Poll: Eye Color?
I have blue eyes.
My cat has blue eyes as well...she is Birman and Ragdoll
DH has brown eyes
Me - brown and DH is blue. All of my kids have what appears to be hazel but sometimes it looks more brown
Grammar Police...Shouldn't you be sleeping in?? It is Saturday..Correct grammar or not..No one ever says Mine is blue...These are two eyes....Mine are blue same as Greg.
joyful - I believe GP was referring to the fact that Greg posted a one eyed picture.....LOL
Wow, no other green yet.....apparently only 2% of people have green. Will have to do a total at the end of this poll.
Snoopy - OMG the other day DH was talking some major sh!t and I said to him that my grandmother would tell him is so full sh!t that his blues were going to turn brown!
Mine are brown. And both my parents have light eyes (mom's are a very green hazel, dad's are blue). So it drives me crazy when people say that light-eyed parents can't have dark-eyed children! I've learned a lot about eye color genetics having had to defend the fact that my parents are indeed my parents.
My husband's eyes are green.
ROTFL! I was going to post as GP suggested but I thought as I am not really a Cyclops, I chose to answer as it relates to my two eyes. I did think to myself it would most likely be pointed out and corrected and it was! I love it.
As an aside, my minds eye is always rose colored!
Mine are greenish-blue. But am taking some prescription eye-drops that may make them darker, permanently. Not happy about that.
Getting back to Grammer Police's comment, I can't imagine that "mine IS blue" can be correct. "Mine" is referring to a plural noun in this case.
My eyes are a mix but tend to be more green.
I have hazel eyes that change from bright green to a puke-like looking green with some brown in them. Occasionally they will have a yellow tone to them too. My whole family including the cats has this color!
May '11
I am going to regret this, but at what point does this get interesting?
POLL: Hair colour
POLL: Shoe size
POLL: dominant hand
POLL: Skin colour (99% white with a hint of other colors --- it is Hackettstown.....)
POLL: size of different body parts --- you select
And the geo-political
political affiliation
Hmm, actually those might be a bit more interesting for me.....oh no, I am being sucked in, I'm m e l t i n g.....
OK, Brown they is. They were blue until I started writing this entry....:>)
I always say brown, but if you actually look at them there is a circle of brown and a circle of green. Is that what Hazel is? I don't even know lol! Anyway, Dh has dark brown.
Mine greenish hazel. DH's are brown and so are both DS's. DD's are still a greyish bluish color.
Both my husband and I have brown eyes. It always amazed me that both our children have light blue eyes.
Mine are ever changing depending on the color of top. They can look very green or hazel with gold flecks. They always have a prominent bluish grey rim around them.
brown eyes
calico, you come up with some good ones
And Greg, please tell me that picture is not real
Brown for me. Bergey is brown 3 kids are brown and one is hazel! 3 sisters have brown and 1 sister has hazel. (just in case you were wondering where that came from. LOL!
4paws- I don't know it could be after all I found it on the net so it must be real!
Mr.Google if you really want to make it interesting have a poll in the order of:
Poll: Top or Bottom?
You know in yogurt where you like the fruit.
Here's the tally I have so far:
46 responses (which include posters, their spouses and children)
16 blue
5 green
16 brown
9 hazel
I have green eyes with blue rings around them, gold and sometimes brown flecks. They get much greener when I am upset. My D H has blue, our kids are 1brown, 1blue and 1green like mine except her rings are grey. My mom and his have brown if you wonder.
People comment on my eye color and ask if they are real! LOL What do you say to that? I have never come up with a good response. It's not like I did anything to get them, no secrets to share.
irishgirl - poke them in the eyes and be like "hmm, I've got good aim. Guess they're real" ;)
Firefly...I did notice you have very unusual and pretty eyes...Have always noticed people's eyes first when I meet them...eyes tell you a lot!
Ok mine "were" once describedas "bottom of the pond green" guess where he is? JK Actually light green/brown. Hmm maybe I acted too soon? LOL
I have two different colors. Left eye is green and right eye is brown....Used to make up the greatest stories as a kid as to why they are like that..lol
Blue! My blue eyes are my favorite thing about the way I look. I was so excited when both my girls were born with blue eyes, too! It's interesting though, all 3 of us have a different shade of blue.
How did I miss this thread? And it's still open for comment! So... mine are brown :)
My ex used to say mine are the color of his favorite blue jeans... Wow what a nice memory of him (few and far between lol)
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