid questions?!

My question: there are roads like Mt. Bethel that have "fresh oil/loose gravel" on them right now. And they're kind of slippery. Do those get paved over, or do they just get tamped down eventually by everyone driving over them? TIA.

Rebecka Rebecka
Aug '17

Good Thread, Rebecka...And I think the answer to your question is that they eventually get tramped down or smoother eventually from cars driving over them.

My Stupid Question is: Why don't restaurants include a drink of your choice with your meal for the price of the meal? (not talking about cocktails). Have had to pay almost $3 extra sometimes just for a cup of coffee with the meal...

joyful joyful
Aug '17

hi, what the name of the toy that we had back in the 70's, where it was a blow-up clown with sand in the bottom , and we punched the nose on it; it fell down and came back up again for another blow.

JJ Moore JJ Moore
Aug '17

I thought that was Bozo the punch me clown. We would get hopped up on Hi-C, punch Bozo the take a bath with Mr. Bubbles.LOL

What is this thread for?

Roywhite Roywhite
Aug '17

Excellent... Roywhite is in the spirit of things (-;

ianimal ianimal
Aug '17

"hi, what the name of the toy that we had back in the 70's..."

They called them "bop bags"... I had a Batman one.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '17

What's the difference between a brook and a stream?

positive positive
Aug '17

a good brook is hard to put down while a stream just flows over you

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Aug '17

Why do millennials get blamed for everything wrong? Even if the problem existed for decades before.....

younggen younggen
Aug '17

Why do we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway??

Aug '17

@joyful - That would be such a good idea, especially for beverages that cost restaurants very little, like soft drinks and coffee.

Rebecka Rebecka
Aug '17

Dadof3, great question!

positive positive
Aug '17

"The words “drive” and “park” existed long before automobiles. Remember, whenever you write or speak, you’re voting with your vocabulary. Languages evolve over time and a given term’s meaning is subject to dramatically change based on the whim of its users.

Back in the 1800s, for example, “parking” meant planting trees, flowers, and other bits of vegetation. A “parking place,” therefore, had nothing to do with stationary vehicles. Instead, it was a location specifically designed to encourage diverse, extensive plant growth for non-agricultural purposes.

Yet, many were soon commandeered for an entirely different objective. Historian Kirk Savagewrites, “By the turn of the century, such parking areas were sometimes used to hold horse-drawn carriages on special occasions...When automobiles started to overrun cities in the early twentieth century, parking areas were given over to car storage and the word began to refer to the cars themselves rather than the trees and grass they were replacing.”

During this transitional period, America’s parkways also began taking shape. Metropolitan reformers—who feared the health costs of industrial growth—started establishing wooded parks within cities nationwide, hoping their trees would make urban air more breathable. As automobiles rose in popularity, special car-friendly routes were carved through such parks. Unimaginatively, these were named “parkways”.

So parkways have nothing to do with the actual parking of vehicles. But what about “driveways”? Well, that particular word’s been around since at least 1884 and has essentially meant the same thing ever since—namely, a path that connects somebody’s private property to a public road. However, while lengthy driveways were once the norm (and, hence, enabled more driving), today’s average specimen is little more than a dinky personal parking station."


Darrin Darrin
Aug '17

joyful and Rebecka, my complaint is not so much paying for the soft drink, which usually includes free refills. I very seldom get a refill, but when I ask for a cup of coffee at the end of the meal, why do I have to pay for that? Why is it not part of my free beverage refill?

Parental Unit Parental Unit
Aug '17

Why don't they give free beer refills?

Calico696 Calico696
Aug '17

Speaking of, wow, I just realized that bars must make a TON of money on beer

Simple math at consumer rates....

a keg of a normal beer is about $86 out the door
average beer is about $4
A 1/2 barrel has 165 beers

165*4 = $660 - $86 = $574 PER KEG profit

Even high end beer
$160 a keg
$7 a beer

165*7 = $1150 - $160 = $990 profit PER KEG

So, yeah, no free refills!

Darrin Darrin
Aug '17

Darrin - Also keep in mind that restaurants and bars get their kegs at a wholesale price, not retail. So their profit is even more.


Calico696 Calico696
Aug '17

It would be cool to have a special, unlimited beer for x time at x price, would bring a lot of people in, and the bars would still make a good profit.

Wonder if that is a liability thought?

Darrin Darrin
Aug '17

I second (or third?) the free beer.

Heidi Heidi
Aug '17

Why does a ship carry cargo while shipments go by truck?

Aug '17

"What's the difference between a brook and a stream?"

The classification of gravity waterways is somewhat nebulous and not altogether logical... but, from a general rule of thumb, at least in our neck of the woods, a brook is smaller than a creek which is smaller than a river, and all of them are streams.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '17

"It would be cool to have a special, unlimited beer for x time at x price, would bring a lot of people in, and the bars would still make a good profit."

I believe they call those situations "private parties". I don't think that licensed facilities are permitted to sell alcohol in that manner to the general public, though.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '17


An “Open Bar” event offering the public unlimited availability of any alcoholic beverages for a set price is generally prohibited. (N.J.A.C. 13:2-23.16(a)1.) The Division of A.B.C. has recognized an exception for New Year’s Eve parties where tickets are not available for purchase at the door.

If the event is a private party or an event for which tickets are sold by a non-
profit organization and the licensee has not advertised the event to the general public, an “open bar” may be included in the package furnished by the licensee to the organization or private party. (See A.B.C. Bulletin 2440, Item 2.) Licensees
are reminded that they continue to be responsible for the alcoholic beverage activity which takes place at such functions or parties held on their licensed premises, including, but not limited to, the obligation to ensure that no underage persons or people who are actually or apparently drunk or intoxicated are served or consume alcoholic beverages.

Licensees are further reminded that, with an open bar event, they are still responsible for including the sales tax in the billing and remitting same to the Division of Taxation.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '17

Darrin, not to throw a monkey wrench in your accounting but!!! You are missing a lot of other expenses with your profit margin. Like, cost to serve the beer, cost to keep it cold , cost for a place to serve the beer at and the cost to clean up after all the drunks go home for night...

Aug '17

Dadof3 - You forgot the most expensive part of all, the cost of the fine and the prison sentence when the drunk you served the 11th beer to drives and kills a family of four.

PS My cats want to know why 'tuna' isn't a national holiday?

why does each generation think their music is better than the next generation?

I just endured a long road trip with my millennial offspring and decided their music was atrocious.

(and I can recall my dad on long summer trips referring to our music as garbage...)

htownnewbie htownnewbie
Aug '17

In the olden days if you bought 3 beers the bartender would buy you the 4th (60s-70s)

eapos eapos
Aug '17

eapos - That still happens. You have to know where to go. ;-)

Calico696 Calico696
Aug '17

based on other HL discussions will this then be true?
Heroin doesn't kill people, people kill people.

htownnewbie, that's too funny! I have been wondering the same thing. I listen to the radio and it's just UNLISTENABLE! I remember Barry Manilow saying many years ago, "Where are all the new classics going to come from?" He was right. And no- Rhianna - I don't want to see you nakey nakey nakey. God.

My stupid question is ... while I totally admire and give MAJOR respect to those helping the animals of Hurricane Harvey, I do not understand why the animal shelters in the Houston area are shipping their animals to NEW JERSEY to make room for the ones found during the storm. Why not just a few hours north to Dallas? At least then people would have a better chance of being reunited with them when they are able.

Jenny Jenny
Aug '17

Jenny from what I heard the ones being shipped here were already in shelters before the storm. They are shipping them here to make room for the ones that already have families in hopes they will
Be able to be reunited.

I thought the same thing and then I saw that on the news. Obviously not sure it's 100% accurate

Nosila Nosila
Aug '17

Here's my stupid question - - I often see happy birthday posts to other forum members. But when I look on the calendar, I don't see any birthdays listed, just town events. Is there another calendar that I'm not seeing?

Rob Durana Rob Durana
Aug '17

Rob, there was a post awhile back that listed everyone's birthdays if they shared that info with the forum. Calico has kept track of it and usually makes the birthday posts from that list.

Tracy Tracy
Aug '17

Robert - I "keep" the birthday calendar. We have a thread where people could list their birth dates. If you would like yours added to the calendar, post it in this thread.


Just another note, if anyone was wondering. When there is someone listed on the calendar who hasn't posted in a year or more, I don't do a birthday thread. I figure they probably won't see it.

