Alvin Toffler -- Rest In Peace

Quite an interesting and intelligent person.
Rest In Peace.

happiest girl
Jun '16

I remember reading "Future Shock" in High School, which led to me reading some of his other works later. He definitely had a handle on what had been the future and which has become our present. I don't think there were too many outside of the Science Fiction world who actually studied and wrote so much about the future of technology and its implications on humanity. Well done sir!

Phil D. Phil D.
Jun '16

Well said, Phil.

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Jun '16

We read "Future Shock" in our Futuristics class in High School. I had been a reading science fiction since 4th grade so "Future Shock" just tied it all together form me. Anyone else have a Futuristics class as part of their educational history?

Wendy Wendy
Jun '16

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