July 25, 2023

Raising Confident, Competent Children 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

This seminar will introduce the basics of “positive parenting” and provide brief help for parents who are generally coping well but have one or two concerns with their child’s behavior or development. It is a “light touch” intervention designed to give parents an understanding of the basics of positive parenting. The seminars address some of the most common parenting and behavioral issues families face.


S'Mores and Campfire Tales 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Hackettstown Free Public Library, 110 Church St., Hackettstown
Tweens and Teens! Stop by the library for a night of tales and treats. Create your own stories or bring your favorites! Open to ages 9 and up. Please register online.

View Complete Calendar for July 2023