Calico696 Calico696
Aug '17

Nosila, yeah I think you're right, I was confusing myself there for a minute. still it makes no sense to me to ship the animals 1400 miles away, when they can keep them in Texas. We have a lot of shelters here that are over run as well. Why the long trip to NJ? Not that I would ever deny an animal having a chance at love, mind you.

Jenny Jenny
Aug '17

My sister does a lot of volunteer rescue work down in NC. She's always fostering puppies until it's time for transport up to some north-eastern state. Maybe more people adopt rescues up here.

hktownie hktownie
Aug '17

"Heroin doesn't kill people, people kill people."

Yup, it takes a person to make and administer heroin, doesn't just jump into your body on it's own

Darrin Darrin
Aug '17

thank you, Ianimal and Greg..was driving me crazy trying to figure that one out.
here is a link I found:



JJ Moore JJ Moore
Aug '17

"Darrin, not to throw a monkey wrench in your accounting but!!! You are missing a lot of other expenses with your profit margin. Like, cost to ....."

It is my experience that anyone who complains about costs or thinks businesses are making a killing have no idea what it cost to run a business, and if they were put in the position of owning/running said business and everything it entails- they would change their mind, and probably want to charge more.

There is a reason most businesses fail, and many businesses expand # of locations- and it isn't greed.

Running a single place, regardless of what you think of the cost of a beer or burger isn't making anyone rich.

The reason you pay for a coffee after your meal, or a drink with your sandwich is there is simply very little money to work with- take the price of a dinner item, back out the cost of the food supplies, the server wage, the kitchen staff, the hostess, the monthly building itself- the decor, the equipment, mortgage, taxes, electric, water, grounds keeping, cleaning supplies, etc etc...

Many many many thousands a week just to keep the doors open and lights on- how much profit do you think there is in your $15 entree? How many tables in a joint- and how long did you sit there? How many times are they turning the seat over a night?

And a coffee or soda has a bigger profit margin than a meal. You might make 50 cents on a meal but a soda probably costs five cents and you pay two dollars for it. I'm making numbers up of course but you get the idea.

Why do people say they are RElaxing when they didn't "lax" in the first place?

ChrisisFake ChrisisFake
Sep '17

Why is coffee the one beverage that gets special "free refill" status? I mean, thankfully that seems to be ending now with Starbucks and such charging for each one but in restaurants it's the bottomless cup. Makes no sense.

Eperot Eperot
Sep '17

Uh.....there's free refills on a lot of beverages, not just for coffee anymore :>)

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Sep '17

well, yes, like "soda" at McDonalds. but I'm talking more about quality restaurants where refills are never free. Except coffee.

eperot eperot
Sep '17

Here's a new one. What is the cut-off year for Baby Boomer vs Gen X? Or do you just go with whichever generation you identify with?

hktownie hktownie
Sep '17

Baby Boomers are the WWII babies - 1946-1964.

I guess Gen X is 1965-2000?

USS Nathan James
Sep '17

Here is a link that shows the generation years.


Calico696 Calico696
Sep '17

If you remember the 60s you are a baby boomer, if not you're gen-x

scottso scottso
Sep '17

I agree with Eperot...I used to wonder why I would walk into some of the better restaurants and see all the people with glasses of water by their plates instead of coffee or a drink and now I know why...

joyful joyful
Sep '17

At what point do you think you really FELT......or thought, I"M OLD?

I just for the first time in my life put socks on while wearing sandles.....I'M OLD! ;)

littlelu littlelu
Sep '17

Littlelu I have done that for years....but wild crazy socks...which may make me look the opposite....first time feeling old.....hmmmmm......will get back to you on that

4catmom 4catmom
Sep '17

Was looking at my dog today and noticed that her tail looks like an afterthought. It looks like it was just stuck on for no apparent reason. Why haven't dogs lost their tails? My two stupid questions are.Why do dogs have tails? What purpose do they serve? Except for being a happy indicator, I can't think of anything.

auntiel auntiel
Sep '17


Rebecka Rebecka
Sep '17

That's what I thought to, but what about the dogs that have their tails docked. Many do.

auntiel auntiel
Sep '17

balance and defense, why bob a dogs tail? bad move imho, also why declaw a cat? antohe bad move imho. cats are all about thier claws, why take that away from them? it's just not right.

an interesting question is why don't we (humans) have tails? we all have tail bones, but no tails, what happened to our tails, why are they not there anymore? also, how is it that we have the gift of speech when others animals do not?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Sep '17


3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Sep '17

I have a stupid question:
Why can't all the schools in the WH "cluster" have the same school calendar?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Sep '17

That would be entirely too logical, 3WB!

My question are there no more pheasants at the pheasant farm?

Rebecka Rebecka
Sep '17

Speaking of music: Why do stores feel obligated to "entertain " customers with so-music often so loud that it's hard to concentrate on shopping.

Frank Frank
Sep '17

Why do people put ads in the classifieds then do not return messages when I want to hire them?

eapos eapos
Sep '17

Eapos, thank you for that question! I was thinking of putting an ad up to hire someone , but thought it wouldn't work out too well. So aleast now I know because of your experience that people don't want to get up & earn an honest days wages.
Myself & two of my friends have for months both looking high & low for laborers for local businesses. We can not find workers to return calls, show up & do it day in & day out. I have talked to many young men but it seems the hardest part is to get them to show up for the first day of work. A lot of phone calls & listening to messages is all I can accomplish in the quest to find employees.

Weedwacker Weedwacker
Sep '17

stupid question
Why do we pull pork but shred chicken? It's the same process.

It's a brave man that goes on line and discusses pulling his chicken. ;-)

All I have to say is: OMG!! GC!!

joyful joyful
Sep '17

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

HeeHaw, you is too funny GC

Is there some kind of industry award that NJ car dealerships get for coming up with the cheesiest possible commercial?

Rebecka Rebecka
Sep '17

My Question is-Since the prefix of "Con" means something "Negative" and "Pro" means something "Positive", Shouldn't Congress be called Progress?

Edwierd Edwierd
Sep '17

Why does God get all the Blame yet people never consider Diablo's contributions to "The Mess"?

Edwierd Edwierd
Sep '17

Yes, the auto guys get Sunday off!

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Sep '17

Is there a real need for trump to Puerto rico when there is lots of intel from news media

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Sep '17

They should charge him to visit, special Presidential tourist tax.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Sep '17

Why doesn't someone take one of the average pizza places in town and turn it into a true thin crust pizza emporium. Several people on here know what thin means, not just "New York Style". New York has many average places, but very few are really thin crust. Seems like a winner to me

eapos eapos
Oct '17

eapos - This is NOT a stupid question, it is a great idea. But pizza chefs are so reluctant to change. I have talked with most of them about the idea in great detail about the prep, but no change. A shame, since with a little more work stretching the dough, really thin crust pizza can be made, and it tastes so much better. Toppings taste better, too. "A true thin crust pizza emporium" is a good sideline for the place, if it ever comes into existence.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

Stupid question maybe DannyC can answer:
Do these pizza places actually make their own dough?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Oct '17

3wbdwnj - Yes, they make their own dough, so there is no excuse not to stretch it properly.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

"What's the difference between a brook and a stream?"

The classification of gravity waterways is somewhat nebulous and not altogether logical... but, from a general rule of thumb, at least in our neck of the woods, a brook is smaller than a creek which is smaller than a river, and all of them are streams.

Picking this up again and continuing the thread;
When is a river not a river?
Answer: When it's the East River, which is a strait, or the Harlem River, which is an estuary.

When is a sea not a sea?
Answer:When its the Sargasso Sea, which is just a region in the Atlantic filled with seaweed and trash.

When is a door not a door?
Answer: When its ajar.

eapos - So when are we going into business transforming one of these joints into "A true thin crust pizza emporium"? You do the marketing, I'll do the cooking.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

I dunno, DannyC. Then why does all the dough seem to taste the same around here? :)

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Oct '17

Because its dough?

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Oct '17

3wbdwnj - It's just too thick, because the pizza makers are too lazy to stretch the dough, and/or allow inexperienced makers, even more lazy than them, do this for them. To do it right, it takes more rolling, flipping and stretching, but you can get it down to the minimum thickness needed for super thin crust pizza. You have to work the problem.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

If someone already in the business will not do it, or even try it out I don't see much hope. Too much money, too little time for me.

eapos eapos
Oct '17

Well, I just got back from Italy (Venice) and the pizza there still had that thick crust like we had here. Maybe the really thin crust pizzas are more the anomaly than the traditional? FWIW, I tried to find a place that Neopolitan style but we were hungry and got tired of searching. Now, even that style is not crispy. In fact, it requires eating with a knife and fork.

