Alumni Field

my son is having his soccer practice in alumni field and i noticed that the road leading to the field is in very very bad shape
does anyone know anything about this problem????

debbie123 debbie123
May '17

Those bumps and holes keep all the soccer mom's from speeding down the lane!

Lifegoeson Lifegoeson
May '17

That drive way has been like that since I played youth soccer at alumni field & I am 40.

Weedwacker Weedwacker
May '17

Drive slow. No need to fix it as there is no need to go faster than 10 mph there. Thank you!

Walking Girl Walking Girl
May '17

Great responses! Drive nice and slow and you'll have no problems

May '17

If you don't want to hit the rocky bumps, park over the park side and walk!

May '17

that road is terrible and even if you drive slow you feel like your tires will pop does force people to slow down but cmon that thing is BAD

Why not pave it and add speed bumps?

May '17

it's no better or worse than it's been for the last 15+ years that i've been driving down there.

Heidi Heidi
May '17

debbie123 you must be new around here. Welcome to the neighborhood! :)

Scottso Scottso
May '17

the road is state property, serves their purposes

May '17

Why was the speed bump removed from the other entrance to the park by the baseball fields? I was there the other day and some kid came barreling into the parking lot - there were people with dogs and a couple with a little boy on a bike that fortunately were not in the way. Even the moms going to the playground speed into the park now. What was the reason for it to be removed, does anyone know?

Personally I like the bumpy road into the other entrance.

Nature Lover Nature Lover
May '17

Gravel road, no chemicals to run off and hurt the fish, I like the road too.

hktownie hktownie
May '17

Just what we need....more blacktop.

jeepers jeepers
May '17

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