4/22/12 Nor-easter potential

Looks like quite an intense storm could ride right up the coast (similar to what Irene did). The models were sort of showing this a few days ago and then some of them lost it so we weren't really sure how it would play out. But it is definitely back on again.

Saturday PM will bring some showers and even a t-storm as a cold front goes through. Definitely much needed rain. But the 2nd part of this will be the nor-easter later Sunday. Very interesting storm to track. Heavy rains and winds definitely possible. Stay tuned.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Thanks for the heads up Bryan! I know we need the rain but hoping it won't be so extreme...

Thanks Bryan. Thank goodness we have the sump pumps and french drains ready now. Bring it on!!!

Apr '12

Bryan, I have been missing a good storm thread from you. Bring it on!

Lady Jayne Lady Jayne
Apr '12

I LOVE all types of weather, so bring it! Watch this storm whoop a$$ and make up for the lack of winter we had.

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Apr '12

i am scheduled to be outside all day sunday, like from noon till 7:00 PM,

hope it don't get too bad.

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Apr '12

I agree Wild Angel. I still think Mother Nature is going to dole out some surprise for us before Summer...

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '12

We sure do need rain, Bryan. I hope this storm pans out like you are saying. Thanks for keeping us updated!

Guess we should take the paddle boat out of the water and secure her. At least the grass we seeded 2 weeks ago has started to grow so that won't get washed away.
Bring it on! Going to test the sump now and make sure its working:)

blackcat blackcat
Apr '12

Yes....we not only need some rain but some weather excitement around here! Was just watching the weather segment on News Channel 12 and they said upwards of 2 to 3 inches of rain over the weekend. A shame it has to hit over the weekend though.

Brian if the storm is coming up the coast from the south, why would it be called a noreaster?

eapos eapos
Apr '12

I just want it to hold off as much as possible until noon not to interfere with yard sales. And positively stay 100 million miles away from next weekend when the yard sales are really serious - now that would be a disaster if this weekend is also washed out... Rain on one or the other, but not both!! ;-)

That's a good question easpos. This is a complex storm. There will be a piece coming from the west and another from the south. Basically the jet streams looks like they will phase both pieces and a big storm will bomb out right off the coast as it crosses our area and heads to our northeast - which will technically make it a nor-easter at that point. From there it is going to almost stall and then retrograde northwest into southeast Canada. Of course this is what the models show now, things could change. But if it does this it would be pretty rare and quite a storm for a lot of people. It will be interesting to track. If this were a month earlier the snowbunnies would be bouncing off the ceiling LOL.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Ever ponder why Mother Nature goes from one extreme to another so many times?
Could it be that despite all our advanced technology and "knowledge" someone up there still wants to remind us who is really in charge and also remind us we need to help each other?

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Apr '12

....Figures this will be all rain and no snow :(

ahhh i gotta drive 2 hours south on sunday, i hate driving in the rain :(

icicle icicle
Apr '12

I think someone will get snow from this but we're talking western PA and the Adirondacks i would think at this point.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

April showers bring May flowers? We'll just have to see what Weather Works tells us about all this. At least we've been warned. In history some of the worst disasters in terms of loss of life have occurred when the people did not know a storm was coming.

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Apr '12

I'll take any kind of storm.....snow is my favorite...but a noreaster still tickles my fancy!

Keep us posted B!

Ladybug Ladybug
Apr '12

Do we need a "Rain-on-the-weekend Haters" thread?

emaxxman emaxxman
Apr '12

The last few storms have been devastating for us. Get the pots of water ready - no power = no toilets, water, electricity. Wonderful. You KNOW the power will go out if the past is any indication.

We havent had any type of significant storm since the late Oct snowstorm last year. Pretty amazing to go that long, especially through a winter.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

@ Ladybug

[Quote!] I'll take any kind of storm.....snow is my favorite [ Quote ]

Same here ladybug. Ditto!

Better Yet..." A storm at sea on a Tin Can Ship! Salt wash / spray / lightening / listing side to side, and while head on through the swells; and bobbing and smashing through.. is heaven for me!

embryodad embryodad
Apr '12

Now my question is should I apply the seed starting fertilizer I just got or wait until Monday. Says not to do it if heavy rain is forecast.
By the way Home Depot has Bonnie veggie plants half price. I got mine- keeping thenm indoors for a bit though:)

blackcat blackcat
Apr '12

An hour ago on Weather Channel saw that 2 or 3 inches of rain is expected from the event.

