Watch your Halloween Decorations

They seem to be a hit with wayward youths...

ianimal ianimal
Oct '14

Either that or someone was seriously traumatized as a kid by Thomas & Friends.

At 16ft long, it must have multiple air blowers in it and need a bunch of tethers to keep it down. How do you just casually grab that and walk away with it? That's ridiculous.

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight... shunting trucks and hauling freight... red and green and brown and blue...

Yeah, I can relate to the trauma, lol...

ianimal ianimal
Oct '14

Motion lights are a good idea.

I don't blame anyone for trashing those stupid air infused decorations. They are as tacky as you can get especially when they are deflated and look like they've just been shot. And don't get me started on those ridiculous deers and what not made from that white plastic crap. Give me a big fat clothed santa and big old style Christmas lights and maybe that motorized 4 color wheel spotlight thingy.

Oct '14

That thing must have been loud with the fans running. What a joke running this garbage 2 years after Sandy. Let's stop being lazy and actually put something together...

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