With that said, I've had great crispy crust pizza from three places:
- Millies in Morristown
- Gio's in Rockaway mall by Lord and Taylors
- Providence Coal Fired Pizza in Providence, RI.

There are easily the 3 best pizzas I've had (with Providence being the best.)

emaxxman emaxxman
Oct '17

eapos - I am not giving up. Ingredients are very cheap. It's just a matter of extra work to achieve superior taste. SOMEONE will pick up on this. I'll let you know when they do.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

Danny I'm with you all the way, seems so easy to do don't know why someone won't give it a try. Not go 100% thin but try it out, my family business would be enough to prove the point. Keep at it!

eapos eapos
Oct '17

eapos - Check out the super thin chicken cutlets suggestions on the Davita thread. Probably should not have posted it there but here instead. Also, left out the prosciutto and provolone wrapped asparagus. The best.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

You have to teach them how to walk first, then run, too much at one time will not go at all

eapos eapos
Oct '17

eapos - Naaahhh. When it comes to super thin crust pizza, there is only 100% to appreciate the greater flavor. Delicious samples are going around again, and SOMEONE will pick up on this, even if only on a temporary experimental basis. Super thin chicken cutlets with a variety of dressings accompany the super thin crust pizza. Thin is so in.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

stupid question... why do ppl feel the need to comment on every absurd thread that's on here? It's clear some ppl created lame thread topics just to see the reaction and yet ppl feel the need to react to them. Then the OP never returns and I'm sure is just enjoying seeing the nonsense they created. I can't believe the devil worship thread got even 1 comment let alone over 20.

Jim L. Jim L.
Oct '17

which one is it JimL? OP never returns or they are enjoying seeing the nonsense they created. if they never return how would they enjoy the nonsense.
and speaking of nonsense, did you read the devil thread? if you did you wouldnt ask that stupid question.

Are there undocumented imagrents serving as state officals

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Oct '17

Why are do people act like animals in the school parking lot?

it am be like a zoo.

Is this year's Fall foliage really disappointing, or is it my imagination? What happened to all the beautiful colors? Everything was still green for the whole month of September. Most of our trees are *still* green. And the leaves on some are just browning and falling off... without turning red or yellow.

Rebecka Rebecka
Oct '17

Rebecka - It depends on what kind of trees you have. I have maples. The reds are gorgeous now, and the swamp maples are yellow and orange. Enjoying them all.

DannyC DannyC
Oct '17

Lack of rain during the last month. The trees around me are not as colorful as last year.

Oct '17

Not enough cool weather at night? Definitely not as vibrant as usual, but I've seen some trees that have nice color.

Tracy Tracy
Oct '17

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

2500 games of Freecell , 2499 wins
How did I lose that one game? hahhah

CBGB - Ask yourself what you were smoking 788 games ago. I have a feeling it will come to you... ;-)

If my car has daytime running lights do I still need to turn on lights when wipers are on?

hktownie hktownie
Nov '17

Yes, because your car doesn't have daytime running tail lights and the point of you turning on your lights is so that you can be seen more easily. Your DRLs aren't going to stop you from getting rear-ended by someone who can't see you.

Now, if your question was whether a cop will give you a ticket... you'll have to find that one out on your own (-;

ianimal ianimal
Nov '17

A few years ago, when Trump was mistakenly claiming muslims were celebrating the 9/11 attacks in Jersey City, I shared a personal experience in Passaic/Patterson, where the muslims were dancing in the streets in celebration of the 9/11 attacks, then confronted physically by Hispanics in the area, then I got involved, got hurt, and no one believed me. Given the NYC suspect's mosque in Patterson, are you still disbelieving?

DannyC DannyC
Nov '17

very funny GC

100% true Ianimal, I do wonder why some people can't/won't turn on their headlights when it is raining.

next stupid question>>> Does anybody want to hear my dream from last night?

Q. re: expression "favoring" a body part... what is your understanding?

Let's say someone's right leg is hurt.

Are they "favoring their right leg," in other words giving it a break and using the left leg more?

Or... are they "favoring their left leg," e.g. preferentially using their left over their right leg, which hurts?

ps yes I googled it, but ended up more confused than when I started.

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '17

I think it's the later. Using the strong leg over the injured one.

Tracy Tracy
Nov '17

Rebecka, I've always heard it used with respect to the injured area... and definition 14 of the link below seems to confirm that.


ianimal ianimal
Nov '17

I think "favoring" is the term you use to avoid using something, Rebecka... In other words if you are "favoring" your right leg...you are trying not to use it as much as the other leg..

joyful joyful
Nov '17

Yes agree with joyful and ianimal. You favor the leg that's hurt, putting less weight on it.

hktownie hktownie
Nov '17

I always thought like Tracy.

DH thinks it's like Ian, joyful and hktownie.

Does everyone agree with last 3 opinions? Because I've been telling DH he's definitely wrong, and I'd like to be sure he's correct before I [begrudgingly] tell him so lol.

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '17

If you are favoring your right leg, then I would expect you to be not using it as much as the left.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Nov '17

Why are the H-town Municipal offices closed today? Am I missing something, holiday??.

auntiel auntiel
Nov '17

Schools are closed for teachers conference.

Thanks Greg, so that means because teachers convention the Municipal bld is closed. That's BS. It's a Government office not a school.

auntiel auntiel
Nov '17

Auntel- You piqued my interest so I called the municipal building. They are there today however will be closed tomorrow in observance of Veterans Day.

Interesting, given that tomorrow is the deadline for property tax payments.

Nov '17

In that case perhaps that deadline will extend to Monday.

why do people say they will back your play but when the time comes to back you they throw you under the bus??

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Nov '17

Greg- It was 20 after 9 when I called. They must have been on break. I just called they answered. Thanks. Glad I didn't have to go to the venting thread. ;)

auntiel auntiel
Nov '17

When did gender reveals become a thing?? I see people doing really over the top crazy stuff. Clearly it is driven by the look at me mentality that has grown out of the social media universe but what happened to Surprise it's a ......?

i identify as a basketball - - - (family guy quote)

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Nov '17

Actually Greg, there are a few rebels eschewing the gender reveal madness. One of the hairdressers at the salon I frequent is expecting. She and her husband have chosen not to be informed of their baby's gender until the day of its birth. Kind of old-fashioned and sweet.

Nov '17

I didn't find out the genders of my babies until they were yanked out of me. It's the kind of surprise and anticipation you will never experience in any other way in your entire life. Almost my favorite part of pregnancy. I was 110% sure my first born was going to be a boy, and lo and behold, she was a girl. I was stunned. But it was such a joyous moment. The nurses were excited to have an "unknown" as well, since so many people don't wait to find out anymore.

Tracy Tracy
Nov '17

What do I do if I can't think of one?

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Nov '17

Did everyone wake up to a winter wonderland this AM? Or was it just in higher elevations?

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '17

Pretty white stuff on my deck ......just a preview I guess

4catmom 4catmom
Nov '17

Why is the last mile of a bicycle ride more like torture than pleasure?
Today's ride was on the James Van Fleet trail. The trailhead was visible way off in the distance but it was like an optical illusion that I was never going to reach.
no snow this morning

Snow dusting in Hopatcong this AM, but just a bit less than on the cars I saw here in town before 7.

Phil D. Phil D.
Nov '17

Anyone else on 287S around Wanaque around 4:30pm today and see the *thing* in the sky?

And - where would people be talking about it online? Hundreds of other drivers saw it. Traffic was at a near standstill. I'm pretty sure none of us knew what we were looking at.

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '17

Any way to describe it better?

Rebecka- Apparently it was the space station. I wish I saw it.


Looked like a tall skyscraper hanging in the sky slowly moving, and brightly lit up.

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '17

@Greg - the thing was too near the Earth. Maybe 2-3000 feet up.

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '17

Clouds can make strange shapes sometimes...


Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Nov '17

Here's a perhaps odd question, but one I'd love to hear your answers to: has anyone (else) had many brushes with death? I mean incidents where you realize if one tiny circumstance or decision had been different, you would have definitely died?

This has happened to me so many times I've lost count. Seven, maybe? Anyone else, or is the grim reaper on my tail lol?

