Tutor - Private vs. Group?

Looking for some type of Tutoring help for my son. Not sure if I should do Private one on one vs. Kumon, sylvan type place vs. Homework helper (I just heard about this) in Long Valley?? This is for Math/Pre-Algebra. Less than a month in and he is already lost

Just Asking Just Asking
Sep '14

what age? what type of math problems is he being presented with? (a little more detail, please)

you are a good mom for reaching out to help your son . . . .

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Sep '14

I've got a degree in computers that is the same as 3 out of 4 years of college math. My father was a college professor that was said to be able to teach math to farm kids that had trouble with it. My parents asked me to tutor a neighbor in math when I didn't even know I could teach anyone. The neighbor learned easily and is now a high ambassador for New Zealand. The neighbor was friends with my best friend and I used the money to buy a birthday present instead of keeping it.

If there's any way I can help, I'd do it for nothing.

He is in 8th grade and in Pre-Algebra. So 13 years old and knows everything. He has always struggled in Math.

Just Asking Just Asking
Sep '14

My one daughter is in advanced math and she may be able to help ... pm me.

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Sep '14

my algebra teacher told us this one day; "Algebra is not a spectator sport"

he meant that we have to do all the homework, run through all the problems

algebra is rules based, learn the rules (and there are ways to illustrate the concepts, as i think GC is suggesting) then repetition and practice to drive them home.

i always knew you had the chops GC, good stuff

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Sep '14

I would go with a private tutor. It might cost a little more, but you will get personalized service. I briefly worked with a tutoring "company" and I felt like even though the promise to parents was a personalized program, it really wasn't. Very cookie cutter.

Jersey Girl Jersey Girl
Sep '14

It really depends upon the reason for the struggles I think.. if it's just repetition that's needed, then either would work, but usually, with math struggles, a one-to-one approach is better as it allows for clearing up the specific areas of confusion - and allows the information to be presented in a tailored way.. love that so many have offered to help - great choices!

pmnsk pmnsk
Sep '14

In Htown JA?

justintime justintime
Sep '14

I would go with homework helpers in Long Valley. They offer individualized sessions not a one size fits all. The tutors there are friendly and work with the students to achieve success. Call. I'm sure they will find the right fit for your son.

Ziggy Ziggy
Sep '14

I live in Mansfield so around the hackettstown area.

Just Asking Just Asking
Sep '14

Hello everyone, I am looking for a tutor for my son, he is a 4th grade student.
You do not have to be a profetional. Tutor, HS students are ok.
Thank you very much

In my attempts to help my kids learn Math & English aside the assistance/after school programs their school offered, I found putting their "electronics" energy into on-line/interactive learning sites, providing them (and me) the flexibility (and affordable source) to motivate and provide answers with teaching explanations how a subject works or why an answer is wrong (and help me "remember" how I can explain/teach them better - with their homework and/or studying for an upcoming test).

FYI, most cover kids from Grades 2 up to 8



Good luck

Go with a "real " qualified tutor. Not someone who got an A in math 30 years ago.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Jan '15

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