Can't bend fingers

This is going to sound weird and even hard to explain

So for the last couple days this one finger has been sore but nothing crazy. This morning I woke up and it was stuck bent. I couldn't get it straight for the life of me. I had to use my other hand to bend it up when I got about half way it just pops straight and the pain is crazy. It's not swollen and doesn't hurt to touch. Its now back to being bent because each time I bend my fingers it gets stuck.Thinking pinched nerve or water in knuckle or something....Anyone ever have this happen? Little scary

Nosila Nosila
May '11

I found this online and she explained it much better

OMG...same here..It started with the middle finger and two months later its all my fingers on my left hand..did blod work to see if it is rheumatoid arthritis and it turns out that it is not...i am puzzeled to what might be wrong with me..when i wake up in the morning i cant bend my fingers only to a half way point and so i have to use my other hand to bend them and it takes about half an hour to an hour to get use of my left middle finger bone clicks at the nuckle point when i bend my finger and it hurts when i do this...and i know people are why do you do it..well its so i can get use of my hand and do what needs to be done to get my kids off to school...not only is it my hands now its my body that hurts now..i am 29 and i feel like i am 80...i have to wait for a month to see the if anyone knows whats going on i would love to hear what they think it is...glad to know i am not the only one and that i also dont wish this on anyone"

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Sound like it could be a tendon issue. Does in make noise when you straighten it out?

Calico696 Calico696
May '11

Guess our posts crossed. Sounds like trigger finger. Try wear a splint at night when you sleep and see if that helps.

Calico696 Calico696
May '11


Calico696 Calico696
May '11

Yeah, it makes a noise it's weird.

Then I'm and idiot and look online and now I freaked myself out LOL

"Totally having the same thing with just my middle fingers in the morning. I have Sjogren's Syndrome which is an autoimmune disease (like Lupus, but different). This could be a symptom of this disease. Arthritis is a side effect of this disease. If you have super dry eyes and a dry mouth I would get tested for Sjogren's."

Just said to hubby the other day I can't stop drinking I'm just so thirsty of course it prob just a coincidence and now I'm being paranoid

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Stop looking crap up online! You most likely don't have some incurable disease. You probably just strained something. Sheesh!

Calico696 Calico696
May '11

Ha Ha I know Calico....I'm just freaking myself out

To be honest more worried about it being nerve damage....I can't bend my pinky finger all the way down but that was due to me cutting my nerve with a knife and the awesome Hackettstown Hospital not realizing it. Now the finger right next to it is the one I'm having trouble with

Nosila Nosila
May '11

I do the same thing, Nosila. It's even worse when I spend all day reading other people's medical records. I always think I have the same symptoms.

Tracy Tracy
May '11

Tracy- Does yours go back to normal? Mine is bent as I type this and it hurts like a ....when I try to move it on it's own

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Did you see your primary yet or are you waiting to see the specialist?

2Cents 2Cents
May '11

LOL Nosila - I think Tracy meant that she looks stuff up and thinks she has symptoms.

I agree with 2cents that you should see you primary first. Like I said it could be something with a tendon. There are also a lot of things/symptoms with fingers that are caused by ulnar nerve (elbow area) problems.

Calico696 Calico696
May '11

This happened to my Dad....he did have trigger finger but it turned out that he had severe carpal tunnel. I AM NOT A PHYSICIAN AND I AM NOT DIAGNOSING YOU only sharing what I know. Good luck, that has to be scary!

LVMomOfBoys LVMomOfBoys
May '11

No I haven't seen my primary yet...I don't want to be a baby

I will prob give it until Monday to see how I feel. Maybe without realizing it I jammed it or something??

Ha Ha Calico your right after I re-read that I'm sure that's what Tracy meant

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Yes, trigger finger, carpal tunnel, trapped ulnar nerve etc. They all have a bearing on fingers.

Calico696 Calico696
May '11

Like I said, try splinting it at night for a few nights. At the very least that should make it feel better. If it's still bothering you, go see your primary next week.

Calico696 Calico696
May '11

Hopefully this is not your shutter-clicking finger! Sorry... just trying to add some levity. Hope you're all better soon. Definitely get it checked out. I would offer DH's services, but he would most likely just tell you to see a specialist... as it's not his field.

Rebecka Rebecka
May '11

Rebecka- We are in the clear we can still go chase bears for a photo opportunity.

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Water is helpful for both the thirst and if you are dehydrated your muscles can react differently and pain can show up in your body. I suggest to drink lots of water and go to the doctor to make sure that there is no underlying issue. Good Luck.