Spring Fever
Apr '12

Eapos, Nor'easter term is typically applied to a storm riding up east coast with the counter-clockwise rotation, causing the winds to be locked pretty much steady coming from the northeast. My wind vane stays locked on at NE, pretty much never get such consistent wind direction any other time. Glad I didn't put the canopy up over the tiki bar yet.

Bruin Bruin
Apr '12

GET OUT THE GONDOLAS just like they do in Venice.

With the drought-like conditions we've been in for some time now, is there really a serious concern for flooding?

Tracy Tracy
Apr '12

Hazardous Wx Outlook - not exactly sure where the heaviest rain and wind will track quite yet, it will be close...

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

That's what I was wondering, Tracy. OR will it all run off because the ground is so hard and dry?

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Apr '12

May need to drive to Pittsburgh on Monday. Wondering if I should postpone until Tuesday. Looks like the mountains might get hit rather hard.

lilacpuppies lilacpuppies
Apr '12

There are 2 things that could cause flooding with this storm. The ground being so dry won't be able to absorb a ton of rain right away. Plus we could be looking at a good inch or two of rain in a very short period of time so flash flooding could be an issue. Still hard to say the exact track of the storm but i would think we are looking at 2-4 inches of rain (not counting what we get later Saturday since that is just from a cold front, not the nor-easter).

BTW - let's get through the main storm first but we could even see a few snowflakes Monday night! Nothing to worry about but still. Crazy stuff.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

@ Andy Loigu
"Ever ponder why Mother Nature goes from one extreme to another so many times?
Could it be that despite all our advanced technology and "knowledge" someone up there still wants to remind us who is really in charge and also remind us we need to help each other?"

No Andy, I never ponder.

batten down that hatches! :)

darlughh darlughh
Apr '12

Flood watch out

Pretty good line of storms nearing eastern PA too. They should hold off for at least a few more hours here though.

Tomorrow rain redevlops late morning. Heavier rains later in the day with gusty winds continuing into the night.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Does anyone know the chances of losing power?

Apr '12

Thanks, Bryan, for always giving us a heads-up for potential weather events!

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '12

I see lightning! :)

beach comber beach comber
Apr '12

A crack of thunder, heavy winds, slashing rain in Mansfield Village. For 3 minutes and it's over? Is that it?

Sugar was not happy about all of that pelting rain - some lightning and she instantly goes ballistic enough on its own. The rain had her head underneath warm fuzzing furniture at break neck speed.

Tigger almost raised an eyelid. But not really.

It was interesting, but radar says there's a bit more to this. At least for the next couple of hours before the real thing gets here.

I'm hijacking, but Tigger is too cool.

cbel, good thing it was only 3 minutes. I realized my moon roof was open and had to run out to my car and close it :'(

maja: Good.

I wonder if more is coming, like GC said. Bryan?

Severe t-storm warning until 10:45 now, new front coming through, should touch morris county and southern warren county. Then heavy rains come in tomorrow through Monday.

towny towny
Apr '12

Thanks, towny.

This is just the cold front coming through. There could still be another shower or t-shower but the worst has passed. Still it's much needed rain but we will get quite a bit more later tomorrow.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Bryan - your post is a bit unclear. Worst has passed but we're going to get a lot more tomorrow?

Are you saying that the most intense rainfall has passed and will get rain of a longer duration but more normal intensity tomorrow?

emaxxman emaxxman
Apr '12

No he's saying for tonight it's done with.. But tomorrow night is whn the nor'easter starts. Very heavy rainfall and gusty winds.. Could be 2.5 to 4 inches.

Justspeakinthetruth Justspeakinthetruth
Apr '12

I got what Justspeakinthetruth got.

Firefly Firefly
Apr '12

sorry emaxx - tonight is just a cold front. Tomorrow is the nor-easter, especially later in the day.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

I got 0.4" from the cold front storm.

Bruin Bruin
Apr '12

Bryan - It might be time for you to start the 2012 Thunderstorm Thread. A lot of lightning last night.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '12

Yeah i was thinking about that Calico. Let's wait until after the nor-easter. Funny that we had a few t-storms over the winter but we haven't had one now in months, until last night. Pretty late in the spring for the first t-storm.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Re: 4/22/12 Nor-easter potential

I didn't like all that noise last night. I just wanna hide under my bed.

Sugar Sugar
Apr '12

Poor Sugar!!!

