Big black bear just in my Driveway

Had a visit from a black bear this morning in our yard in Independence. I had just taken in the mail when I was called by a neighbor to tell me he was out there. What are you supposed to do if encountered by a bear? I really would like to know...My first thought would be to say to myself: "Feet...don't fail me now!" and run for the house...

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

I saw this one last month on Mt.Rascal road....maybe it's the same one ! Post a pic we can compare them Loll...

where's the pix??? I have bear envy

4catmom 4catmom
Jun '16

Joyful - One of the worst things you could ever do, when happening upon a wild animal, is run away. The best thing to do, is to make loud noises. Stamp your feet, clap your hands, blow a whistle or air horn etc. I know hikers that carry whistles and air horns for this very purpose.

Obviously, you would only do these things if you actually felt threatened by the animal. The majority of the time, you can just walk slowly away and never have to worry about it.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '16

we have a big bear that comes and swims in our pond once a week.....Allamuchy.
there is also a smaller one that limps. I have seen that one for a few years now. They wont bother you - they are afraid of you. I would only be concerned if you see a mother with her babies!


If you see a bear, make it aware of your presence and use common sense. Never approach the animal; observe it only from a distance. Clapping, talking, singing or making other noise lets the bear know you are nearby.

Remain standing, avoid direct eye contact, back up slowly and speak in a calm, assertive voice if you encounter a bear at close range. Do not run.

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Here's another....just going out for a walk !

Thanks for the constructive tip, Calico.. @ 4catmom....I did not take a picture as most of you are able to I have not learned yet how to take a picture and post it.

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Final one....don't forget about his buddy chilling in the woods !

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Plan B... (Caution: May not be legal for possession in NJ...)

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jun '16

Hikers not only carry a whistle, they often have something dangling from a pack or their belt specifically to make a bit of noise. In addition to noise if you see one, they say to hold your arms up and out so as to appear bigger than you are.

I have bear pepper spray.

4catmom 4catmom
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

I posted this advice on a Bear related post a few weeks ago but its wisdom is worth repeating....

Hipster Hipster
Jun '16

I did a search and I posted this once about 7 years ago on here. Hopefully it's not too soon to repost!

The Forest Service has issued a BEAR WARNING in the national forests for this summer. They're urging everyone to protect themselves by wearing bells and carrying pepper spray.

Campers should be alert for signs of fresh bear activity, and they should be able to tell the difference between Black Bear dung and Grizzy Bear dung.

Black Bear dung is rather small and round. Sometimes you can see fruit seeds and/or squirrel fur in it.

Grizzly Bear dung has bells in it, and smells like pepper spray.

Joe M Joe M
Jun '16

Joe M!....Here I am reading your post so intently until I got to the punchline...Bwahhaha!!

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Too bad I wasn't by you a half hour sooner. What was the first thing I did though when I got out of my car, look around to try and find it so I can get a picture of it. Haha
It would go along with the picture of the fox I saw the other day at Turkey Brook park!

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

I just saw this guy in my yard.

not sack
Jun '16

As Sue R mentioned, she was at my house a while ago and knew about the bear sighting. Armed with camera but she did not get a picture as he was long gone...I hope! But, she did get a interesting picture recently of the fox carrying what appears to be its young. Note the picture by her post!

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

not sack, be careful. Those are the most dangerous buggers of all! Those scatterbrains run out into the street and then can't decide which way to run. ;)

Any pepper spray over 3/4 of an ounce is illegal in New Jersey. But that's only enough spray to get the bear really mad. I hike a lot in the area and best strategy is to be aware of your surroundings at all times. I have encountered many bears on the trails and the best thing to do is make some noise so they know you're there, and give the bear as much leeway as possible. Most are afraid of people and will run away. But NEVER run if they approach you--stand your ground or slowly back away, make noise and make yourself as large as possible by waving arms or clothing. Sometimes they will bluff a charge or stand on their hind legs--scary, but they will back off. Be VERY careful if there are cubs around--the mother will try to protect them.

Cent Prof Cent Prof
Jun '16

:) On a serious note, I saw recently that running is definitely a bad thing to do. You will not out run a bear and their reaction will be to chase you. They said to make some noise like mentioned above. They also mentioned (which I didn't know) that playing dead normally doesn't work with black bears. If you are actually attacked by a black bear (which is extremely unlikely) fight for your life!!!