Nosila, like the splint idea and carpal tunnel, etc. may be the root cause. Many years ago I had numbness in my pinky that moved to my ring and middle fingers. That's when I went to the doctors. Turned out it was because I was leaning on my elbow when talking on the phone (market research call person, don't ask) --- anyway, within a couple of days of stopping the behavior all feeling returned to my fingers..... hope it's something as simple : )

trekster3 trekster3
May '11

This is sort of related (and somewhat irrelevant)- when I was younger, about 13/14 I believe, I woke up one day and could not move my ankle. It felt as if I had sat on it wrong and it fell asleep, and was numb to the touch. I ended up having to go for an MRI (I think it was an MRI) after the doc wasn't able to figure out what it was and it did not go away. The MRI showed nothing unusual. Then one day I woke up and it was perfectly fine.

Anyway- random story!

Happy Homemaker Happy Homemaker
May '11

I have trigger finger BUT mine is due to the MS. Mine comes and goes and th elongest time it lasted was a month. I splint it. It gets work with alot of use also. You have been doling alot of hand use latley so that could be the trigger of it. I agree if it lasts see your primary.

Christine Christine
May '11

So after a while this morning it was feeling sooo much better. Now it's starting to hurt really bad again. It's just so weird to me.

Like I said I'm going to give it until Monday. In the mean time I will be sure to drink lots of water and see if that helps and I will buy one of those splint things when I go out later.

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Nosila. This sounds like a pinched nerve or even nerve damage in that finger. Sorry you have this now but think you really should have your primary at least check it now. I had a pinched nerve in my leg and it was a long time to get it back to normal and then had to have physical therapy.

joyful joyful
May '11

I have a small chipped bone in my thumb. Every so often it moves and lodges in my knuckle and boy does that hurt. Whatever position my thumb is in, it stays there until the chip moves out of the knuckle joint. I've seen doctors (3 different) and they all said the same thing. Unless it becomes unbarable, it's better not to do anything. So I've left it alone. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does it is very painful. I find that massaging my thumb seems to move the chip back into its place.

Good luck and I hope you get a diagnosis.

Tanya Tanya
May '11

Yeah, thinking I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow and not Monday. I know feel tingling in my forearm and my other hand now too. It's freaking me out but I'm thinking maybe Lymes??

Nosila Nosila
May '11

Nosila -- update, please!!! How are your hands??

Rebecka Rebecka
May '11

If it was lyme disease there would have been a bullseye ring around the tick site.

ComputerSharp ComputerSharp
May '11

I checked this link because I had a similar symptoms a few years ago. It did in fact turn out to be Lyme, so please do get checked. Unfortunately, it's quite common to NOT get a bullseye rash at the site of the site. In my case, I never had a rash or flu-like symptoms although I was in fact blood-positive for it. Good luck!

FormerlyNewHere FormerlyNewHere
May '11

Nosila - Update please.

Calico696 Calico696
May '11

Well they are still locking up.....LOL but I have not made a doctors appointment. I hate going to the doctor. I keep saying one more day one more day.

Nosila Nosila
May '11

So I have "trigger finger"

Trigger finger and thumb are painful conditions that cause the fingers or thumb to catch or lock in a bent position. The problems often stem from inflammation of tendons that are located within a protective covering called the tendon sheath.

The affected tendons are tough, fibrous bands of tissue that connect the muscles of the forearm to your finger and thumb bones. Together, the tendons and muscles allow you to bend and extend your fingers and thumb, for example, as in making a fist.

A tendon usually glides quite easily through the tissue that covers it (also called a sheath) because of a lubricating membrane surrounding the joint called the synovium. Occasionally a tendon may become inflamed and swollen. When this happens, bending the finger or thumb may pull the inflamed portion through a narrowed tendon sheath, making it snap or pop.

How Is Trigger Finger Treated?

The first step to recovery is to limit activities that aggravate trigger finger. Occasionally, your doctor may put a splint on the affected hand to restrict the joint movement. If symptoms continue, anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, may be prescribed. Your doctor may also recommend an injection of a steroid medication into the tendon sheath. If the condition does not respond to conservative measures or consistently recurs, surgery may be recommended to release the tendon sheath and restore movement.

How Long Does Recovery From Trigger Finger Take?

The time it takes to recover from trigger finger depends on the severity of the condition, which varies from person to person. The choice of treatment also impacts recovery time. For example, splinting may be necessary for six weeks. However, most patients with trigger finger recover within a few weeks by resting and limiting the use of the affected finger and/or using anti-inflammatory medications.

Nosila Nosila
May '11

I had steroid injections a few months ago for trigger finger, and it worked great. I've been fine since.

My doc says I can get up to 5 shots, if needed. After that, he says's it's a very quick minor surgery. He put my mind at ease. I stopped imagining the worst. :-)

Ready4Summer Ready4Summer
May '11

Ready4Summer- Well that makes me feel better....How bad did the shots hurt?

