It's so cold...

Edited from

It's so cold that Shania Twain covered her midriff...

It's so cold that I'm shivering like a mobster in a tax office.

It's so cold we had to chisel BrotherDog off a lamp-post

It's so cold that the local flasher was caught *describing* himself
to women.

It's so cold that when JR told the HUMA photographer to freeze, and he did.

It's so cold that EmptyMan is sleeping with his own wife in order to keep warm.

It was so cold that the Statue of Liberty put the torch INSIDE her dress.

It's so cold that HLers who didn't get the flu shot are looking forward to the fever

It's so cold that this morning that I saw one BrotherDogg jump starting Ianimal.

It's so cold that my balls have became ovaries. I had to find my driver's license to look up my gender. Under the title "sex, it said:" not tonight, I'm too cold.

It's so cold that when JIT opened the door to his house a small light went on! (and he had an original idea !)

But seriously folks..........

The weather is really great. My car won't start running and my nose won't stop.

OK, if we get all of our cold waves from Canada, isn't that where we need to build the border wall?

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jan '13

mg: You're a riot!

I can't believe you didn't add:

It's so cold that Calico has been drinking warm beer.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '13

good one Calico!

Funny stuff Mr G

Firefly Firefly
Jan '13

lol thanks for the laugh!

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jan '13

its so cold that people are incessantly talking about cold air in the dead of winter

There were these three lifers in Hackettstown, and one time while they were typing incredible long and repetitive gun rants at their local forum, they got to talking about how cold it was outside, and how cold their houses were. They could agree on nothing about guns but each raved about his house being the coldest, so Auntiel decided to determine who, indeed, had the coldest house.

They went to Mistergoogle's house, really his mother's basement where he said "Watch this!" andpoured a cup of water into the air. Well, the water froze in mid-air and fell onto the floor. "Not bad" said the other lifers, but each maintained their house was colder still.

So they went to the JR's armed camp, and he said "Watch this!" and took a big breath and exhaled "2nd amendment, 2nd amendment," whereupon his breath froze to a big lump of meaninless ice and fell to the floor. "Wow, that's colder than mine, let me take a picture!"said Mistergoogle as he dodged 427 bullets as he headed towards the door.

But the third lifer, JIT, exclaimed his was colder still. So they ended up at JIT's libertarian palace. He said "Watch this!" and went into the bedroom, threw
back the thick blankets, and retrieved one of several small balls of ice
there. One was labelled "Federal Reserve must go chat," another labelled "we print funny money history," and the third labelled, "no more laws diatribe." He took it, put it in a spoon, and held a match under it. When it heated up enough, it made a giant whoosing noise that sounded like..........(wait for it)

JIT won.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jan '13

Funny stuff Mr. G.

It's so cold I opened the fridge to get a little heat in here.
It's so cold Mr.G switched to the Republican party for the global warming.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Jan '13

MG, I'm in love! You are hysterical!

Lady Jayne Lady Jayne
Jan '13

volley, return --- nicely played Meister

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jan '13

HAHA love them!!!

icicle icicle
Jan '13

yep, froze so hard to the lamp post that they broke the chisel getting me unstuck, now i have to go for rehab therapy everyday where i get it re-wrapped after they apply a salve. i'm in heaven man.

and believe me, you don't wanna jump start the iman, he needs prior notice. he don;t appreciate gettin' jumped. (injured myself twice in one day, where's the salve and the candy stripper to re-wrap me?)

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Jan '13

This is priceless! Great thread, MG ~ :D

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Jan '13

Thanks for the laughs!

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Jan '13

it's so cold even my candles won't start

As my dad use to say.......... "its colder then a well-diggers a**."

botheredbyu botheredbyu
Jan '13

Is Christie having a town hall meeting tonight? Can use the hot air.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Jan '13

Re: It's so cold...

You know the saying,. it so cold that you will freeze your......

HA! Great cartoon, Stan.

It's so cold, I have to bundle up like I'm going to hike Everest just to walk the dogs. Seriously, anyone considering getting a dog should have to go outside five times a day in this weather!!

Rebecka Rebecka
Jan '13

Re: It's so cold...

Here's a good one......

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Jan '13

It's so cold today that Democrats have their hands in their own pockets.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

In keeping with the spirit!

Lady Jayne Lady Jayne
Jan '14

for JR - it's so cold I saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets!

skippy skippy
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

I think Hell even froze over.

auntiel auntiel
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

We are thinking of you in Arizona!

Peggy C Peggy C
Jan '14

Here maybe a nice place to visit. I hear the skiing is wonderful.

Ignatz Ignatz
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

Just did an investigation at the Mt Washington Hotel. Got to visit the summit with 4 feet of snow up there!

John C John C
Jan '14

Reminds me of the location for "The Shining"!

Lady Jayne Lady Jayne
Jan '14

Friend of mine was in Arizona for Christmas and said it was cold and rainy for 3 days. Just saying.

Jan '14

.....and you guys think it is cold here!!!!

Current Summit Conditions
Temperature -19.0°F
Wind 81.4 mph !!!!!!!
Direction 278° (W)
Gust 78.3 mph
Wind Chill -64.8°F !!!!!!!
Tuesday 2:15 PM

I have actually been to that summit, during the summer, and it was beautiful!!!

Darrin Darrin
Jan '14

My friend from AZ emailed me an hour ago after seeing the temp here. He is probably correct in thinking I'm one of 3 people who are enjoying the crap out of this. ;-)

Meanwhile his son is in NJ over Christmas and wants to stay here. Yahoo!!!

John C- That's a beautiful picture!

Lady Jayne- It does look like the location for "The Shining". I love that movie!

positive positive
Jan '14

Guess the ice melt wouldnt work there but works here just fine.

Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...


Re: It's so cold...

oh - that's how cold it is

5catmom 5catmom
Jan '14

OK, that's two of the same one for the Dems..... My turn:

It's colder than Dick Cheney's heart.

It's so cold I saw a Republican hug a welfare mother to keep warm.

It's so cold, I'm hoping Ted Cruz will take the floor again to huff and puff this artic front away.

Not to worry, Rand Paul says we can't have extra cold UNLESS an equal amount of heat is a applied. Otherwise, we will own all our cold to China.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

May rain by Thursday but look in' good! Of course I'll be quiet in June July August and September!

Peggy C Peggy C
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

P.S. This weekend we drove four hours north just looking for one patch of snow. Did find a few, but I would be slightly less than honest, If I did not admit that yes I do miss that good old New Jersey winter!

Peggy C Peggy C
Jan '14

It's so cold out... an escaped convict in Kentucky turns himself back in.
True story

Re: It's so cold...

I love this!

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '14

skippy, I beat you to it.

Did you mean 'owe' there, Mr. G?

Dick Cheney's heart is very cold, considering he had it removed last year.

I can make fun of Republicans as well.

It's so cold, red states are turning blue.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Jan '14

It's so cold, polar bears aren't allowed to go outside and play at the Chicago Zoo

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Jan '14

It's so cold, Eskimos turned their AC off.

It's so cold, Mr. G typed a mere 3 word answer to a political post before putting his gloves back on. Then he resorted to using Siri and added 500 more.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Jan '14

Miley Cyrus put a glove on her foam finger

Clyde Potts Clyde Potts
Jan '14

It was so cold I typed own instead of owe.

Nice to see the subtlety gets noticed.

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Jan '14

Re: It's so cold...

Here's my contribution. I know you want one lol.

Bryan Bryan
Jan '14

Britney Spears put on underwear.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Jan '14

cute Bryan

5catmom 5catmom
Jan '14

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