I'm ready for a rainy day

Nosila Nosila
Apr '12

That storm left a surprise for this morning ... the trees in full blossom dropped so many petals that it's turned the yard pink!

redmink1 redmink1
Apr '12

Wound up with exactly 1/2" here by the lake last night.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Re: 4/22/12 Nor-easter potential

In The Pink ...

Started a slow steady rain already.

redmink1 redmink1
Apr '12

Oh, Redmink1...Such beautiful trees but, I guess we enjoy them while we can. Took a ride around town the other day just for that purpose to enjoy seeing the beautiful magnolia, dogwood, cherry blossom, etc. trees.

Joyful Joyful
Apr '12

Thunderstorm = a little boy crawling into our bed. And now I do think our older kitty has lost most of her hearing as she was on the bed with me during the loudest part. She was always the first one to show signs of a thunderstorm approaching.

Blackcat Blackcat
Apr '12

redmink1 - Do you have a white car? I saw someone at Shoprite with all of that on their white, now pink, car.

Love the pink trees. We have two in our yard. They look beautiful each year. We took pics of my daughter yesterday before the rain. I like the color of the lawn when all of the petals on the grass too.

emaxxman emaxxman
Apr '12

*are on the grass...

emaxxman emaxxman
Apr '12

GC, I DO have a white car BUT was not at ShopRite. Bet that looked photo-worthy!

redmink1 redmink1
Apr '12

redmink1 - I felt too sorry for the poor person given what it looked like. And it was pouring. But yet, pretty much photo worthy. ;-)

Re: 4/22/12 Nor-easter potential

oh boy, Zoinks!

CJ, are you sure that is current for this storm? I'm no meteorologist, but I don't see us getting 6-10" of snow...

Apr '12

Natalie: I just heard there is to be snow tomorrow in certain areas of Pa. but did not hear about any predicted for New Jersey.

Joyful Joyful
Apr '12

Thanks Joyful...we will leave the snow blower in the shed then! ;)

Apr '12

Up to one inch exactly as of 1800, including last night's storm. Another one to two inches tonight, not too bad. Definitely gotta sharpen mower blades!

Bruin Bruin
Apr '12

I think the map is off - lots of rain with 40-50 mph wind.

Bruin, do you delight in lawn mowing or just delight in getting ahead of it? Just struck me funny to think of work! On a Sunday!!

redmink1 redmink1
Apr '12

Already looking like a jungle out there, and I still haven't taken snowthrower off tractor. Guess I got my day off planned for tomorrow. Actually kind of dread mowing season. It takes me several hours to get it all done.

Bruin Bruin
Apr '12

6 to 18 inches of snow for central and westerm PA. Poconos could get a coating. Would not be surprised to have some wet flakes here but that would be tomorrow night.

Big rain and wind bands starting to come through our area now. The worst will be now through the next 6 hours or so.

Bruin i already have an inch just from today's rain.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

What a downpour. Walking the dogs at ten thirty at night in the cold rain is... special.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '12

Rebecka, Do they go out willingly in this weather or do you have to give them a swift kick in the butt to get them out the door? My pups would rather "hold it" all night than venture out on an evening like this.

Slade Slade
Apr '12

My dog hates the rain. He has to be coaxed (gently pulled) out the door, then he goes to nearest bush/tree, empties his bladder, and goes right back in the house.

He'll hold #2 all night or until no rain... I think he held it for 1-1/2 days once. (we don't have a fence, my dog has to be leash walked for potty, and it usually takes him 5min into the walk to go #2.)

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '12

Bryan... Do you know many inches of rain we received in our area in the past 48 hours?

Jean09 Jean09
Apr '12

I ususally take the dog out at night for her last "out" but my husband decided to do it. She barely got out of the door before she turned around to come back in. He said forget it. He walks away and she looked at the door then me and whined. I guess she needed me to take her out. So i suited up to go out but she got a few feet and decided it wasn't going to be any better. She made it until this morning without one whimper throught the night. What a good girl:) thank you rain gods for giving her a little break this morning to get her business done.

blackcat blackcat
Apr '12

Jean - we've had about 2.5" inches of rain since Saturday.

Bryan Bryan
Apr '12

Topped out at 2.75" down in my end of valley. That's 54,308 gallons per acre of land. Or enough to fill 1,867 40-gallon baths! Have fun with this page from USGS, you can play with different lot sizes to see how many gallons of water fell in YOUR yard by adjusting the lot size. http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/sc2.html

Bruin Bruin
Apr '12

Mine are the opposite I have to yell at them to come in or they would be out there all day playing and digging in it

Nosila Nosila
Apr '12

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