Nosila Nosila
May '11

I have/had the same issue too. I've been to my primary doctor who had blood work done on me for anything/all that it could possibly be. Nothing in the blood. I had an appt already schedule with my neurologist for my back issues and I brought it up to him. He believes it may be carpal tunnel BUT told me to see an orthopedic if it persists. He gave me some meds for the inflamation and said when finished with them, make an appt to ortho dr. IF I still have the pain. Well I do but it comes one day and may last for quite a few days but then it goes away for a couple of days then comes back. So it's off and on with this problem and I really need to call to make an appt. Finding the time right now is a big problem but I need to have this checked out and diagnosed real soon.

May '11

I have been a postal carrier for 18 yrs. Lately I wake up with all tingly fingers. My left middle finger I can't bend, it takes hours to un-bend. Also my Left thumb I can't bend and I literally hear snap side to side, it's a weird feeling. What should I do? Thanks!

Maryann Maryann
Dec '11

I had a similar thing once a few years ago. Scared me real bad. A former coach actually recommended that I soak it in hot water, but that didn't work. When I iced it, it got better. But it was the beginning of tendonitis (aka, tennis elbow) a painful condition I will hvae to deal with for the rest of my life. I have to do exercises and sometimes I need to wear an air pillow cast on my arm.

This is just my experience. Definitely talk to your doctor about it.

Erik B. Anderson Erik B. Anderson
Dec '11

My wife had the exact same thing, it was one of the first signs of her many pregnancies.

Dec '11

Since ive started working when i wake up my finger is bent and takes afew minutes for me to straighten it and on my palm side theres a bump on the otherside of the knucle so im thinking that it must be something to with that !!

Apr '12

Just fyi. You can have RA and test negative for it. You could ask your Dr. to do some blood work. Look for Sedrate and Crp. They are markers for inflamation. Speaking from experience here.:(

Jaemae Jaemae
Apr '12

skux ... if you have a bump it could be Dupuytrens syndrome. There is now a new procedure for it which is pretty successful. Get it checked out.

happy girl
Apr '12

Shiraz here, looking for some advice. Woke up yesterday as usual and found my middle 3 fingers on my left hand quite sore. They seem a little swollen and are in a half bent position. I can still straighten or close them, but quite painful and I've foind myself constantly massaging it with my right hand. Any ideas? I'm scared to bits as I already have osteoarthritis in both my ankles which restricts me in a lot of ways on a day to day basis, but as I work in an office environment, it can be controlled by not walking or standing too much. But the thought of having an immobile hand is worrying as I spend most my day at a keyboard. Any ideas folks?

shiraz shiraz
May '12

Shiraz: I also have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and have the same symptoms as you. My fingers now have "nodules" as well which is all part and parcel to having this condition. The bad news is it does not get any better with age so just do the Advil routine and Mobec if it gets really painful. Warm compresses on the hands and excercise them (actually the computer is beneficial or knitting to keep the fingers moving). I will be surprised if it is anything else...Good luck with is not pleasant but as they always say....."it could always be worse!"

Joyful Joyful
May '12

P.S: The damp weather we have been having does not help!

Joyful Joyful
May '12

Joy- many thanks for the reply. I guess the most surprising thing is that it happened literally overnight. I did have a habit of "clicking" my fingers and had been told on more than one occassion that it's not good for you, but hey!! Have still to go and see a doctor as it was the weekend and today is a bank holiday here (scotland) so will go tomorrow. I still hope it's something else but I can't seem to find any similar symptoms bar your reply. Thanks all the same and good luck!

shiraz shiraz
May '12

Several mornings ago, I began waking up with major pain in the joint of the middle finger on my left hand. Upon waking, the finger is difficult to bend, but is neither swollen nor sensitive to touch. After being up and about for several hours, the severity of the pain is mitigated, and I hardly remember the problem -- until the next morning!

Is this "trigger finger," osteoarthritis, or something else? Aside from going to the doctor, what should I do?

Shirley Jean Shirley Jean
May '12

When it happened to me I started wearing a brace. I actually haven't had the issue in a very long time so I guess it does go away

Nosila Nosila
May '12

I just woke up the other day and couldn't move my pinky and ring finger. I'm 19, I was playing guitar hero for hours noticed severe pain and stopped as soon as I could. Could it be from having such smalls hands and if so should I even mess around with guitar? I'm big into sports and I wouldn't want this to mess with my work outs. If you could give me advice I'd appreciate it very much thank you.