Joe M Joe M
Jun '16

#14 is particularly interesting... do you need a permit to burn a used tampon in a State Forest?

ianimal ianimal
Jun '16

It's New Jersey - it's $100 for a resident $250 for a non resident

skippy skippy
Jun '16

They had lunch...not the bears;)

Blackcat Blackcat
Jun '16

not sack

With that guy around, you'd better protect your "nots"!

Phil D. Phil D.
Jun '16

Hopefully this bear season the bow and gun hunters will harvest a bunch of them. Bear population is growing extremely fast..

Warden Warden
Jun '16

LOL Hipster :)

maja2 maja2
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

In all seriousness, my wife grew up next to Wawayanda State Park. She was out in the woods one day and got grabbed by a black bear, got a couple good swipe marks around her waist. I've seen the pictures and am still not entirely sure how she managed to get away from it... In any case, screw the bear spray, go for the .45.

Brendan Brendan
Jun '16

I'm with Brendan ... plus bear meat actually taste yummy ..

Warden Warden
Jun '16

I would rather encounter a black bear, I'm more afraid of the two idiots running for president.

Cquarno Cquarno
Jun '16

Very funny Cquarno, and true.

kb2755 kb2755
Jun '16

Yogi the Bear.. hit our garbage can last night.....My husband has our huge garbage can lid weighted down with rope and two bricks and not until last night did any of the many "varmits" we have around our yard manage to get the can open..lid off and garbage all over the place...... Have a feeling it was Mr. Bear that was in our drive the other morning...

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

You can convert your garbage can to bear proof. Its about $2 for a rubber bungee cord with metal ends. The bears will still knock the can over and beat on it for awhile but they will give up and move on. See picture of mine.

not sack
Jun '16

I heard somewhere that none of the wild life like the odor of ammonia or bleach. I have been putting one or the other in my trash bags for years. I don't know if it really works, or if I've just been lucky, but so far so good.

Parental Unit Parental Unit
Jun '16

Not sack: We did that concept with the bungee cord a while back and it was the raccoons that figured out with their long fingers how to get that off the can. There would be no way for anything other than a bear to get our cans off with the system my husband has "rigged" on them now. But, Parental Unit, is so right. We have neglected to put in the ammonia or mothballs around the cans and I think that will do it for the future...

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16


Lay it down on it's side like not sack did. Maybe that's the answer.

The Man The Man
Jun '16

Thanks for the tip, The Man...Looks like we might have a family passing through our area according to neighbors reports. The ammonia is already in the newly cleaned garbage cans and the lids properly secured.. So, we will see...

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

Ammonia is good. Bleach, not so much. Moth balls spread all around is the best.

Bernie Bernie
Jun '16

We had a bear climb up onto our deck (about 10 feet above ground) two nights ago. It's the second time they've done that. It was after the bird feeder, which it got and broke. Now I bring it in every night. We're in Valley View Woods.

Mr. Resident Mr. Resident
Jun '16

Friday night a beer came into our backyard. He didn't do much damage but took all the bird feeders in today. This is on Fourth Street near the dead end. Could this be the bear from Canal Street?

Bernie Bernie
Jun '16

@ Bernie: Could be...I understand there are a couple of bear families around our area...

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

@Joyful, Something must not have been right as I and others I know have used the bungee cord solution for years. It does work.

not sack
Jun '16

Bungee cord failure for me as well. Has worked for years. It failed last Wed night.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Jun '16

Well, Mr. Bear was back again last night in the garbage. Yesterday we put Bungee cord on as instructed...Check! Rope tied around can weighted by bricks on....Check! Filled Garbage bag partly with garbage,ammonia, and cat pan debris. This morning.. Garbage can tipped over..lid off but garbage bag in can unopened and Bear left, obviously still hungry.. Sorry, Mr. Bear.that you do not care for Ammonia and cat urine mixed with your evening meal...

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

I put 2 I bolts and used a ratchet strap he hasn't got in it yet. And he was here yesterday

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

"cat pan debris"

Everything else clearly didn't work. We animals don't need your steeenking bungees. But we katz will pee on you! And it works!!

Chalk up another one for katz, high 5 Miss Kitty!

Sugar Sugar
Jun '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

I betcha it's this guy ....

Pretty sure you are right, Dam....Or I should say...."Dam, I am pretty sure you are right!!

