Monthly Spending Money

How much extra cash do you all have to spend freely? I have about $500.00 a month and it goes so quick!

Larry Larry
Aug '15

50 if I am lucky.

Funny lady Funny lady
Aug '15

I am not sure what you mean about money to spend freely. I have a budget and all my money is accounted for. There is money for entertainment, food, utilities, mortgage, taxes, gas, and also some to savings and my 401K. You should have 6 months of savings, no credit card debt, and no mortgage if you have $500 to spend freely otherwise you are just blowing $6000 a year you could use more wisely.

I agree with you MK.
I was also confused about what the "money to spend freely" meant.
I also think rather than the suggested 6 months of savings - that having a year of liquid savings is a wiser safety net.

hapiest girl
Aug '15

I would love to go on a budget and not sure how to start. I know that may sound silly but I don't know how to start or how to do it. Any help Or suggestions would be great.

Summer15 Summer15
Aug '15

" if you have $500 to spend freely otherwise you are just blowing $6000 a year you could use more wisely."

At the same time you work so you can enjoy things.

Nosila Nosila
Aug '15

+1 Nosila
You can't take it with you...might as well enjoy life

Buffy Buffy
Aug '15

MK, would it make you feel better if he said that he had $500 a month "budgeted for recreation"? That's pretty much what it boils down to...

ianimal ianimal
Aug '15

Me: $250-350/month to spend on things I truly don't need (like art glass for my collection). That's "blow it" money, and is after everything else is taken care of (clothes, beauty/hair, restaurants, endless animal needs, etc.).

Rebecka Rebecka
Aug '15

"having a year of liquid savings is a wiser safety net."

Couldn't agree more... that's why I have 52 bottles of bourbon on hand at any given time (-;

ianimal ianimal
Aug '15

I saw that coming 18 miles down the road....

18 miles of BAD road.....

Route 57 isn't in that terrible of shape any more (-;

ianimal ianimal
Aug '15

ianimal - It is after that joke...

Entertainment is part of my budget, tickets to shows, dinners out, pay per view, and I do enjoy my money, just don't waste it. I have a small side business that is not in my budget that supports my "extras" if I want. I also intend to live a nice long enjoyable life and trying to work out spending my last dime on my last day LOL.

I was referring to money you could burn in a fire and not care about. The money you might classify as entertainment. After paying the bills. Hope that is clear enough.

Larry Larry
Aug '15

"Burn in a fire and not care about??" $00000000!! Always have to care about the last penny. Enjoy Larry! Glad you can do that. I'll be there one day. : )

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Aug '15

Wonder what your age is, Larry...... and if you already have a retirement savings plan in place that will be sufficient taking inflation into account.

If you had $5000 saved, and added $500 each month to it, in 30 years you would have over 1/2 million dollars at a 6% yield.
At 10% yield you would have more than a million --- $1,229,000.

Enjoy your money -- but don't be reckless!

hapiest girl
Aug '15

Maybe save half of the$500.00 and open a 401k or buy some big cap stocks with it. Glad you have some extra to play with.

mansfield mama mansfield mama
Aug '15

Lol, you people. I didn't ask for advice. Financially I'm doing just fine. I was simpmy curious how much money you all had to spend freely each month after your bills, 401k, retirements or whatever else is paid.

Larry Larry
Aug '15

I understood what you meant, Larry. ;-)

Rebecka Rebecka
Aug '15

If it's money you can burn and not care, why not use it to help someone who can't afford food, housing, medications , etc., let alone entertainment. Pay it forward!

sparksjbc1964 sparksjbc1964
Aug '15

I think the problem here is asking such a personal question. Without knowing the demographics, perhaps you're talking to folks who are just making ends meet let alone have $500 of discretionary income.

+1 sparks.

PS I would love to know how some track their budget. I have tried spreadsheets and but get bogged down in the details.

honey badger honey badger
Aug '15

if it wasn't such a personal question, you would have more responses. I guess people here are used to giving advice more than answering a random persons survey about disposable income. Also, the "you people" comment sort of rubs me the wrong way.

To answer your question, I could spend almost any amount I wanted but I choose to save my money. That is why I could spend almost any amount I wanted.

Aug '15

You know it's funny; I count everything in minutiae, save a good amount, work to build my little nest egg, but I really don't count spending money. Utilities, food, upkeep, saving percentage, mortgage, taxes, ROI, business case for any project, but spending money. Not really.

In minutiae. I mean I can tell you how much for food including store discounts, mfg counts, avg price per unit, yearly inflation --- it's sick. For taxes, all amount for decades, as well as percentages for inflation, marginal tax rates, etc. etc. Sick again.

If I had to look at spending money, it would be crazy with many very low months followed by a trip to Vegas...... Basically if it's left over I spend it. Guess I should count it but seems like keeping fun on a budget ruins the fun. I do have my limits, I didn't order the Porsche as my next vacation rental. Not that I wasn't tempted.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Aug '15

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