Rebecka Rebecka
Dec '17

Three here - definite moments that if it was an iota different I would have ended up dead....

trekster3~ trekster3~
Dec '17

Yes, "There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America." Bismark

Should be dead a number of times over and I figure God's teachable moments. First time I was nine or so and imagine being 20 feet up on a scaffold and jumping up as high as a 9-yr old can to hold on to the top of a new cinder block wall. Ooops, too new, fresh cement, and there you are hovering in the air with a cinder block in each hand.

Falling backwards, seeing my life flash before my eyes (at 9 this does not take long), and smash ---- my back hit the 12-inch scaffold board straight up the backbone. Better yet, as the board flexed and bounced me upward, the cinder blocks hit my ribs but magically seemed to bounce right off like I was superman due to the board flex and timing. Between luck and adrenaline I felt nothing.

And there I lay. On the 12 inch board, 14 feet up or so, cinder blocks on the ground, unharmed, and not moving for quite a while as I thanked my maker for saving my life.

The first of many.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '17

Woah, quite a story! Would love to hear anyone else's that wants to share.

Rebecka Rebecka
Dec '17

My event was in part my fault. I was maybe 18 years old and hitchhiking home from work on Rt 10 west near Randolph. I was on the grass between the guardrail and curb facing the direction I was traveling. Every few moments I would look back to see if a potential ride was coming. I just happened to look back just as a guy in an out of control Lincoln was barreling directly at me. Somehow I ended up tumbling over the guardrail down a few feet into a ditch. The car slammed the guardrail then bounced off into the concrete jersey barrier in the center median before rolling to a stop. He was unhurt as was I. Turns out he was bombed.

Yikes! Some of us are lucky to be alive and intact!

One of my brushes, and the reason I even thought of this subject: I am in the process of cleaning out the attic, and came across a box of old documents. In it I found my unused ticket for flight TWA 800 dated July 17, 1996.

Rebecka Rebecka
Dec '17

That TWA flight is huge. It doesn't have the same consequences, but our whole family got a flight back from a small islander on one of the puddle hoppers. The flight was only once a week. The next week, the exact same plane, and the exact same pilot had one of the three engines completely fall out and into the water off shore. National headline news with all of the pictures, etc. the next week. The pilot heroically managed to fly it despite damage to the tail section. It didn't crash and everyone was alive. But that sure is a scary feeling. And still doesn't compare to missing TWA 800.

I didn't want to start a new thread. This may be a stupid question. I have inherited a dog. She is 8 yrs. old. "How long does it take a dog to stop grieving for their owner?" I've had her 7 months. Most of what she knows has been changed. Sometimes she seems so happy and well adjusted, other days she seems so sad and very mopey. I feel bad for her, and I wish I could fix it for her.

auntiel auntiel
Jan '18

Why are there so many unconscious people listed in the warren county department of public safety? This morning we have a 46 year old, a 32 year old, and a male and female together.
Is this the drug crisis that's out of control, a weird coincidence? What? I see this kind of thing regularly.

4catmom 4catmom
Feb '18

And while I'm at it, why are so many pets showing up as lost? The numbers are astonishing to me.

4catmom 4catmom
Feb '18

Good Observations 4 cat. I have noticed that also. In one word. Not accepting RESPONSIBILITY in the general ways of life.

Old Gent Old Gent
Feb '18

Ugh. Maybe more cats are showing up missing because word is out that there’s help on HL. I had a cat once that literally scratched and clawed out the door as I was trying to squeeze out myself so she wouldn’t get out. I was so angry and upset cause I had to go to work and my best efforts weren’t enough for that feline!

Auntiel, I have no answer for you other than it’s not a stupid question. I wish you could fix it too! Thanks for loving the doggie.

Question for those in Real Estate:
Why would Zillow post a property listing that shows a contact OTHER than the listing agent and company?
IOW, I contacted the person linked with a property listed on zillow. This person is not the listing agent or listing company.
Is this non-listing agent paying zillow to put his name there? Kind of explains the lack of effort I am receiving to see a property.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Feb '18

As I understand it, those agents pay Zillow to put their names there--that's how Zillow makes money. The agent hopes that you will call him/her to represent you as a buyer, and they will end up getting a commission from the sale.

However, that's generally not the best way to choose an agent. If you know what you want and know how to buy a house, you can consider contacting the listing agent/agency, directly. They can act as both buyer's and seller's agent, and you can potentially save money, since the agent can accept a reduced commission. However, if you don't really know what you're doing, I wouldn't recommend that.

If you don't have an agent, as a buyer, and you're looking for one, there are plenty of recommendations, in other threads. I, personally, use Kathy Hill, from ReMax (973-219-6256), and I highly recommend her.

JerseyWolf JerseyWolf
Feb '18

Thanks, Jersey. That’s Kind of what I figured. When we bought our home Zillow didn’t exist, and the MLS was only available to real estate agents.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Feb '18

Confused...why didn't figure skating pairs (not talking about dance) participate in the team event?

Did I miss something?

positive positive
Feb '18

How about those of us that work hard and want to work??? We waste our time to positions that are filled and no one ever gets back to you. Please if u fill position can u take it off. Its not so hard. Some of us like to work.

Kikinj Kikinj
Feb '18

Is one supposed to (or should one?) report an abandoned vehicle?

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '18

From the rules for team skating:

At this point, each team is allowed to swap in two skaters (or two pairs of skaters) for the long program. This allows for potential mid-competition surprises, and it also gives teams the opportunity to let their star skaters rest. After all, no skater has ever competed in two Olympic-grade competitions within the span of two weeks, and teams can risk jeopardizing their best skaters' prospects in the individual events if they exhaust them in the team event early on. (The pairs skaters have it especially rough, with just three days between the team event free skate and the individual pairs short program competition.)

Rebecka, I think that depends on the vehicle and where it is. If it's sitting on the shoulder of I-80, then you can assume the police will notice it soon enough. But a strange vehicle parked on a road for a long time can often indicate that something is wrong. The owner/driver may have died, the car may have been stolen and then dumped, the owner may have been arrested, etc. So it's probably not a bad idea to report it.

JerseyWolf JerseyWolf
Feb '18

Thanks for the great explanation MK. It will be much easier to follow now.

positive positive
Feb '18

Thank you, JW. The car has been sitting in the exact spot, unmoved, since at least August (when I noticed it), and the plates have been removed. So I guess something is a little weird here. The funny thing is: it is in THE most conspicuous location. Ton of traffic and foot traffic, but I think people just walk right by and don't notice.

Unless anyone else has also noticed the car?

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '18

stolen and dumped? ask the police...

4catmom 4catmom
Feb '18

Definitely worth making a call. You might want to wait until business hours and call the police non-emergency number. I hate when I call 9-1-1, and the first thing they ask is, "Where is your emergency?" And then I have to try to explain that it's not actually an emergency. Also, it you call the department directly, you will likely be directed to speak directly to a police officer, rather than a 9-1-1 operator, and it will be easier to convey your concerns.

JerseyWolf JerseyWolf
Feb '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

If only we had informative signs as to when to dial the emergency and non-emergency numbers like they do in S. Korea.

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '18

What is the best / most respectful way to refer to an older individual? "Senior?" Would especially like the input from those in this age group themselves. Normally I don't even bother mentioning someone's age, but I'm writing a letter and the age of the person is a key point. TIA.

Rebecka Rebecka
Mar '18

Since we are considered in that category, Rebecka, I like to use the word "Senior or Senior Citizens" or when referring to ourselves that we are in our "Golden Years" (but this reference usually provokes a comment such as: "What is "Golden" about it?"

joyful joyful
Mar '18

“Mature” adult?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Mar '18

Senior sounds good and is much nicer than “elderly” which somehow sounds feeble.

Walking Girl Walking Girl
Mar '18

I grew up in a Jewish household and all my life I heard my relatives speaking Yiddish refer to old people as "alte kakers". It originally a derogatory reference as referring to a crotchety, fussy old person. Now it is a general term for us old timers. I do not think it is a good opening for a letter to a senior citizen LOL.

All depends on the exact age. And what age are you writing to?

auntiel auntiel
Mar '18

Thank you all. I don't know the age of the person I'm writing to. The person I'm writing about is 82.

Rebecka Rebecka
Mar '18

Auntiel is right. Between 65 and 70's treat them as you would normally' because they really don't feel like Senors yet till there life style changes. Me personally never joined any senior activity's. I felt I wasn't that old to circulate with them socially. Many, many of them had my phone number to call me for rides and take them shopping or the doctors or pick up something for them. Thats just me. I was blessed to be able to practicaly re build a house till I was 80. Then things started to fall apart.

