Threads with 100, 300, 700+ posts

Just wondering there a way to skip to the end of a thread? There are many conversations with 100+ responses and it would be nice to be able to go to the end or jump a certain number of posts with a certain key or click . I can only scroll all the way down using mobile.
Is there an admin on here ? Can a feature be added to make it more user friendly via mobile? I wouldn't want to cap the threads but it is quite cumbersome posting on a thread with 400+, 700+ posts (or just to even read the responses).

wonderinghere wonderinghere
Apr '15

Just click on the blue highlighted hyperlink showing the time of last post to the right of each topic. That will bring you to the most recent post. Or simply hit the page down or end button on your keyboard once you are in a chosen thread.

Greg.....NO WAY!!!! Learned something today! thank you!

Darrin Darrin
Apr '15

Darrin, don't feel bad, I was on this site four years before I learned that little trick!

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Apr '15

Well, I'll be darned. Learned something new today. Thanks for posting this.

justwondering justwondering
Apr '15

In addition - most browsers on any page on any site you can use Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End to go to the top or bottom respectively.

Whoa! I never knew that!

Heidi Heidi
Apr '15

Wow! I'm surprised by the number of people who didn't know this. Have you all just been scrolling, scrolling, scrolling then?

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '15

Scrolling... scrolling... scrolling on the Forum...

ianimal ianimal
Apr '15

Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling
Keep them dog-gies scrolling
Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling
Raw Hide.


I sing both types of music, country AND western.

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Apr '15

GC, or anyone else for that matter, do you know how to do the same thing on an iPhone? Quickly moving top or bottom?

Justintime Justintime
Apr '15

Ian sent his post while I was typing mine ...

he's going to think I stole his idea.

As Charlie Brown would say, GOOD GRIEF.

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Apr '15

No worries Andy. I believe Ian typed his to the tune of Proud Mary.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '15

Why do I feel like darrin was being sarcastic ? Lol

Missrx Missrx
Apr '15

I'm just mad that I didn't think of Rawhide instead, Andy (-;

ianimal ianimal
Apr '15

Me and Ian are both giddy Rangers fans these days.

Forgive the poor grammar, what the hey-y-y-y

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Apr '15

re: Just found this website regarding iPhone or iPad scrolling top and bottom

The javascript code worked but I had to manually fix what I pasted in from the website. Type exactly what's shown and you'll be OK.

Thanks for asking the original question because the iPhone has been driving me crazy with scrolling. I should post in the "happy" thread now! :-)

justintime justintime
Apr '15

JIT - That's for the bottom because there is no separate button. However if you want top, try just double tap on the top navigation bar.

Yes, saw that too. Thanks!

Justintime Justintime
Apr '15

Wow! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I know the keys on the keyboard but struggling with the phone (Android).

wonderinghere wonderinghere
Apr '15

And we're scrolling, scrolling,scrolling,scrolling
scrolling on the forum

Clyde Potts Clyde Potts
Apr '15

Easiest way is just tap "home" or "end" keys.

Cliff R Cliff R
Apr '15

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