Forum name already used?

After attempting to leave a post, the above message appeared. I've been using the same name for months, now. The forum tells me to type in my email where the name belongs, then the email takes the place of "name " and appears in the posts.
I put another name as a test.... but I want my old name back. Any suggestions? The help forum didn't help. I'm not a new user.

5551964jbc 5551964jbc
Jul '15

in addition to that I'd like to ask about the apparently draconian security system and how to best deal with it. I can post from this laptop as this name (at least I think I can, can anyone read this?). but if I try to post from another computer, at my house, using the same name OR a different name it won't post. also can't post from my phone with this name.

I see GC frequently bitching about supposed 'name changers' all the can someone please explain how we are supposed to deal with multiple computers and locations ,but keep our identity?

brown bear
Jul '15


The posts will go through but need to be reviewed by a moderator first. Can be frustrating but that's just the wat the forum works.

Justintime Justintime
Jul '15

The help forum says "if a NEW user tries to use the same name or similar " . Being that I'm not a new user, how did someone take my name after me, and be allowed to use it? If I changed my name to "Justintine" , would the original Justintime lose their name? Don't worry, not even going to try it, just using as an example. I always use the same computer, also. Whaaa! I was here first. I know, such a baby, right? LOL

5551964jbc 5551964jbc
Jul '15

Your name and your email address are tied together forever. If you try to use your name and have a typo on the email address, or use a different email, you'll get a message that the name is already being used.

When I post and then someone else in my house tries to post on my laptop, it says "you just posted under different name, name changing is discouraged". Something like that. Odd! They are using their own name.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Jul '15

You're entering a different email address.

Jul '15

brown bear - The best way to secure your identity is to enter an email address. As maja said, the screen name is then tied to only that email. Others will not be able to post with your screen name unless they now that email that is never revealed on the site.

I believe the site sets cookies and there is some IP correlation being done as well

skippy skippy
Jul '15

Seriously GC...what's up with the "bitching?"


The ArtistFormerlyKnownAsEmaxxman

emaxxman emaxxman
Jul '15

emaxxman - I just needed a vacation. ;-)

Name and email were always pre-filled, so no typo there. Thanks for the feedback, everyone.... keep thinking.
I just saw a post from the moderator. I'll try again later, but I don't think it's the email or name, as I'm the only one in household that visits here. I'll retype the info later and see what happens. Thanks to moderator and all you guys for helping.
P.S. On the OP, I just randomly picked another "name ", just typed it in and the post appeared. Had no link to my email, unless it does it automatically as soon as you hit submit. Then I'll potentially have two names here?
Just answered one of my?'s I tried to leave another post and it said I just posted with a different name.... which is discouraged. NOW my original name is back or what? I have two now? Which one am I supposed to use? Oh well, thanks again for taking the time to read all this and for everyone's help. I'll try later:)

5551964jbc 5551964jbc
Jul '15

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