PNC Virtual Wallet - Opinions?

Does anyone have this? your thoughts? I just got it and find it the most confusing thing. I don't know if it just gets some getting used to, I'm financially challenged, or it does kind of stink..Wondering what others think...

Eliza Eliza
Aug '14

i have and it's pretty easy once you figure out the best way to use it. I use the
"Reserve" as my overdraft protection. Direct deposit $50/paycheck into that. The Savings has a pretty good interest rate so the $ you put in that you think of your long term savings that you don't plan on touching. and then your "spend" you use as a regular checking account.

You don't have to use all 3 accounts, you can just use the Spend and the Savings, but i like throwing some $ in the Reserve just so i don't touch what's in my savings account.

darwin darwin
Aug '14

I have it also and was confused at first. I use all three. The Reserve I keep my mad money in. If you withdrawal from the atm and want money from the reserve you have to choose "other" accounts. No on holds that. I really like it now.

happycamper happycamper
Aug '14

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