Joyful Joyful
Jun '16

joyful --
Is this the E. Prospect Street neighborhood?

happiest girl
Jun '16

I give up!!!! Tried everything and this morning about 7:15 heard a big bang outside. Went to the kitchen door and through the screen could see Mr. Bear with the garbage can over and munching on corn cobs from last night's dinner. I banged on some pots and pans and he walked away for a bit and then changed his mind and finished the job leaving a big mess...before he left to go down into the woods...he had to tip over the recyclables too just in case he missed something. This can had mothballs around it...ammonia in with the garbage...tied down with a rope, bungie cord and two bricks for weight. Now what????

Joyful Joyful
Jul '16

I would say to shoot him with a BB gun... worked for me.... but this is the people's republic of new jersey, and BB guns are considered "firearms".... because all sanity has left this state.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jul '16

Sounds like you need to build a bear box to put your garbage cans in.

Joy I don't think anything short of a bear box, like RAS said, will help. Where we camp at Riversbend NJ, they provide heavy duty metal holders for food. Bears are strong as all get out and will get into most anything.

I wonder if you could just put it out right as the garbage men are coming??? Pain in the behind for sure, but easier then cleaning up the mess.

littlelu littlelu
Jul '16

as much as I agree with JR on the BB gun, don't do that. you are only asking for trouble if someone sees you. especially in this state as he alludes to. the bear box sounds realistically like your best option at this point. in addition, continue to research other methods as well: odor eliminators/neutralizers/repellents, better garbage bags, etc.

Joe Friday Joe Friday
Jul '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Only get an occasional visit here in PV, but they're definitely not afraid of me. This little guy returned a second time after I chased him away this morning.

Saw a small little fellow in the middle of the curves on Barker's Mill Road, Great Meadows. Tagged, had just taken a swim in the creek, crossed the road and looking into an empty trash can. Car horn got a raised head, not much more.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Jul '16

I saw where he came into the yard from the woods and where he returned and it was right along side my yard glider swing where I sit out and read sometimes. I think the swing is getting moved...I would have a heart attack if he came out of there when I was sitting in the swing.....This was broad daylight too so he is not at all afraid. We have had sightings in our area for the last few weeks of bears...this is the area just before the Hills of Independence Development.

Joyful Joyful
Jul '16

unfortunately saw a dead cub on the the side of 517 wednesday morning

4catmom 4catmom
Jul '16

Don't shoot BBs at wildlife...

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

I'm back ....

So lucky to see bears. I envy you.

A good day
Jul '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Build a bear box or keep cans in til just before pick up. We have to expect occasionally to get visits. This one fighured out the rope was connected to the bird feeder and bit through lol

Jul '16

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

We store our garbage cans in a Rubbermaid storage container. It opens from the top and locks over a raised tab. No wildlife has ever gotten into our garbage.

Sounds like a good idea, MK...

Joyful Joyful
Jul '16

Injuring a bear..will only make it suffer and will most likely die slowly from infection or starvation. I don't think you're that heartless JR, or are you?

positive positive
Jul '16

Hi Joyful, it works best if you anchor it to the ground with long spikes or to a wall with long lag screws. It can be moved easily if not anchored correctly.


My brother in Stanhope had one of them and the bear trashed it beyond repair

Malkin Malkin
Jul '16

FYI, Black bear roaming Willow Grove Park neighborhood, spotted on Carol Dr and Miller St.

That was most likely the same bear seen at Alumni park the other morning.

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

jrn-glad to hear that you've seen a small limper for a couple of years. I recently had a small bear with a bad front left paw (in Indy). I hope it was the same one. It was very mellow. It was resting under the deck, till I shooed it away. It went peacefully, but was surely favoring that paw. If it's lasted already a couple of years, then I won't worry about it. I love living here surrounded by the wildlife.

Jul '16

Right on time as usual this morning...7:30 am..Yogi the Bear was back. ( I noticed his ear was tagged today also).. I heard the cans go over and ran to the kitchen door to see both cans over (the only thing left in them was what we picked up from his visit the other day plus ammonia and mothballs). He knocked them over and I yelled at him...GIVE ME A BREAK!! He looked right at me through the screen door and started walking back to the woods. Changed his mind and came back. I banged on the screen...he sniffed the cans again and finally left. Note: Before tying the cans down last night ..hubby also sprayed the lids with deer off spray..He is now headed up towards Rte 46 (North Main St)...for a much better breakfast, I am sure, than what was offered at our house this morning...