Old Gent Old Gent
Mar '18

That's a tough one. To be safe, if you know their gender I would go with that. Remember, people get offended quickly. You can mention the age at some point later in the letter. Unless you want to upset them, call them an octogenarian. LOL

auntiel auntiel
Mar '18

My husband is 87...I think at this point in his life he could be considered as elderly..(Even though he does not feel it or think yet that he is)..I am 77 and would just like to be referred to as "A Sexy Senior Citizen). Lol!

joyful joyful
Mar '18

Since I had dinner with "A Sexy Senior Citizen" (LOL) yesterday and the 87 year old elderly with my mom and mutual friend at 82, I think the best thing to do is to realize it's not a matter of age. What is it about age that makes it relevant? Refer to what's at issue, not about age.

When it comes to "the wisdom to know the difference", I kept my *!#!& mouth shut!! ;-)

Wait, what?!

“How about kids, instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations where there is a violent shooter,” Santorum, a former Republican senator

Roywhite Roywhite
Mar '18

Yup - what - ????

4catmom 4catmom
Mar '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

This will be a fun one for all the Scrabble and Words with Friends players out there.

Where is the 90-or-so point move here?

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

The best move I can come up with is QAID and as you can see, it only gets me about 30% of the points I could get on this play.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

What does “QIS” and “SHONE” get you?

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Apr '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

Wow nice move - more than I saw. Still only about 50% of possible points it looks like, though.

(I've been looking at this move for about 24 hours and it kills me when the phone/game/computer intelligence outwits a human brain. Which is why I'm using the phone-a-HL-friend option lol.)

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

Yeah, that's a tough one. I don't see any way to get a triple word score, and even if you did it would only be about 60 points.

Sometimes you just have to settle for a decent word to keep the game moving.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Apr '18

Talaqs off the T in helmet for 60 points on the triple letter, triple word.

pls, what's the url for this scrabble stuff --- looks cool.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Apr '18

Settle?! You want me to settle?! No way! LOL kidding - I agree, normally I would want to see the game move along, but this particular friend and I have another one going simultaneously which is moving. And I sent her the pics above and asked her if *she* could find the move. She's an ace player and is completely stumped by this one, and really would love to know the solution too!

I've been playing Scrabble for years and I think this one is a real head-scratcher. But have you noticed that HL folks *always* come up with the answer to like... anything? I bet you there's a word wiz with superior grey matter out there who will figure it out!

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

We only have one A to work with, SD.

It's the Words with Friends app for phone, iPad, etc.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

Guess that's why I like HL ---- good place for the spelling challenged..

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Apr '18

Going down from the "T"
Use the remaining "S" & "W" to make the word "sow"
Don't know the method for adding up points as I don't do scrabble puzzles but taqlid is within the triple word and "Q" is the triple letter.
How many points total?

happiest girl
Apr '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

Sadly, Taqlid comes up as not a valid word. :-(
Funny though, my friend suggested I try that same word too.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

Why is hive in white letters?

happiest girl
Apr '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

That is showing the last move my friend made, HIVE for 18 points.

Look at this pic, though. I logged onto game with another device and another version of Word, and this shows in red here all the possible places tiles could be put down on the next move. This will be a big help in solving this conundrum. HL folks I am confident one of you is going to get this!

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

Using "DAIS" going L to R from under the word "HONE" will get you 51 points I believe.

You get points for the words DAIS, HONED, LA, MI & HIVES.

By the way, does Word allow you to use proper names, such as of cities, etc.? I know Scrabble doesn't, but I don't know the rules of WWFs.

Phil D. Phil D.
Apr '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

It comes to 35 pts., it says. Nicely seen placement, though! 5 words in one play!

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

We should totally make a words with friends thread lol

Skippy Skippy
Apr '18


I take it the triple or double letter score only counts the first time the letter is used and not the second time a word is made from it?

The "M" in "MI" is on a triple letter score, which would be 12 points, plus 1 for the "I" which should be 13 points.

"HONED" is 9 points, "DAIS" is 6, "LA" is 4, and "HIVES" is your 18 plus 1 = 19.

So if the DL & TL s count every time they're used, all 5 words should equal...
13 + 9 + 6 + 4 + 19 = 51 If they don't count in successive times, then yes, the score would be less than I calculated.

Phil D. Phil D.
Apr '18

Oh, I see what you did there, Phil. Yes, they only count once. Unfortunately!

Do you play Skippy? I have a feeling Mark Mc does lol. (Not everyone would see QIS right away.) Anyone else?

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

I do but I’m horrible at it

Skippy Skippy
Apr '18

Haha. QI is one of my favorites if you can get it in the corner of two other words with a double or triple

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Apr '18

Why play a game that does not recognize valid words?

happiest girl
Apr '18

Because it’s not an English word, but rather an English pronunciation of an Islamic word.

Maybe that’s how other words like QI started, but they have made their way into English dictionaries.


Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Apr '18

Where in the world is Rusher?

Roywhite Roywhite
Apr '18

Taqlid is defined in Merriam-Webster and Encyclopedia Britannica.

happiest girl
Apr '18

Start the Q on the TL up three, right one above HIVE, down to catch the DW.

I’m counting 78, if it is an accepted word. Still not in the 90’s though.

justintime justintime
Apr '18

Qadis is the highest I can see too. How do you know a 90+ point word exists? My app doesn't show that, it will only show the pink for possible moves but not total points. It will also show after you play the highest point move. So you could always play and then see what it tells you.

Sunshine Sunshine
Apr '18

What about Dotard?

Dodgebaal Dodgebaal
Apr '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

QADIS!! It's the highest scoring move. Let us all bow to Justintime the wordsmith (or wordsmithS if you figured it out too, Sunshine)! Seriously wish I had a prize or two to hand out.

There are different versions of Word with different options, Sunshine. One version allows you to get an approximate idea of how many points you could get by pressing the green lightening bolt that appears when you place a word.

Is there any question that can't be answered, or mystery that can't be solved, by posting on HL?!

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '18

So the classified ad says 2007 Mercedes, but the picture shows a Volvo. Why?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Apr '18

you never heard of a HYBRID??

WTH is a "tent sale?"

Where is Tannery Field anyway?

And what in the holy heck is actually going on over there?

Can someone please snap a pic with your phone and post here?

- Totally not getting it

Rebecka Rebecka
May '18


Tannery Field, Grand Avenue, Hackettstown, NJ

Travel along Main Street (Route 46) Hackettstown to the intersection of Grand Avenue and make a left. Follow Grand Avenue to the softball fields and thats them

tent sale - dunno

skippy skippy
May '18

People selling things out of a large tent see "Tent sale" thread, Greg posted a picture of said tents

eapos eapos
May '18

So apparently that’s private property - why are people mad - that’s the part I don’t get

Skippy Skippy
May '18

Why doesn't Shop Rite have Weight Watcher ice cream cones anymore? They're on the website - they sure were yummy --(this is the place for stupid questions isn't it?)

4catmom 4catmom
May '18

A tent sale is when you sell stuff under a tent on Mountain Avenue and no one notices but you do it in Grand Avenue and it's a Federal Offense.

Yeah seems silly to get mad over

Skippy Skippy
May '18

@4cat - yup, you got the right thread! Can't help you with the ice cream cone conundrum though. :-/

Rebecka Rebecka
May '18

4catmom, Weis had a bunch of the WW ice cream products on sale recently and they were marked discontinued. Maybe that's why Shoprite doesn't have them.

Tracy Tracy
May '18

What is that strange big yellow thing in the sky today? I want to think I've seen it before but can't recall.

Greg - It's no more surprising than the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile rolling past Budd Lake on Route 46.

THE Weinermobile? No way. I'd live in darkness for a month just to see it.

Where was it going? You followed it of course, right? Did you see what kind of people were inside? Please say yes. We NEED to know who applies for the gig of driving a 30-foot hotdog around the country. I'm envisioning a couple young guys with dreads in the cockpit barely visible through the haze.

Rebecka Rebecka
May '18

Rebecka - If you want to become a Hotdogger they do take applications right on the official website of the Wienermobile:



Both my mom and I saw it go by on Route 46 right at the light to go into the trade center. We were headed back to town to do errands, so no following it. Besides, unbelievably this is actually my 3rd sighting. I saw it once on JFK Parkway in Livingston some years ago while headed to work at Bell Labs. And then about 10 years later heading south on Route 287 while I was headed to do work in Mahwah.