Brandon Brandon
Aug '12

I hurt my index finger. Its been two months anIi can't bend it at all..
No pain really but its obviously messed up in a sever way..I'm kinda scared to see a doc..
Its it broke or worse?

joshock joshock
Mar '13

Hello I just put my symptoms in and this conversation popped up.
It's funny cause my left hand as well, but it's my ring finger.
My finger tips started going numb 7 months ago, well as time went by my entire hand started going numb.
Then my fingers started aching, and then my hand would ache from my thumb to my ring finger.
When I bend my ring finger it throb and cramp up, I would have to bend it straight with my other hand.
As more time goes by,
It's now just annoying when I wake up it takes about an hour to get it to function only half way and if I force it to bend it is the most horrible pain, and takes me about 30 mins to force bend it straight.
So over this period of time I have learned how to use my hand without my ring finger it is stuck bended down and I can't force it back straight as of 3 weeks now it hurts constantly.
And now my right hand is numb and it's worse than how my left hand started,
My left hand when it was numb it was the feeling as if your foot was asleep.
Well the numbness in my right hand is so bad I literally can not feel nothing

Christina Christina
Sep '14

And all 4 fingers cramp constantly,
But only my middle finger is getting stuck right now.
I have been to numerous Doctors, and none that I have been to can tell me what it is so they gave me a referral to see a specialist. I go next month, and I can't wait.
I have been wearing a brace on both hands for 2 months now.
I went to Walmart and found 2 different
Kinds 1 for carpal tunnel syndrome, and then the other is for arthritis,
Neither brace has given me any form of relief.
It's so frustrating.
I know you all posted awhile back,
B uh t if any of you can shed some light on this numbness, pain, and fingers not bending.
I would greatly appreciate your help!

Christina Christina
Sep '14


A friend's brother had a similar problem. Here's a couple of links to what it could possibly be. This is something you really should have seen a specialist about earlier, especially if it does turn out to be a compartmental issue. If you had an earlier elbow fracture or other trauma to the forearm/elbow area, that could also give you similar issues:

The next link is about Volkmann's Contracture, which is what my friend's brother had:

Best of luck and I hope you're able to get your hand function back to normal quickly and easily without too much more stress than you've already encountered!

Phil D. Phil D.
Sep '14

Not doctors here on this forum, but maybe Fibromyalgia or DPN? We don't know enough about you or your health history. Sounds like Lyrica might help, though.

Sep '14

brandon - just saw your post, sounds like an over use injury playing the guitar hero game, it should have cleared up by now,

things you can do as a guitar player to strengthen your fingers is to keep a tennis ball in your car, at red lights pick it up and squeeze it,

do it a few times with your whole hand, but then also pinch the tennis ball between your thumb and each finger singly, over time the muscles around the joints in your fingers will get stronger, you'll know you are making progress when rings start to feel tighter,

in future when playing guitar, play some every day, and then put it down at the first sign of pain, go back the next day and try and play just a little bit longer,

same thing for piano players, as piano is basically a percussive type of instrument, lots of banging with the fingers

this will help your hands get stronger

also lift weights, dumb bells, barbells, as heavy as you can, this will naturally strengthen your grip over time, stronger finger muscles help support and control the joints of the fingers. that's a good thing.

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Sep '14

My mom (who is 90) swears by braces that have copper in them, recommends them to me now that I'm getting aches and pains that are probably related to playing football 45 years ago.

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Sep '14

"My mom (who is 90) swears by braces that have copper in them, recommends them to me now that I'm getting aches and pains that are probably related to playing football 45 years ago."

Who was her Dentist?

ignatz ignatz
Sep '14

I can't bend my middle finger only I try not to bend but when I'm working I always accidentally bend and it's too painful too straighten up with other hand I take some aleve I can bend a little bit as long as not bend the joint

Vivian walden Vivian walden
Feb '15

I have trouble with the middle finger on my left hand. I believe it is called trigger finger. I haven't been to a doctor for it and not really sure what can be done for it. Mine only bends so far then if it goes all the way it hurts and is hard to straighten unless I use my other hand. Don't know if that is what is wrong with yours. Hope it gets better soon though..

Shady Shady
Feb '15

ooppss.. should have read through the thread before I posted....

Shady Shady
Feb '15

I've had severe neck problems in the past and I tried taking fish oil (which lubricates the joints) and calcium supplements. Well, over time they worked wonders.

As we age our bones/joints become more brittle and lose density. This is why calcium and Omega 3's are very important in sustaining bone/joint health.

positive positive
Feb '15

I have been having trouble bending my right hand in the morning for a year now. Also fingers were falling asleep and a sharp pain occasionally when applying a lot of pressure to something like opening a jar . I had carpal tunnel surgery that fixed everything except the hand bend problem. I was told it's arthritis. I am a side sleeper & read to try sleeping with my arm straight but that hasn't helped. I think it is due to using a computer keyboard that is too high. Going to try moving it lower & see if that is the answer.

Kathy Kathy
Aug '15

Eyes and heart too (Omega 3)...

Please just go to the doctor. I had lost the ability to bend fingers and toes when I was 42.. Went to doctor and I had 92% blockage in a main artery. They ordered emergency surgery cleared the artery and put a stent in. Felt great in 3 days. Posting is great to get an opinion but please go to a professional.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Aug '15

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