Joyful Joyful
Jul '16

Joyful, A black bear was spotted on 4th Street and Prospect st approximately at 8:25am. It appears a van was following the bear and alerting anyone who was outside. The driver of the van was yelling, "Black bear, black bear - Oso negro," to a lady that was speaking on the cellphone.

Jlvjr1623 Jlvjr1623
Jul '16

That might have been our bear, Jlvjr1623....not too far from our place which he left about 7:45. He is very bold so I stay out of his way as well when I know he is in our area...

Joyful Joyful
Jul '16

To night I had a beauty of a female black bear crossing the road on Mt Lake road and in close following she had four 1/2 year old cub in a perfict line behind her so cool to see

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jul '16

Just an FYI I have seen a mid size black bear in the Hatchery Hill school yard on numerous occasions over the past 6 weeks. This morning he was laying in my yard and didn't even seem to care as I walked by.

Jul '16

I wouldn't have guessed it was the time of year for it, but a "big black bear was just in my driveway" in Brook Hollow. I guess even yogi has been confused by the weather. ;-)

GC what street are you on? We are in Brook Hollow as well.

Harris Harris
Mar '17

I was surprised as well to see one out & about my neighborhood in PV on Monday. Just passing through around 5:45pm.

Harris - Yogi was strolling down Rolling Rapids.

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

Hey Boo Boo! Let's go steal a Pick-A-Nick basket.

whooo cool -would love to see one live..........

4catmom 4catmom
Mar '17

Ruh roh, time to bring in the pic-a -nic basket, ooops I mean suet again!

He was seen twice on Watch Hill in the past 2 days as well. Once eating someone's garbage at night and another time in the morning.

Mar '17

I spoke with someone back on Scenic Court on my morning walk today. They said something threw their big trash container about 6 feet. Definitely Yogi's work. They've had bears a number of times.

Watch Hill and Scenic are two places closest to the Musky where the catch basins are easy access open space to come in the development. The one time a cub climbed my fence and went across my back lawn I believe he had visited the dumpster over at Van's apartments.

Yogi doesn't surprise me as much as the time he's out instead of having a snooze.

So lucky to see him. I hike in Stephen s and would love to see him from afar of course. I hope he lives a good long life there.

A good day
Mar '17

Here's some really good advice from NJDOP about bears - too long to paste here:

4catmom 4catmom
May '18

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

We had a bear come through our property on Russling. Tried to climb our fence and destroyed it.

LivingLifeLovingLife LivingLifeLovingLife
May '18

We watched a big old black bear amble across 46 just east of Maria Bonitas last weekend. He was in no hurry! Coming from Russling Road area. We stopped the car to watch him, completely awestruck.

colette colette
May '18

Let's all live together in peace. Isn't that why you all moved to Warren County. Just be one step ahead of the bear. The ones that will go after you are mama bears. Wouldn't you do anything to protect your family. Sine they are coming out from their winter nap they are hungry. If you go hiking don't carry food. I never do. I can waite to eat. I believe there is no bear hunt this year. We just had one for the last 8 years. So be bear smart so fish and game or the cops need to kill them.

American born American born
May '18

Had dirty paws all over the truck this weekend. No scratches, no harm though.

NJ too populated for this much bear association with people. We be too close.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
May '18

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

These two were in my back yard a couple of years ago. Mom had a tracking collar on her.
I love my bears.

Martha Martha
May '18

"How do you know when a bear has gotten into your cupcakes?


You find his paw prints in the icing ... womp, womp."

Calico696 Calico696
May '18

I saw that Calico696 - quite a story - moral - eat your cupcakes before the bear does

4catmom 4catmom
May '18

Re: Big black bear just in my Driveway

6/18 20 on Asbury RD, Independence township @ 7:15 pm a very large bear came out of our field crossed the driveway and walked by neighbors house to enter the woods. Approximately 600 lbs, biggest bear we've seen so far; had white saliva hanging and dripping from his mouth.

On The Hill On The Hill
Jun '20

Smallish one walked by my deck last week-near Petersburg Rd.

Stymie Stymie
Jun '20

That there’s a bigun.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Jun '20

Yeah, they are the true natives of this area. May they prosper, without clawing at the side of my house...

Yep!!! "Black bears Matter " too!!!0

Jun '20

I have been seeing this bear on Petersburg Road in 90’s house numbers.

Weedwacker Weedwacker
Jun '20

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