If you believe the picture on their website, the appropriately red and yellow uniformed drivers look mostly to be everyday 30 something's. Illicit fillers apparently not needed.

The wienermobile spent Friday night parked in the lot of the Residence Inn in the Trade Zone. I wasn't starstruck by it, having seen it before at Ledgewood ShopRite.

Aquarius Aquarius
May '18

I marched in a parade with it, along with my wienerdog. For reals. :)

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
May '18

What is it DOING in our area, then?! Is this not highly suspicious? Does it now LIVE here? This is like a UFO landing in our backyard as far as I'm concerned, especially if it's now hanging around.

And sorry to say GC, but if you've seen it 3 times then you've probably already been abducted, and they're likely after you again. Only hypnosis will reveal the truth.

Rebecka Rebecka
May '18

OMG - this is the second time today I was called a space alien. But then again, the first time today was by CBGB. And he's full of 'yanny'. ;-)

Lmao GC!

Btw, it was great seeing everyone today! :)

And I believe Clyde is the new Weiner mobile driver. Saw pics on Facebook.

LOL Sue, he did look pretty comfortable in it, didn’t he?

Bessie Bessie
May '18

Nice GC

but I'm still not convinced that "yammy,laurel" isn't a space alien magic trick

I had a memory flashback tonight of an old friend who said to me upon hearing I live in Hackettstown, "oh you're from the big city" and yes he was serious. He called us fellow Hackettstonians "city folk"

which leads to my question. What is the tallest building in Hackettstown?

I would guess the Centenary dome? However it could be one of the various churches. The spires are rather high.

Good question! We need a skilled drone pilot to buzz around and check it out.

I rest my case CBGB.

I would guess centenary or the hospital

skippy skippy
May '18

I would say Centenary University Dome also is the tallest structure in Hackettstown..

joyful joyful
May '18

I saw the Weinermobile twice last week. Once on 57 outside of Mansfield (headed towards Washington) and Once on Flocktown Road heading down Schooley's Mt by the Eagle.

MansfieldSoccer MansfieldSoccer
May '18

My stupid ?.....Why are missing objects never in the first place one looks?

G-remnant G-remnant
May '18

au contraire - sometimes they are but invisible till the third time you check that spot

4catmom 4catmom
May '18

if they were in the first placed looked, they would not be missing....

zentravl zentravl
May '18

Even if it were in the first place you looked, that would still be the last place you looked, so as they say, "It's always in the last place you look.", lol.

Phil D. Phil D.
May '18

Bingo! Once the item is found, you've stopped looking. You are all correct.

G-remnant G-remnant
May '18

Why do you call shows from Japan "American"? How can you call a show "funniest" when it needs an artificial laugh track?

Where are fun places to hang out with teenage friends in Hackettstown? Everywhere I go it is all adults! I am outraged.

BertMacklan BertMacklan
May '18

@GC - The Japanese obstacle-course type shows?

Rebecka Rebecka
May '18

Want to see how CBGB learned to dance?


***bonus learn to dance track***

Did you have the yellow feet you stick in the floor

Skippy Skippy
May '18

The Live Music on August 24th event is listed on the calendar with no location. Why?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Aug '18

Since it mentions saxophone and Ukrainian food... I'm guessing Zabava in Great Meadows, based on the previous conversation linked below.


ianimal ianimal
Aug '18

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

What is the 1st icon on the left in the photo? Thanks!

maja2 maja2
Aug '18

That's the NFC icon.



I suspect you have an Android phone. That is going to be the icon for the NFC (near field communications), which allows data to pass when you touch phones with other devices. If you don't use that feature you should be able to disable in Settings.

Aug '18

Thanks Greg! Had to google what it is :) Must have accidentally turned it on.

maja2 maja2
Aug '18

Why does it take almost 4 years to get a court date for ssdi. Disability

How the devil can people either work, play, enjoy the outdoors, eat, breathe, bathe, or even sleep when totally and entirely consumed with posting ad nauseam on a certain thread for hours and hours each day?

I'm all for multi tasking but seriously??

It's a big world out there to enjoy people.

WHY are parents so judgemental of one another?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Sep '18

Because the OTHER parents are always jerks! LOL

Why are there so many young people - unconscious - listed in Warren County Incidents?

4catmom 4catmom
Sep '18

Why is there so much obvious stupidity online?

zentravl zentravl
Sep '18

will there be an end to smear campaigns?

I am not a pet owner so I was quite surprised to see the huge list of chemicals included in pet foods. I decided to check the so-called premium pet food brands. Same thing, sure their ingredients started out sounding better but the huge list of chemicals were there too.
If I were a pet owner ( zero chance of that ) I would feed it something natural.
But since this is a stupid question thread I should ask a question.
Is WTF a question?

CBGB, it depends on your inflection upon voicing the F portion. It can be a question, a declaration or an exclamation. Extremely versatile, that F is.

ianimal ianimal
Apr '19

Why are there so many young (under 60 -and sometimes way under) listed as unconscious in the Warren County Incident Reports.............geesh

4catmom 4catmom
May '19

How can you be two places at once when you’re really nowhere at all?

StrangerDanger StrangerDanger
May '19

Quantum Entanglement...

Occam's Razor iJay. There's a far, far simpler explanation than that...

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

StrangerDanger StrangerDanger
May '19

The Lake Hopatcong closure due to algae made me wonder.

If a person has or gives cooties can they have just one cootie? Is it a big deal to have just one cootie? What if it's a nice or beneficial cootie. I think cooties may be getting a bad wrap. With that said often while at Walmart I see folks with the real bad cooties!

I searched and found the Latin Origin of the word by the way.


Greg, Could you provide source for 'Ooties cay'? Apparently my Latin/English is abridged.

Yes, Greg...you can have just one "cootie". Remembering back years and years in the country school that I attended a teacher would come around each week and check the children's hair for head lice (cooties). Our Mother's went bananas if any of those things were ever found on us especially my Mother...known as Mrs. Clean....

joyful joyful
Jun '19

"Apparently my Latin/English is abridged."

It's a local dialect of Igpay Atinlay.

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jun '19

Atthay isyay orrectcay , Arkmay!!

Ooties Cay and Orrect Cay - two islands in the Bahamas chain...

I'm looking for the Orrect Cay Quay. Okuay?

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Jun '19

So we are into porcus latin. I thought that went out in the 1950s! What goes around comes around.

ankstha, elldonsha...GC...

joyful joyful
Jun '19

Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny.
Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny.
Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny.
Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny.
Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny. Penny.

@ GC......Ha..Ha..

joyful joyful
Jun '19

a book I checked out from the library was dogeared on PAGE 1
what? this person couldn't remember they were only on page one? even if they were on page two it can't be that hard to remember.
Why? Why would a person need to dogear the first page of a book?

A headline today in the news:

" Discovery of human body parts inside gator prompts safety warning to public".

Do we really need to warn the public about the dangers of alligators? I mean isn't that almost an instinctual trait? If I was dropped on this planet and never saw a gator before I would quickly realize that something with that many teeth and huge mouth is most likely not my friend. LOL

Instead of humans evolving, we are devolving.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '19

Why in the world is there not a Heavy Metal band called The Murder Hornets!!??

Good question, Greg. There should be.

Calico696 Calico696
May '20

Are millennials bad at math or just bad with money?
So many times at the cash register when the total is for example $5.74 and I give the millennial cashier $11 they freeze. The blank look comes on, they can't figure out why I gave them $11 not a ten. sometimes the millennial tries to give me back the one usually they stand there looking at the money wondering what to do.
I rescue them by saying "Please just enter $11 and it will either make sense or it won't, thank you."

CBGB, I agree with you. In your case I have given them a ten and 75 cents and they can't figure it out, must have something to do with that new math. If you really want to get them going, mix in some 2 dollar bills, (still available from the bank), a half dollar coin or even a dollar coin. You get some really strange looks!

Mr 4paws Mr 4paws
Jun '20

registers that figure it out for them took away the need for any understanding of the process- damn shame

4catmom 4catmom
Jun '20

If you really want to drive a millennial cashier really bananas try giving them the penny, nickel, or dime to make the change in bills instead of bills and change. $10.00 for a $5.03 purchase when I suddenly remember I have pennies in my pocket. Horrors, the machine says $4.97 change and if I give them the 3 pennies they don't know what to do. I have had them give me the $4.97 and my 3 pennies back. I have to point out the reason for the 3 pennies.

I had an experience last summer when I took my granddaughter to a local attraction. The ride we were going on was $4 each. I gave the young man a $20. He told me the register was down and hemmed and hawed about what the change would be. I explained that he could give me $12 in change and we would be settled up.

His reply: "Well, okay, but don't tell my boss." My reply: "when you go back to high school this fall, consider paying a little closer attention in math class." And then his supervisor just grinned at me and rolled his eyes.

summerrain1 summerrain1
Jun '20

What is this "cash" stuff of which you all speak? (-;

Funny story (maybe)... my sister-in-law wanted to buy something for her husband for Father's Day and didn't want him to see the charge on their credit card, so I ordered it for her and put it on my card. Then my wife ran into her at her mom's house and she settled up. When my wife got home, she gave me the $160 or whatever it was... and I'm just looking at the bills oddly, since it was the middle of March since I actually had any hard currency in my possession. I'm looking at it and wondering what the hell I'm going to do with it. After about 90 seconds, I jumped in my car, hit the car wash and then deposited the cash in the bank where it belongs.

There was a time when I engaged in activities that required cash transactions; that time is long gone and I'm much happier for it, in all honesty.

ianimal ianimal
Jun '20

What's really fun for me is paying cash. I don't mean under $20 cash. I'm talking hundreds or sometimes thousands. Their hands start to shake and they become sweaty. They have to count it with another person because it's to much for them. Then they have to call the person in charge because they don't know where to put it. Can not get change because most and all places especially Dentist offices do not have any cash in the office. It's great.

auntiel auntiel
Jun '20

This is not a millennials problem. I've been seeing people not know how to make change since I was in high school in the late '70s. My dad and I talked about it all the time, even way back then.

Monty Monty
Jun '20

I was on a dart league for many, many years. I would like to see some of these folks keep score during a 501 game. One must add the three darts shot- a total of anywhere from 0-180 in their head then subtract that sum from the score that is written on the scoreboard next to the dart board. The game starts with 501 points, each player shoots 3 darts per round reducing the score to zero. The first person to do so is the victor.
This whole process needs to be completed almost instantaneously, in front of at least 12-15 participants literally with a spotlight on you as you stand alone at the scoreboard all while enjoying an adult beverage or two. It's in the rules you must imbibe. LOL

It's a bit intimidating for sure.

I always preferred 301, double-in, double-out... you always wanted to get to 32 in the end game, which gave you the most individual double-outs when you hit an errant single or two.

Not only was I the guy laughing at the people who had to "show their work" when subtracting their score from the previous total, i was always the guy who got asked what we needed to get to the magical 32.

ianimal ianimal
Jun '20

Nice! I always played 301- actually my specialty. I pulled off a couple 9 dart games over the years.
I always enjoyed having the one Rain Man on the team that knew every out starting at like 150....

I was just about to doze off for an after work nap when this important question came to me.

If I was invisible would I be naked or would my clothes be invisible too?

If the invisibility originates within you, as it “is organic” then dress nicely. If its mechanical and is projected to or around you then clothes are unseen. Either way thankfully clothes are optional.

Roywhite Roywhite
May '21

In the original “Invisible Man” film, the invisible man escaped by taking off his clothes and breaching the police human chain.
One could only see his footprints in the snow.
I believe this led to him catching a serious cold, and with the accompanying cough, hastened his demise.
Dress warmly.

Stymie Stymie
May '21

What the heck is the following??

"Smudging of homes, offices & properties done on-site to clear negative energy, as needed."

I mean c'mon man. Are people really that far removed from logic and reality to entertain this ridiculous hocus pocus? LOL

I can't find the actual answer online, but - since the pandemic, do they get into your car at inspection now? i.e. - do I get out and they get in and handle stuff that I'm going to wipe down, do they wear a mask, and so on? I didn't know how they work it now or if I should make an appointment at a place that does them or what. Thanks. Yes, might sound stupid to some people, but legit question.

Aug '21

I just went last month. You get out, they go in wearing a mask, drive it 10 feet, done.

Roywhite Roywhite
Aug '21

Thank you, Roywhite!

Aug '21

HOFF's on Grand Avenue will do inspections and approve for a fee. HOFF's does wonderful auto repairs also.

Bernie Bernie
Aug '21

I just had my inspection done in Randolph. In and out in 5 minutes. Everyone working there was masked. They do drive your car for a bit.

Sacks cousin
Aug '21

Thank you, Sacks Cousin. Appreciate it. Bernie, used Hoff's once and wasn't that happy. Kept trying to sell me snow tires. lol.

Aug '21

Why are the traffic lights at the Pburg mall still on?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Aug '21

Dog Day Afternoon: maybe you needed snow tires. But I would buy tires in another place that sells tires.

Their auto work has always been great to me.

Bernie Bernie
Aug '21

No, Bernie. I had 4 new tires and it was summer when I was there. lol. They just had some used ones to try to get rid of the woman said. I think they also called me twice after that. Thanks, though. Appreciate the response.

Aug '21

"Why are the traffic lights at the Pburg mall still on?"

So that the 1k+ cars that frequent Starbucks, Chick Fil A or Panera each day can get on and off the highway?

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

No this is within the mall drive itself. Absolutely no need for it.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Aug '21

The egress to 22 West is further west than the ingress from 22 West. Without that light at the intersection with the ingress and egress drives, there would probably be a dozen accidents a day.

The one by the Taco Bell could probably be deactivated without issue, though... but it would probably cost DOT more to remove it than to keep it operational. Plus, whatever eventually gets redeveloped there will probably need to maintain the existing ingress/egress patterns; it's a typical DOT requirement. So, when it eventually becomes a St. Luke's campus or a warehouse, the lights would be needed once again.

ianimal ianimal
Aug '21

Is it now taboo to say Thanksgiving? I've had at least 10-12 people the last few days say to me Happy Holiday.
I was thinking it's too early to be giving Santa Claus Day greetings ( Christmas ) ................
isn't it?

I can only imagine. In this day and age where cartoons and syrup bottles offend people I'm sure Happy Thanksgiving is a bit too harsh for some. The ridiculousness of this woke nonsense is mind boggling.

What's next door is saying have a nice day going to have people in an uproar?


What I've heard years ago already, though usually in jest: "Don't tell ME what kind of day to have. I'll have whatever kind of day I want to!"

Phil D. Phil D.
Nov '21

LOL. That sounds like a George Carlin line, Phil.

I should have proofread my post above. Delete door....

People are crazy. Happy Thanksgiving, guys! Lol

Calico696 Calico696
Nov '21

Is there a minimum number of dishes in a dishwasher before you start it?

Lol CBGB! If the top rack is full of plastic ware I run it!

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Feb '22

Do you Wordle?

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

Sure do, all while singing this....


A bit more challenging is Quordle.


Mr. Resident Mr. Resident
Feb '22

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

Today was pretty tough, CBGB... almost didn't get it.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '22

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

yes. last row for me too. but freecell is still my favorite game.

Stupid Question

Why is home heating fuel more expensive than gasoline?

Mar '22

Why is cranberry sauce sold in cans that are upside down?

After the cans are filled and capped, they flip them over so the product gels against the flat part and an air bubble forms in the rounded top.

they do this so that you can slide a knife along the edge, break the vacuum and the whole can slides out in a solid log that can be sliced into disks. Otherwise you would have to spoon it out of the can.

ianimal ianimal
Mar '22

tidy, home heating oil is a form of diesel fuel, which is almost always more expensive than gasoline. however, since it doesn't have "gas tax" added to it, heating oil is cheaper than diesel that you buy at the pump.

ianimal ianimal
Mar '22

Re: A Thread for Stupid Questions

"home heating oil is a form of diesel fuel"

Well, it would be more accurate to say that both diesel and home heating oil are very similar distillates of crude oil. In layman's terms they're basically the same thing so you would probably need a chemistry degree to understand the differences in the 7 grades of diesel and 14 grades of fuel oil described in their respective ASTM standards.



As far as cost differences between fuel oil and gasoline, that's probably a topic for a doctorate dissertation in finance, but I'd wager there's a couple big contributors. Worldwide demand for the "heavier" fuels (don't forget large ships, jets, etc.) and the fact that these fuels constitute a smaller percentage of a raw barrel of crude oil compared to gasoline. Throw in politics and taxes and then nobody really understands any of it!

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Mar '22

While listening to the news break yesterday afternoon on WRNJ, the young man reported on a fire in a Mount Olive apartment complex. He stated the "fire was being investigated." Shouldn't he say the cause of the fire was being investigated? I mean we know what the fire is and what it did. Does he mean the fire et al is being investigated? At least he did not have vocal fry in his voice....LOL.

my boss wears gray/black camoflauge shoes but they are sparkly too.
Isn't that a contradiction?

I guess he wants to draw attention to the camouflage.

If camouflage is a tool can it also be fashion?

Roywhite Roywhite
Apr '22

I found a dead rabbit in my yard this morning, about 1/4 eaten. The strange thing, to me, is that whatever killed it ate the head, not the body. What animal does that? There is certainly more meat on the body, right?

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Apr '22

Lonesome Dove, my guess would be a dog. Our Rottweiler once ate the head off a snake and left the body. Pets aren't really looking for food the way wild animals are.

Courtney1 Courtney1
Apr '22

I once startled a hawk eating his lunch while I was walking down my driveway. It flew up from the ground when it heard me approaching, and was carrying a small animal. It lost its grip and a dead squirrel landed on the ground a few feet from me. Its head was missing. I returned about 10 minutes later, and the hawk had apparently returned to retrieve its lunch as the headless squirrel was gone. I'm assuming the head was just the appetizer before the main course. Kinda gross, but that's nature .....

Rob Durana Rob Durana
Apr '22

That rabbit's body was stiff when I moved it. It had been out there since the middle of the night. I don't think anything was coming back for it. I actually heard it scream during the night, but wasn't much I could do. I wasn't sure if a poor critter had met its end or the skunks were doing their mating screaming again, lol.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Apr '22

Lonesome Dove

If you didn't see any tracks nearby, either you have grass that's too dense for a lighter animal to leave tracks, or my other best guess would likely be an owl.

Phil D. Phil D.
Apr '22

Does Google know it's Father's Day today?

their home page looks like Mother's Day

Was an odd choice but male penguins are the ones who take care of the eggs.

Yesimpc Yesimpc
Jun '23

I think Google knew exactly what they were doing.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '23

...until there's a Happy They's Day

aol123@aol.com aol123@aol.com
Jun '23

Is possible to have two lazy eyes?

Bill.E Bill.E
Jun '23

Is it raining by you?

Roywhite Roywhite
Jun '23

Double strabismus is two lazy eyes. I had the corrective surgery when I was a toddler.
Blind justice is a whole other issue... LOL

Why can’t manhole covers be at the same level as the pavement?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '23

Can a vehicle that's fully engulfed in flames explode? I couldn't help but contemplate that as I passed one on I80 East yesterday. There was a state trooper on the westbound side, but no fire trucks anywhere to be seen.

Courtney1 Courtney1
Jun '23

I’ve been outside for 5+ hrs, I’ve seen 1 bird.
Where they all go!?

Roywhite Roywhite
Aug '23

Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?

Sep '23

Why are there interstate highways in hawaii
Hawaii has interstate highways primarily to facilitate the speed of shipping and commerce, as well as maintaining the ability to move military units and vehicles in the event or threat of an invasion from a foreign nation. Hawaii has four interstates—H1, H2, H3, and H201—which are all located on the island of Oahu.

I think JerseyDog meant why do they have interstate highways when it’s all one state lol.

GreatMeadows GreatMeadows
Sep '23

Yeah a rhetorical question I believe.

Why do all these groups asking for donations give away stuff like blankets & shopping bags? Is my donation funding that stuff? And what am I supposed to do with all those address labels?

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Oct '23

superb question, Lonesome Dove

4catmom 4catmom
Oct '23

Lonesome Dove, great question. To me, I always just want to donate, but there's nothing to check off that says 'PLEASE don't send me stuff!'. ;)

Oct '23

I made a decision a while back that I would not send another dollar to any group that sent me stuff that I didn't ask for. I do appreciate the wall calendars, but even that is an expense that they shouldn't be wasting donated money on. I have written letters, asking them to remove me from their lists, but to no avail.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Oct '23

What do I need to take to get dog rabies shot. Besides the dog on a leash. Any other paperwork? Thanks

AuntieL AuntieL
Nov '23

Just the dog. You fill the paperwork out while there online.

Thank you Greg.

AuntieL AuntieL
Nov '23

You're welcome! That should have read on line.
I was there at 12:45 we had our two dogs in and out in about 20 mins. Very efficiently run as usual!

Yes it is. You were in line with my Westie. Wouldn’t it be grand if MV ran that smooth. Hahahaha

AuntieL AuntieL
Nov '23

Are there any season jobs that don't require lifting forty or fifty pounds? LOL. I would love to find a seasonal job nights or weekends or even the wee hours type, but each one I check seems like I should have been a weightlifter. Yikes. ;)

Nov '23

Our neighbors decided to get Roosters and and other farm animals - and we live in a residential area in around the hospital. Now we have 24/7 Cackling, crowing, and quacking.. I work from home and am unable to open my windows or work outside in my back yard. I have been asked by clients if I live on a farm. Can't complain to the owners, because they are not pleasant people.

Has anyone ever filed a noise complaint?

HtownNewbie HtownNewbie
Nov '23

Is there a worse chinese restaurant in town than Hunan Wok?

4catmom 4catmom
Mar '24

If a person is selling say 4 rims for a car and state they are in "good condition with some wear and tear and two of the rims are slightly bent". How in the world can they be in "good condition" and yet bent? Two of the rims need repair to be operable. That erases the "good condition" moniker in my book. LOL. The ad should read: 4 rims, used, need repair.

probably hoping you have a short attention span and won't bother to read the whole ad.

my Stupid Question is:
Why do marketplace and craigslist ads have this statement?

If you ask if it's still available I won't reply.

is asking if the item is still for sale that offensive?
to me it's a typical opening line when responding to an ad.


Maybe they think the person inquiring is just being lazy because that's the phrase that is usually auto-filled in, unless you changed it.

That said, too many people don't take down their ad, even after the item's sold, either because they forget, OR they may want to make sure they've found someone who will pay full price, rather than making them a counteroffer, as some do. I mean, no harm in asking, especially if it states "OBO". Therefore, it's a logical question to ask, though if that's the only thing someone says, then perhaps that's a sign they're being a bit lazy, rather than saying more, such as when they can pick it up, etc.

Phil D. Phil D.
Apr '24

The main reason why people post that on their offers is many people hit the automatic generated “is it available” and never follow up. They have no real interest. I assume they scroll through the sites and hit that button. Nobody needs to know if its available unless they are interested in the item, if you’re interested in the item, make your offer or state your intentions.

Roywhite Roywhite
Apr '24

My friend and I are both looking for work and we're in our 50's and 60's. No responses to applications online - are we too old? We don't look old, but are we automatically zapped because of age? We're looking for nights or weekends and not to start careers over. Just wondering if we're OLD for any job. Thanks for answering my stupid question of the day.

Apr '24

I'll take your SQ and throw one back at you.

Are you looking for a job at Walmart or Wall Street?
I can't believe a job can't be had at Target or DG or any retail shop for that matter. It is difficult to answer your SQ not knowing the level of job skills you are looking at.
I was looking for a part time job just 15-20 hours per week. I stopped at a store to buy my favorite product and asked if they are hiring. The shop owner/manager had me fill an application even though I had a resume, talked to me for 15 minutes and without even asking for my ID he said when can you start. I'm 63.

I know a woman who is a senior and also could not get hired. And yes it was for retail stores. Stores say they don’t discriminate based on age, sex or race, but that is not necessarily true.

happiest girl
Apr '24


As CBGB mentions, in person dialog with a manager is often one of the best ways to "apply" for a job, especially if it's a store where you do normal business. That way they can "size you up" and judge your seriousness, etc. as well as know that you're personable and easy to communicate/work with. Online applications can be stilting, and unable to convey certain things properly that you can easily ascertain by an in person interview.

Of course that all depends on what type of position you're applying for and with whom you're applying. As a store manager, I always figured that the person asking me already knew something about auto parts if they were there buying them, or at least had some familiarity with them.

What I disliked was people that came in with their fill in sheet for unemployment who asked for an application and then wanted me to sign their sheet without actually filling out an application. Also, people who came in specifically to fill out an application, but wanted to borrow a pen to do so. If you're unprepared when that's what you're there for, how well will you be prepared for the job on a regular basis? Another hint is to not park your car right in front of the doors of the business, especially if it's a small business. You aren't a customer and the owner will likely count that against you as not having regards for their actual paying customers.

Phil D. Phil D.
Apr '24

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